20070640-20070645 Valhalla Townhomes _2_.pdf
City of Edmonds
121 5 AVENUE NORTH EDMONDS, WA 98020 (425) 771-0220 FAX(425) 771-0221
Website: www.ci.edmonds.wa.us
Planning Building Engineering
Plan Review Corrections
Application : Date:
# bld20070040-20070645 December 5, 2007
Project Name/Address:
Valhalla / 23004 Edmonds Way
Contact Person/Address, Fax or E-mail:
Erik Bredberg /e-mail: erikb@adshapiro.com
Reviewer: Jeanie McConnellDivision:Engineering
During review of the above noted application, it was found that the following information, corrections, or
clarifications are needed. Please redline plans or submit three (3) sets of revised plans/documents with a
written response to each of the items below to Marie Harrison.
1.9/10/07 comment - Please provide a traffic control and haul route plan. Traffic control shall be shown for
work on SR104 as well as 232.
12/5/07 response letter states this will be provided by contractor. To date, City has not received.
2.9/10/07 comment - An e-mail was sent to Tony on August 5 stating WSDOT needs to review and approve
the channelization plan for the proposed changes at the intersection of 232 & SR104. The contact names
provided were: Ramin Pazooki 206-440-4710 or Celine Vogler 206-440-4711. The new lane
configuration/layout for the eastbound approach of this intersection has also not been included with the civil
plan set. The City will need to review this design as well.
12/5/07 City Traffic Engineer has reviewed and finds the proposal acceptable. Please forward to
WSDOT for review.
C1.0 Site & Utility Overview
1.9/10/07 comment - The civil sheets shall include a site development plan showing all frontage
improvements, including c/g placement on 232 and road widening, striping requirements, drive aisle
widths, parking stall dimensions, striping requirements, signage, mailbox location, etc. Some of the
information or revisions requested below is based off of notes provided on C4.0 Grading Plan, but should
be shown on the site development plan instead.
12/5/07 Please include copy of architectural sheet providing this information, with the civil plan set.
2.9/10/07 comment - An asphalt ramp sloped no greater than 1:12 shall be constructed at the west end of the
new sidewalk on 232. The ramp shall connect the new sidewalk to the existing asphalt road.
12/5/07 Extruded curb is okay on private property. Curb and gutter on the west side of the driveway
approach shall follow radius and alignment of sidewalk. A ramp shall be constructed on the west side
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per standard detail E2.27. A 1:12 ACP ramp shall be constructed on the west end of the concrete ramp
and taper back to 232 Street roadway.
3.9/10/07 coment - The sidewalk at the corner of 232 and SR104 is shown to be constructed partially on
private property. An easement to the City of Edmonds will be required for this portion of the sidewalk.
12/5/07 Response letter states sidewalk/ramp location was revised so as not to be located on private
property. The plans however still show the sidewalk on private property. Please also note, revisions
were made to the sidewalk location on SR-104 which has now placed portions of it on private property.
An easement will be required.
4.9/10/07 comment - A 4 street dedication is proposed along 232 St SW. Please provide a copy of the
recorded deed to the City.
12/5/07 Response letter states this will be provided after WSDOT approval of 232 Street layout.
Okay, thank you.
C3.0 Temporary Erosion & Sedimentation Control Plan
1.9/10/07 comment - Please provide a copy of the easement or agreement with the neighbor allowing grading
to be performed on their property.
12/5/07 Plans have been revised to not require at this time. Will provide after signed.
C3.1 Temporary Erosion & Sedimentation Control Details.
1.9/10/07 comment - Detail 2 shall be removed and replaced with City standard detail E1.3 for catch basin
Thank you for revising the detail, however, the detail shown is not the most current update. The current
update shows the requirement for emergency overflow holes. City handouts can be obtained off our
C4.0 and C4.1 Grading Plan
1.9/10/07 comment - Please place notes regarding frontage improvements on C1.0 Site Improvement plan,
as requested above.
12/5/07 Thank you for placing notes on Site Improvement Plan. Please grey out this information on
this sheet.
2.Please provide grading quantities identifying both cut and fill. The amount of grading shall include cut for
the foundation as well.
12/5/07 Grading quantities have been provided (8455 cut), but this amount exceeds the 4300cy
allowed by SEPA. Please contact Gina Coccia, Planner for information on how to amend SEPA.
3.9/10/07 comment - The retaining wall along the frontage of the property is shown to be greater than 4 in
height. Please provide a design and calculations stamped by a licensed engineer.
12/5/07 Response letter states this will be included with the buildings. The walls are critical to grading
and foundation permits. Please provide with this application or revise grading plan.
4.9/10/07 comment - A 4 wide swale with intermittent sections of ductile iron pipe is shown at the back of
sidewalk. Please provide a detail specific to the construction of the swale. Indicate max slope of walls, base
material and thickness, permanent stabilization requirements and rip rap pad at each ductile inlet and outlet.
12/5/07 Outstanding item. Response letter states the details of this swale cannot yet be finalized.
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C5.0 and C5.1 Storm Drainage Plan
1.9/10/07 comment - Trash racks should be provided at outfall lines from the bioretention area.
12/5/07 Trash rack note has been added, but a detail has not yet been provided. Please include detail
in plan set.
2.9/10/07 comment - Please clarify plans to show the NE end of the open swale. Where does the storm water
flow at this point?
12/5/07 The plans still do not clearly show connection of the open swale to the storm system. Should
the ductile pipe under the last set of stairs be directly connected to a CB?
3.Please clearly show invert elevations for existing storm system on SR-104 in the vicinity of new CB #8.
4.Please reference details provided on C5.3 for infiltration facility.
C5.3 Storm Drainage Note & Details
1. Trench patch detail has been provided, however trench patching in SR-104 requires CDF. Please include
standard detail E4.4.
C6.0 and C6.1 Sewer and Water Plan
1.9/10/07 comment - As previously discussed, Olympic View Water and Sewer district is the water and sewer
purveyor for this property. Please submit civil plans to Roger Eberhart at OVWSD for review and approval.
Three copies of the plans with his signature of approval shall be provided to the City of Edmonds.
12/5/07 Response letter states plans are under review with OVWSD. City will await copies of the
final approved plans.
2.9/10/07 comment - All hydrants (existing and proposed) shall have 4 storz adapters.
12/5/07 Please note this requirement at all existing hydrants as well.
3.9/10/07 comment - Provide cross sections of water, sewer and storm main crossings.
12/5/07 Response letter states this information will be added for final review.
4.9/10/07 comment - Will an irrigation meter be provided? If so, please show the location and the required
backflow assembly.
12/5/07 Response letter states the location will be added.
5.9/10/07 comment - In the plan review corrections from the Fire Department dated August 16, 2007, it is
stated that the fire connection permit is required to be submitted with the civils. Please show the location of
the required fire line vault on private property and the connection point to the water main in the right-of-
way. This work shall be done in accordance with standard details E7.18 or E7.18.1 and E7.20.
12/5/07 When buildings are not constructed to property line vaults are typically installed within 10 of
the property line to house the DCDA. As this is OVWSD this may not be a requirement. I will verify
with the Fire Department and OVWSD.
C7.0 Street Improvement Plan
1.Please note reference to details on sheet C7.2.
2.Please also see comment #2 under C1.0.
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C7.1 Channelization Plan
1.Please include City standard details E3.1.1 and E3.2 for Pavement Striping and Crosswalk detail.
Please contact me at 425-771-0220 or by e-mail at mcconnell@ci.edmonds.wa.us if you have specific
questions regarding these plan corrections.
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