20070625091930.pdfDATE: June 25, 2007
City of Edmonds
(425) 771-0220
TO: William and Diane Ritchey
Sierra. ent@comeast.net
FROM: Jenny Readwin, Plans Ex Ener
RE: Plan Check # 2006-0898
Project: Ritchey Garage/Shop
Project Address: 7028 164th St SW
During re -review of the above noted application, it was found that the following information,
corrections, or clarifications are needed. Please redline plans or submit two (2) sets of revised
plans/documents (affected sheets only) with a written response to each of the items below to a
Permit Coordinator.
1) ok
2) ok
3) 6/25/07 New site plan specifies a CB in the access easement. Please clearly show location of
access easement and CB on the site plan. For the datum point specify what part of the utility
pole specifically is the datum point (i.e. base, nail, etc.).
4) ok
5) ok
6) 6/25/07 See below new comments based on breezeway detail provided. Provide complete
framing/foundation plans for proposed breezeway connecting the proposed garage to the
existing carport.
■ Specify ledger attachment type, size and spacing. Also note what it is attaching to (i.e.
garage rim joist?).
■ Provide framing/foundation plan to verify spans.
■ Specify size of existing footing. Additional loads will be placed from breezeway roof and
must be verified. They will also need to be exposed in the field for the inspector to verify.
■ Specify how full depth blocking will be done at the existing roof line under the new posts
to transfer loads to existing post/beam below.
7) ok
8) ok
9) 6/25/07 Even if detail came from Engineer calculations are required to be submitted to
justify. Please provide. Provide structural calculations for proposed retaining wall and reference
detail location on the plans. If this detail does not apply to this project please cross out as well as
any other details that do not apply to this project.
10) 6/25/07 New: 7x14 PSL framing at the stairs is now missing off this plan. Please add framing or
clarify proposed stair framing and provide new calculations to justify.