20070712135915.pdfBowman, Duane
Taylor, Kathleen
Thursday, July fly, 2007 2:56 PM
'artfame@aol.com ; 'emmaasteinberg@aol.com ; 'paulkhsu@hotmail.com';
`raeller@verizon.net'; 'renzo@rjnarchitects.com'
Bowman, Duane
Setback Determination for 805 Driftwood Place
805 Driftwood Pl
setbacks.pdf ...
To all concerned parties - Richard & Alice Eller, Paul Hsu, Renzo Nakata, Glenn & Emma Steinberg
I've attached a copy of my decision regarding the setbacks for the property at 805 Driftwood Place. If you wish to appeal
the decision, the process is as follows:
The decision must be appealed within 14 calendar days from the date of decision. If you wish to appeal, you must submit
the following:
• Your appeal in writing.
• A list of all property owners within 300 feet of the subject property. There is a handout at the city that details how to
get that information from Snohomish County, and in what format it must be submitted_
• Total fees of $395_ ($230 appeal of staff decision f $150 sign posting + $15 administrative fee)
I will be out of the office until Wednesday 7111, so if you have questions about filing an appeal you may contact the
Planning Division at 425.771.0220. The planner on duty can assist you. If you have questions specific to the decision that
cannot wait until next Wednesday, you may contact Duane Bowman, Development Services Director. He is very familiar
with the proposal.
Kathleen Taylor
Associate Planner
City of Edmonds Planning Division
ph 425.771.0220 x,1223
fax 425.771.0221
July 5, 2007
Street File for 805 Driftwood Place
Kathleen Taylor, Associate Planner
Setbacks for 805 Driftwood Place
The property at 805 Driftwood Place fronts Driftwood Place in two locations, and is therefore
considered to be a corner lot. A Corner Lot is defined by Edmonds Community Development
Code (ECDC) 21.15. 100 which states, "Corner lot means a lot which has frontage on two or
more streets where the streets meet." The following code sections were also used in determining
the setbacks for the subject property:
ECDC 21.90.140 Street setback. Street setback means the minimum distance required by this
code for a building or structure to be set back from the street lot line.
ECDC 2190.130 Street lot line. Street lot line means the liW or lines along the edge of a strect
or access right-of-way or easement. [Where the official street map shows a proposed right-of-
ight-ofway, the edge of the proposed right-of-way shall be used as the street lot line. If additional right-
ightof-way has been required as provided in ECDC 18.80.010, note 4, and such requirement
unreasonably restricts the building footprint established by setback requirements, the city staff
may calculate required setbacks for issuance of a building permit by alternatively treasuring the
setback from the standard street lot line, and not from the new street lot line as increased by a
requirement levied under the authority of ECDC 18.80.010, note 4.]
ECDC 21.90,120 Street. Street means the public or private right-of-way or access easement
which provides vehicle access to five or more lots.
ECDC 21.90.040 Side lot line. Side lot line means any lot line that is not a. street or rear lot line.
ECDC 2190.050 Side setback. Side setback is the minimum distance required by this code for a
building or structure to be setback from a side lot line.
ECDC 21.55.040 Lot line. Lot line means any line enclosing the lot area.
ECDC 16.20.030 Table of site development standards.
City of Edmonds ca3 Planning Division
The subject property is zoned RS -12. According to ECDC 16.20.030 the required setbacks for
RS -12 are as follows: Minimum street setback of 25 feet, minimum side setback of 10 feet, and a
minimum rear setback of 25 feet.
Since the subject property is considered to be a corner lot, the street setbacks will be required
from the street lot lines where the property fronts Driftwood Place in two locations. All other lot
lines will be considered to side lot lines. Therefore, the setbacks for 805 Driftwood Place will be
as follows. 25 feet from the two street lot.lines and 10 feet from all other lot lines.
PIease note: Since a stream is located along the northern portion of the lot, additional buffer area
and setback is required from the stream, This memo does not attempt to address those