20070696 Arbor Villa Condos_3.pdf
City of Edmonds
121 5 AVENUE NORTH • EDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 FAX(425) 771-0221
Website: www.ci.edmonds.wa.us
Planning • Building • Engineering
Plan Review Corrections
# BLD20070696 March 26, 2008 / March 31, 2008
Project Name/Address:
Arbor Villa Condominiums / 7507 – 212 St SW
Contact Person/Address, Fax or E-mail:
MIKE ADAMS / Madams@TGBArchitects.com
Ed SibrelDivision:Engineering
During review of the above noted application, it was found that the following information, corrections, or
clarifications are needed. Please redline plans or submit three (3) sets of revised plans/documents with a
written response to each of the items below to Marie Harrison.
1. <Please provide an itemized estimate for both on-site and off-site (frontage and right-of-way) improvements,
including traffic control. You will be required to place a bond for 120% of the City approved estimate for the
off-site improvements. The 2.2% inspection fee is based on 120% of the City approved estimate for the off-site
project improvements.>
--the engineer’s estimate is missing the valve cluster items related to the domestic and fire lines.
--the 6” RSGV associated with the fire hydrant is missing from the estimate.
-- see the comments in the Water and Sewer Plan for potential further adjustments to the estimate.
-- offsite improvements: include the ACP trench patch and CDF backfill.
-- onsite improvements missing 8” PVC for drainage, 3” CPVC for water, 10” DIP sleeve for sewer, filter
sock for TESC, trash enclosure, and striping costs.
-- if existing 6” sewer is to be removed as stated, provide a cost for the work; if it is to be abandoned, note
it as such.
2. OK P.00
3. <Provide a trash enclosure detail with the civils. >
--please note the depth of the enclosure in the plan
--note that trash enclosure is to be on a concrete slab.
--gates on trash enclosure to be secured by drop pins.
Sheet A 1.00 - Architectural Site Plan
4. OK
5. OK
6. OK
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7. OK
Sheet 1 – Grading and TESC
8. OK
9. OK
10. OK
11. <Please note the grading quantities calculated for this project. Such quantities shall also include foundation
excavation. Include bottom-of-footing elevations so that the quantities may be verified.>
--Engineering has calculated the grading to be on the order of 600 cubic yards for the building footprint,
not including site grading, which passes the threshold for a SEPA determination.
12. OK
13. OK
. Please indicate on plan the existing rockery that is to be removed in the area of parking stall #49.
Sheet 2 – Road & Drainage
14. OK
Please remove “Sewer and Water” from the sheet title—that is the new title of sheet 3.
15. OK
16. OK
17. Request for deviation from the 2’ minimum detention pipe cover is granted. Pipe cover shall be the
minimum noted in the deviation request, 1.62 feet.
. Thank you for the addition of a water quality measure to the drainage system. However, the required water
quality measures for driven surfaces over 5,000 square feet in extent are usually addressed via stormceptors,
baffle systems, bioswales, or other methods that can be used to trap the automotive oils and fuels and that dead
storage misses. Please note on the civils how this measure is achieved. Engineering does note that the extent of
the asphalt surface only exceeds the threshold by a few hundred feet, so it may be worthwhile to explore ways
of reducing said surface in order to avoid the water quality requirement altogether.
18. OK
19. OK
20. OK
21. OK
22. OK
23. OK
24. OK
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25. OK
26. OK
Sheet 3, Sewer and Water, (formerly Details)
27. OK
Add north arrow and scale.
28. OK
(items 29 and 30 further below)
31. OK, submitted.
32. OK
33. OK
33A. The single-check detector assembly on the existing fire line shall be upgraded to a DCDA.
33B. The eastern 8” RSGV associated with the new fire hydrant is not required.
34. <Note whether domestic / fire lines are combined or separate, and identify all appurtenances. Show
locations of all meters – domestic and irrigation. A backflow assembly is required on irrigation meters.>
--Please include Standard Details E7.10 and E7.11 for the RPBA and hotbox on the irrigation meter.
35.As noted in the Fire Department Plan Corrections (#6a), a submittal for a fire connection permit will be
required to be submitted at the same time as your civil engineering plans.>
not done.
Since you propose a combined fire/domestic line, please contact Mike Smith,
Acting Fire Marshal, 425-775-
, per his March 26, 2008 comments regarding the particular requirements of the proposed system.
36. OK.
. Show how the sewer connection to the SSMH is to be accomplished, include Standard Detail E6.1 with
the plans for channelization info. If an inside drop is proposed, include Standard Detail E6.5. Be aware inside
drop proposals must have approval from Public Works.
Parking Plan, Sheet P.00
29. The extent of the retaining wall on the parking plan next to stall #49 does not agree with the civils.
Dimension parking stalls and drive aisle. Stalls shall be 8.5’x16.5’ and drive shall be 24’ wide.
Traffic Control and Haul Route Plan
30. Revise notes as follows:
A. In Item #1, replace “218 Street SW” with “212 St SW” and “80 Ave W” with “76 Ave W.”
B. In Item #2, replace “218 Street SW” with “212 St SW” and delete all following words up to, but not
including, “to access State Route 99.”
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C. Delete Items #3 and #4. 212 St SW shall not be closed during construction. A minimum of one lane in
each direction shall remain open during construction hours and all lanes shall be open outside of construction
D. Note that it is highly recommended that lane closunot
res or shifts occur during local school arrival /
dismissal times lane closures or lane shifts shall ocur during local school arrival / dismissal times. Contact
the schools in the immediate area and note those times on the plan.
. Trucks shall completely enter site to offload materials and shall not block sidewalks or travelled ways on
. A more detailed traffic control plan that addresses the utility work within the city right-of-way is required
which will describe any lane closures, lane shifts, and flagging operations.
Landscaping Plan
37. OK
38. OK
39. OK
Please contact me at 425-771-0220 or by e-mail at sibrel@ci.edmonds.wa.us if you have specific questions
regarding these plan corrections.
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