20070696 Arbor Villa Condos.pdf
City of Edmonds
121 5 AVENUE NORTH • EDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 FAX(425) 771-0221
Website: www.ci.edmonds.wa.us
Planning • Building • Engineering
Plan Review Corrections
# BLD20070696 October 1, 2007
Project Name/Address:
Arbor Villa Condominiums / 7507 – 212 St SW
Contact Person/Address, Fax or E-mail:
MIKE ADAMS / Madams@TGBArchitects.com
Ed SibrelDivision:Engineering
During review of the above noted application, it was found that the following information, corrections, or
clarifications are needed. Please redline plans or submit three (3) sets of revised plans/documents with a
written response to each of the items below to Marie Harrison.
1. Please provide an itemized estimate for both on-site and off-site (frontage and right-of-way) improvements,
including traffic control. You will be required to place a bond for 120% of the City approved estimate for the
off-site improvements. The 2.2% inspection fee is based on 120% of the City approved estimate for the off-site
project improvements.
2. Include a copy of the Striping plan with the civils.
3. Provide a trash enclosure detail with the civils.
Sheet A 1.00 - Architectural Site Plan
4. If any utilities are to be shown on A 1.00, they must be shown consistent with the civils and the Site
Development Plan.
5. Show the new fire hydrant and note the upgrade to the existing fire hydrant per the Fire Marshall’s
6. There appears to be two extraneous drawing objects on the east and west margins of the site plan. If these
items are “real,” as in retaining walls, rockeries, etc., please identify and label them.
7. Please clarify the easement note on A1.00. what type is it? Who benefits?
Sheet 1 – Grading and TESC
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8. Show where proposed silt fence is to be located, include and provide reference to Edmonds Standard Detail
E1.1 within the plan set.
9. Install filter socks in first and second downstream catch basins within the project site and include and
provide reference to Edmonds Standard Detail E1.3 within the plan set.
10. Show where materials are to be staged / stockpiled.
11. Please note the grading quantities calculated for this project. Such quantities shall also include foundation
excavation. Include bottom-of-footing elevations so that the quantities may be verified.
12. Please include the proposed contours on all the civils.
13. The same objects noted in comment #4 exist on this sheet.
Sheet 2 – Road & Drainage
14. Be advised that any curb, gutter, sidewalk, or access entrance that is damaged during construction, or
otherwise broken or failing shall be replaced. Please note this requirement on the plan.
15. The same objects noted in comment #4 exist on this sheet.
16. The detention pipe elevation noted on View 1 of the restrictor manhole does not agree with that noted in the
drainage report.
17. The top of detention pipe elevation, presumed to be 418.60 (3’ up from the elevation noted in the drainage
report), only provides for 1.1’ of cover, judging from the noted rim elevation at CB #2. 2’ minimum of cover
must be provided over detention pipe.
18. As there are no proposed contours, there is no way to conclusively verify rim and invert elevations for any
of the proposed drainage structures. Please revise accordingly.
19. Notes pertaining to existing and proposed CBs on NE corner of property are cut off. Adjacent proposed
pipe is not specified.
20. Roof and footing drain lines require revision, as the foundation lines are not accurate on the plan (the
garages are enclosed).
21. View 1 of restrictor manhole shows a solid round lid. It should be grated to agree with the rest of the plan.
22. Show the flow directions to the detention CBs in the parking lot. Note the rim elevations between CB1 and
CB2 suggest a slope of less than 1% for the concrete vally gutter noted in View 3. How are flows transferred
from gutter to CBs? Will the CBs be incorporated into the gutter?
23. All CB lids other than the detention CBs shall be solid.
24. All grated CB lids shall be vaned grates.
25. The notations for the pipe directions on the detention pipe inlet and storm outlet on CB 2 should be west and
east, respectively.
26. Remove old parking lot lines from plan.
Sheet 3, Details
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27. Show Edmonds Standard Details E1.1 and E1.3 on the plan. These and other standard details are available
28. Indicate where Standard Detail E7.18 will be used.
Parking Plan
29. The same objects noted in comment #4 exist on this sheet.
Traffic Control and Haul Route Plan
30. The traffic control plan and haul route is adequate for this project. Note that if frontage is to be repaired /
replaced as described in comment #11, then a more specific plan will be required for those particular activities.
Please note this requirement on the plan
Water and Sewer Plan
31. Has not been submitted.
32. Show full extents of existing and proposed water, sewer and storm lines on the utilities plan sheets so that
potential design overlaps can be ascertained. Show all existing and proposed vaults, cleanouts, fire connections,
33. An 8” water line exists on the Architectural Site Plan that is not otherwise identified or labeled in the civils;
if it is the existing fire line, identify it as such and note where the existing vault is located.
34. Note whether domestic / fire lines are combined or separate, and identify all appurtenances. Show locations
of all meters – domestic and irrigation. A backflow assembly is required on irrigation meters.
35.As noted in the Fire Department Plan Corrections (#6a), a submittal for a fire connection permit will be
required to be submitted at the same time as your civil engineering plans. The permit submittal shall include a
Double Check Detector Assembly (DCDA) and vault and shall be located on private property near the property
line/right-of-way line along the 212 Street frontage;
i. The size of the DCDA shall be approved by the Fire Department with the Fire Connection permit.
The vault shall be sized in accordance with City standard detail E7.8 and E7.8.1. Please include and
provide reference to these details within the plan set.
ii. The connection of the fire line to the City water main (on 212 St SW) shall be per City standard
details E7.18 and E7.20. Please include and provide reference to these details within the plan set.
iii. As the detail E7.18 indicates, a valve cluster will be required at the connection to the City main.
Any proposed domestic water lines shall be installed within the valve cluster as well as any
proposed future domestic service for the existing buildings.
iv. Water meters shall be located within the City right-of-way at the property line.
v. Backflow assemblies shall be located immediately after the water meter on private property.
36. A 6” sanitary sewer line exists on the Architectural Site Plan that is not noted in the civils and that
presumably serves the three existing buildings as well as the proposed building. This shall be upgraded to an 8”
line and shall connect to the city sewer main via a manhole.
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Landscaping Plan
37. Show the irrigation meter and the backflow preventer assembly on the plan.
38. The location of the detention system does not agree with the civils.
39. The objects noted in comment #4 also exist on this sheet.
Please contact me at 425-771-0220 or by e-mail at sibrel@ci.edmonds.wa.us if you have specific questions
regarding these plan corrections.
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