20070608113451.pdfos City of Edmonds
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Fsr, 191P (425) 771-0220
DATE: June 8, 2007
TO: Ted Clark
FROM: Jenny Readwin, Plans Ex 'n
RE: Plan Check # 2007-0483
Project: Deck
Project Address: 719 13' Way SW
During. re -review of the above noted application, it was found that the following information,
corrections, or clarifications are needed. Please redline plans or submit two (2) sets of revised
plans/documents (affected sheets only) with a written response to each of the items below to a
Permit Coordinator.
1) ok
2) ok
3) ok
4) ok
5) ok
6) 618/07Maximum conventional spacing for 2x8 joists at 24" o.c. is 10'2': Per plan some of the
joists will be spanning 12'. Revise plans to 2x8 at 16" o.c. or upgrade to 2x10 at 24" o.c.
Specify spacing of floor joists (i.e. 2x8 at 16" o.c.).
7) 6/8/07 Beam was revised so it is no longer cantilevered. Sill by my calculations a 4x8 beam is
over spanned. Upgrade to 4x10 or provide calculation. Provide calculations for 4x8 beam with
4' cantilever at ends.
8) ok
9) 618107Still need framing information in this area. Portion of the deck near that stairs shows
"sleepers" please specify what they are sitting on. They are supporting the end portion of the
deck at this location and this is non -conventional framing (not post/beam/footing). Provide
calculations from a Washington State Licensed Professional Engineer to justify or revise to
conventional framing.
10) ok
1.1) 618107 Specify joist size and spacing. See item 6 above for maximum joist spacing. Also,
specify size of footings (12"x12"x12"minimum poured concrete). Provide framing and
foundation plans for the proposed 11"xl l" deck. Although this deck is less than 30" because the
property is considered a critical area a permit is required and plans must be reviewed.
12) ok