20070926110023.pdfOV EDO City of Edmonds
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est I $qo (425) 771-0220
DATE: September 26, 2007
TO: Terrance Hennig
FROM: Jenny Readwin, Plans E 'n
RE: Plan Check # 2007-0804
Project: Lee Addition
Project Address: 19120 83rd Ave W.
During re -review of the above noted application, it was found that the following information,
corrections, or clarifications are needed. Please redline plans or submit two (2) sets of revised
plans/documents (affected sheets only) with a written response to each of the items below to a
Permit Coordinator.
1) Please add the following information to the site plan.
■ 9/26/07 Still need. Reduced site plan submitted is not legible. Even though the lot is large,
if the lot is turned sideways it will more than fit on legal sized paper at I "=20 '. Also note
that the notes can be palced on a separate sheet ofpaper. Reduced plot plan must be scaled
no smaller than 1 "=20 on 8 '/2" x 14" or smaller paper.
9 9/26/07 Still need noted on the site plan. Specify if the South deck is existing or proposed.
If proposed provide construction plans.
■ 9/26/07 Still need noted on the site plan. I see reference to 400' datum elevation but what
is this? It must be a fixed point (i.e. sewer manhole, water meter, etc.). Specify datum point
and elevation.
You may redline plans or resubmit three (3) new site plans scaled no smaller than 1"=20' and
one on paper no larger than 8 %z" x 14".
2) ok