20070626133354.pdf�F �D City of Edmonds
Fsr 1g9p (425)771-0220
DATE: June 26, 2007
TO: Gary Seale
Sandler Architects
FAX: 206-682-1403
FROM: Ann Bullis, Assistant Building Official
RE: Plan Check #2007-0619
Project: Holy Rosary School — Storage Building
Project Address: 760 Aloha Way
During review of the plans for the above noted project, it was found that the following information,
clarifications or changes are needed. Provide written responses to each comment and where
changes can be found on the plans. Please submit revised plans/documents to Theresa Umbaugh,
Permit Coordinator. These exterior wall and opening protection issues were discussed during our
phone conversation last month.
1. On the plans, note the Type of Construction for the existing building (Type VA per City
archived plans), and the proposed storage building (assumed to be Type VB for this review).
2. Based on the list of types of materials that will be stored, revise occupancy to S 1.
3. The new building must be located on the lot so it does not affect the existing building with
regards to exterior wall and opening protection, unless you will be altering the existing building
to meet current code with regards to these issues. TBC 704.3
4. On the site plan and floor plan, show the location of the imaginary property line between
buildings and dimension the distances from the imaginary property lines to each building for
determining exterior wall and opening protection. IBC 704.3
5. Based on the distance to the imaginary property line, provide opening calculations per TBC
704.8 for each of the existing walls of the school, and for the wall of the new storage building
with the door that faces the school.
6. Clearly show the fire ratings of the exterior walls of both buildings on the plans. IBC 602
7. Dimension distance from new storage building to the east property line.
8. Show the location of the janitor sink and hose bibb (noted on the permit application) on the floor
plan. Provide side sewer and water service line information (location, pipe size and type) on the
site plan that will serve the plumbing fixtures.