20070669 Edmonds Elementary Path & Ampitheater.pdf
City of Edmonds
121 5 AVENUE NORTH EDMONDS, WA 98020 (425) 771-0220 FAX(425) 771-0221
Website: www.ci.edmonds.wa.us
Planning Building Engineering
Plan Review Corrections
Application : Date:
# bld20070669 August 5, 2007
Project Name/Address:
Edmonds Elementary / 1215 Olympic Ave
Contact Person/Address, Fax or E-mail:
Brian Harding / e-mail: hardingb@edmonds.wednet.edu
Reviewer: Jeanie McConnellDivision:Engineering
During review of the above noted application, it was found that the following information, corrections, or
clarifications are needed. Please redline plans or submit three (3) sets of revised plans/documents with a
written response to each of the items below to a Permit Coordinator. Theresa Umbaugh is your City
contact for this project.
1.A drainage report was submitted, but did not include drainage calculations. The detention system is stated
to be sized for 10,900sf of impervious area which would require design and calcs by a licensed engineer.
Upon submittal of this information, the storm system design will be reviewed by Blaine Chesterfield, Storm
Water Program Manager.
2.It is understood from the drainage report that the asphalt areas (including the path) will add approximately
10,900 sf of impervious area. An equivalent area from the parking lot will be detained in lieu of detaining
the area from the new path. Please confirm the amount of parking lot impervious area in which storm water
flows will be directed to the new detention system.
3.Please provide RIM and invert elevations for the detention system and the oil/water separator on the
drainage plan.
4.The detention system shall be designed to include an upstream manhole to allow for access and maintenance
of the detention system.
5.Please callout the requirement for polypropylene steps in the detention manhole.
6.The existing outfall line from the CB in the parking lot will be intercepted and routed to the detention
system. Please confirm that the detention pipe will be prefabricated to allow for this inlet pipe. Also, please
identify the existing storm pipe material and the type of connection (fitting) required to connect this pipe to
the detention system.
7.Call out the requirement to abandon the existing 8 outfall line from the CB in the parking lot to the CB in
the gutterline on Viewland Way.
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8.There is a storm pipe shown from the ampitheater area connecting to an existing 12 yard drain. Where
does yard drain outlet to?
9.The proposed topography contours near the detention system indicate regarding of the west parking lot
access. Will this access drive be regarded or will the extent of the grading stop at the existing curb?
10.Please revise C1.1 Notes to state Current Edition of the WSDOT standards . . .
11.Please revise the plans to show the location of the City watermain and easement area that runs through the
12.The details provided on sheet C2.1 shall be revised to reflect City of Edmonds standard details. Please
incorporate the City details into the plan set.
E1.1 Filter Fence
E1.2 Rock Entrance
E1.3 CB protection
Please contact me at 425-771-0220 or by e-mail at mcconnell@ci.edmonds.wa.us if you have specific
questions regarding these plan corrections.
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