121 5 Avenue North • Edmonds, WA 98020
Phone: 425.771.0220 • Fax: 425.771.0221 • Web: www.ci.edmonds.wa.us
Plan Review Comments – Planning Division
September 6, 2007
Davis Hargrave
Lance Mueller & Associates
130 Lakeside – Suite 250
Seattle WA 98122
Phone: 206.325.2553 | Fax: 206.328.0554
RE: BLD-2007-0789 (First Review)
Magic Toyota Parking Garage
21300 Highway 99 (CG2 Zone)
Dear Applicant,
I have reviewed the above building permit application for the Planning Division and it
was found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications will need to be
addressed before review can continue:
1.Design Review:
Please note that this project is also undergoing design review (staff
administrative decision). I have already issued a SEPA determination for the project
(DNS issued 08.30.07) and I’m currently working on the design review staff report.
This is a separate file, number ADB-2007-0063 and you will receive separate
correspondence if I have any additional questions.
2.Landscaping Bid:
Please provide an itemized landscaping estimate (labor and
materials) so that the landscape inspection fee (and bond, if applicable) can be
I am well aware that this project is under the 75-foot height limit. However,
please show this on an elevation view by redlining the Maximum Height (436.25),
Average Grade (361.25) and the Actual Height (377.5?) on an elevation view.
Please submit elevations for review. The main element that you’ll need
to show is that the project complies with ECDC 16.60.030.D (Building Design and
Massing). Please respond to the following code section:
ECDC 16.30.030.D. Building Design and Massing
1. Buildings shall convey a visually distinct “base” and “top.” A “base” and “top” can be
emphasized in different ways, such as masonry pattern, more architectural detail, step-backs and
overhangs, lighting, recesses, visible “plinth” above which the wall rises, storefront, canopies, or a
combination thereof. They can also be emphasized by using architectural elements not listed above, as
approved, that meet the intent.
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2. In buildings with footprints of over 10,000 square feet, attention needs to be given to scale,
massing, and facade design so as to reduce the effect of large single building masses. Ways to
accomplish this can include articulation, changes of materials, offsets, setbacks, angles or curves of
facades, or by the use of distinctive roof forms. This can also be accomplished by using architectural
elements not listed above, as approved, that meet the intent. Note that facade offsets or step-backs
should not be applied to the ground floor of street-front facades in pedestrian-oriented zones or districts.
3. Alternatives to massing requirements may be achieved by:
a. Creation of a public plaza or other open space which may substitute for a massing
requirement if the space is at least 1,000 square feet in area. In commercial zones, this public space shall
be a public plaza with amenities such as benches, tables, planters and other elements.
b. Retaining or reusing an historic structure listed on the National Register or the Edmonds
register of historic places. Any addition or new building on the site must be designed to be compatible
with the historic structure.
4. To ensure that buildings do not display blank, unattractive walls to the abutting streets or
residential properties, walls or portions of walls abutting streets or visible from residentially zoned
properties shall have architectural treatment applied by incorporating at least four of the following
elements into the design of the facade:
a. Masonry (except for flat concrete block).
b. Concrete or masonry plinth at the base of the wall.
c. Belt courses of a different texture and color.
d. Projecting cornice.
e. Projecting metal canopy.
f. Decorative tilework.
g. Trellis containing planting.
h. Medallions.
i. Artwork or wall graphics.
j. Vertical differentiation.
k. Lighting fixtures.
l. An architectural element not listed above, as approved, that meets the intent. \[Ord. 3635
§ 1, 2007\].
Thank you for your cooperation. Please provide a written response to the above
mentioned items. And, please redline your plans to reflect any changes – or, if you are
submitting new plans, please submit 3 site plans (one must be reduced size) and 2 sets
of the changed pages of the plans.Please make all submittals to the Development
Services Permit Coordinator (Marie Harrison) Monday through Friday, 9am to noon or
1pm to 4pm. I am the Planner assigned to this project. If you have any questions,
please do not hesitate to contact me at (425) 771-0220, extension 1778. I look forward
to working with you on this project.
Gina Coccia, Planner
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