20071008113018.pdfo Eno City of Edmonds
est. } g90 (425) 771-0220
DATE: October 8, 2007
TO: Jerry's Home Repair and Remodel
FROM: Jenny Readwin, Plans Ex in
RE: Plan Check # 2007-0989
Project: Deck replacement
Project Address: 8809 Olympic View Dr.
During review of the above noted application, it was found that the following information,
corrections, or clarifications are needed. Please redline plans or submit two (2) sets of revised
plans/documents (affected sheets only) with a written response to each of the items below to a
Permit Coordinator.
1) Please add the following information to the site plan.
■ Topography lines (see attached site plan from previous permit -this can be used as a
You may redline plans or resubmit three (3) new site plans scaled no smaller than 1"=20' and
one on paper no larger than 8 %2" x 14".
2) Maximum ledger lag screw size and spacing is 318" x 4 %2" at 4" o.c. Revise plans or provide
calculations stamped and signed by a Washington State Licensed Professional Engineer for
spacing show on the plans.
3) All wood exposed to weather must be pressure treated or naturally decay resistance. Please note
on plans.
4) February 8, 2007 a Geotechnical Report was done by HWA GcoSciences, Inc. for an addition to
this property. Please provide a supplemental letter from this Geotehcnial Engineer with
recommendations for the deck footings or provide new geotechnical report from a different
Washington State Licensed Professional Engineer including soil samples for the proposed deck
"Nothing in this permit approval be
interpreted As alloanngor permitting
iaaintenance of any currently esiefaa illegal,
nonconforming or un rmitW. building, structaure � ne�,_ Cornerbf Fly �
or site condition whkh is outside the scope of the Setbacks LqWrea
peanut application, regardless of whether such
uulding, structure or condition is shown on the Front '
Site.plarl or drawing. Such building, structure or Sides
condition may be the subject of a separate
enforcement action. Rear D �.�...-.
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February 8, 2007
HNVA Project No. 2007-000-21, Task 5
Precision Construction Services, Inc.
112.6 8"i Avenue Soul!]
Edmonds, WA. 98020
Attn. Mr. Jay LeNvis
residential Addition
8.09 Olympic View.Drive
Edmonds 'Vi'ashingtou 98026
Dear Mr. Lewis:
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At your request,14WA GeoSciences Inc. (IIWA.) has iuldertaken and completed a
geotechnicalinvestigation within and beyond the footprint of'the proposed. residential.
addition at the: subject site at 8809° Olphpic View Drive, in Edmonds, Washington. This
investigation has been p:erforrapd in support of application requiied..to obtain a building
perinit from the City of Edmonds for the proposed basement floor addition to the existing
For the purposes oftliis investigation HWA performed a rt%liew of the-pertinentgeologic
snaps, conducted a site reemmai;;sance to observe local topographic features; excavated
3 shallow hand borings, and conducted 3 DCP'(Dropiveight Cone_Penetrotneter)
soundings to delineate site soil conditions within the. footprint of the proposed addition:
T11e. subject property consists of the developed portion of a lot located within the NW '1,
Section 18, Tovniship 27 N. and,Range 4 E; situated at municipal.address 8809 Olympic
V:iewl)ri re,.in Ednionds,.lVasl rigton (Snohoitrish.-County No. 0094500.000400). The
approximatesite location is depicted on Figure 1, tile Project Site & Vicinity. Mali. Based
upon the site map provided by Thomas J. Ester (Architect); the new addition will occupy
the area nortli of the-existing.garacre and.east of the existing residential 19.730 - 64 itis.
suite no
structure, as'shown on Figure 2, the Site & Exploration Plan Mali: T:ytuttt'atSii,Wj19Ao3C.7957
Td 425.7711:0306
Fav 425,771271.4`.. j
February 8, 2007
HWA Project No. 2007-000-21, Task 5
As currently proposed, the basement floor addition will. be attached to and extended along
the east side of the existing residential structure north of the garage. The addition will
consist of a basement level, concrete -wailed, structure supported on a foundation system
consisting of cast -in-place concrete strip footings. The proposed addition will be roughly
22 feet long and extend out from the existing residential structure about 16 feet,
occupying approximately ±350 square feet according to the site map provided the
The existing residential structure occupies approximately 1,477 square feet (roof
coverage) in the south-central portion of an 11,230 square foot lot. Currently, a two car,
456 -square foot, garage is attached along the southeast side of the house, When
completed, the addition will occupy the area north of the garage, attaching to the
northeast wall of the existing basement level. The house is set into a slope, which is
moderately inclined to the southwest at about 15% or less in grade. A low rockery
traverses the slope approximately 20 feet north from the existing house at its closest
point. The position of this rockery suggests that it was installed to retain fill placed to
level the back yard adjacent to the north side of the house.
No ground water seeps or surface water erosion features were seen on site, and the
existing house showed no apparent signs of settlement or foundation distress. There are
no distinct signs of recent or past movement on the hill slope and the upper surface soils
along the slope were found to be firm at shallow depth, when probed with a 3 -foot long,
'l2 -inch diameter, steel T -handled bar.
The published geological reap "Composite Geologic Map of the Sno-King Area",
prepared by Booth, et al, 2004, shows that the upper plateau north of Puget Drive is
underlain by Advance Outwash. Advance Outwash deposits typically consist of dense to
very dense, yellowish brown to gray, clean to silty, fine to coarse sand, but may contain
gravelly layers at the top and silty layers near the base. Subsequent to deposition, this
soil was over-ridden by the advancing glacial front and, therefore, is expected to exhibit
low compressibility and very high shear strength. These soils transmit ground water
freely and are prone to erosion when denuded of vegetation.
According to the Soil Conservation Map for Snohomish County (NRCS, online web soil
survey, 2007), the site is overlain by Alderwood gravelly sandy loam, on 8 to 15 percent
8809 Olympic View Drive. 2 HWA GeoSciences Inc.
February 8, 2007
HWA Project No. 2007-000-21, Task 5
slopes. The Alderwood sandy loam soils formed on glacial till plains. The runoff is slow
and the erosion hazard is slight for these soils.
On January 22!' , 2007, an HWA geologist conducted a limited shallow hand -exploration
program to evaluate near -surface conditions on the site. At that time, 3 hand borings
were conducted to depths ranging from 2.5 to 6.2 feet, before refusing on coarse gravel or
cobbles. Site soil conditions were noted at each of the hand boring locations, which were
selected based on the location of proposed addition as shown on the Site Plan provided
by the Architect. The approximate locations of our hand borings are shown on Figure 2,
the Site & Exploration Plan Map. Hand boring logs were prepared from our
observations, and are presented on Figures 5 through 7. A legend of the terms and
symbols used on the exploration logs precedes them as Figure 4. For ease of
interpretation of soil conditions on site, Figure 3 provides an inferred geologic cross-
section through the proposed development and several of our borings. The straiigraphic
contacts shown on the hand boring logs and the cross-section represent the approximate
boundaries between soil types; actual transitions may be more gradual.
The hand auger borings at the locations of HH -1, HH -2, were supplemented by utilizing a
Dropweight Cone Penetrometer (DCP) to check relative soil density/strength conditions.
The DCI' consists of a steel extension shaft assembly, with a SO degree hardened steel
cone tip attached to one end, which is driven into the subsoil by means of a sliding drop
hammer. The base diameter of the cone is 20mm. The diameter of the shaft is 8mm less
than that of the cone to ensure that at shallow penetration depths the resistance to
penetration is exerted on the cone alone. The DCP is driven by repeatedly dropping an
8 kg sliding hammer fiom a height of 575 mm. The depth of cone penetration was
measured after each hammer drop and the soil shear strength is reported in terms of the
DCP index. The DCP index is based on the average penetration depth resulting fiom
1 blow of the 8 kg hammer and is reported as millimeters per blow (mm/blow). The data
obtained from the DCP tests was correlated to approximate Standard Penetration Testing
(SPT) blows per foot, in order to evaluate the strength of the subgrade soils. The DCP
data is plotted on the appropriate Hand Boring Logs in Appendix A. In addition, a third
DCP sounding was conducted without an associated hand auger boring, and is designated
DCP-3 and is presented on Figure 8.
Typically, the near surface soils observed in the hand borings consisted of loose to
median dense fill soils overlying weathered and unweathered glacial outwash soils. The
soil conditions are described briefly as follows:
Topsoil: At the surface at the location of all the hand borings, topsoil consisting of loose,
dark brown, silty sand with gravel, containing abundant organic material, was
encountered. The topsoil layer encountered ranged from 0.25 to 0.33 feet in thickness.
8809 Olympic View Drive. 3 HWA GeoSciences Inc.
FebLuaiy 8, 2007
HWA Project No. 2007-000-21, Task 5
Fill: -Below the topsoil layer in all hand borings, and at the surface in DCP-3, fill was
encountered, consisting of loose to medium dense, brown, silty sand with gravel, rootlets,
woody debris and charcoal pieces. This soil unit was only fully penetrated in.HH-2
where it was about 5.5 feet thick. The other hand borings were terminated due to refusal
on coarse gravel or cobbles and did not fully penetrate the fill. At the location of DCP-3,
native soil was encountered at an approximate depth of 9.5 below the existing ground
surface. Apparently the fill thickens to the south along the alignment explored on site.
Advance Outwash — Advance Outwash soils, consisting of dense, yellow brown, fine to
medium sand with gravel was encountered below the fill at an approximate depth of
5.7 feet in HH -2. DCP refusal, presumably in dense native soils, occurred at a depth of
9.5 feet below the existing ground surface, in DCP-3. The thickness of this unit is
unknown as it was too deep to fully penetrate with hand tools. We expect that the depth
to dense sand increases somewhat from north to south due to the amount of filling
required to level those areas near the adjacent property to the east and the on-site gauge.
Ground water seepage was not observed in any of the hand borings. However, it is
anticipated that ground water conditions will vary depending on the season, variation in
local subsurface conditions, and other factors. During wet season periods, it is possible
that ground water may become perched on the surface of the low permeability deposits at
other locations of this site.
In accordance with the criteria contained in the City of Edmonds Code, Title 23 -Natural
Resources; Chapter 23.80 -- Geologically Hazardous Areas, the subject site is not within
an area designated as a potential erosion or landslidelsteep slope or seismic hazard.
The existing native soils consist of soils that were indirectly glacially consolidated, and
are dense. Present site development plans do not include any modification of the steep
slope portion of the existing hillslope, and will not extend significantly beyond the
present footprint to the north.
In summary, the soil conditions within the portion of the site proposed for the addition
consist of dense, granular, glacial outwash soils, overlain by loose to medium dense fill
and topsoil layers at least 5. to 9 feet thicic. The actual depth to dense, native, sands at
other locations within the footprint of the addition will need to be verified in the field
8809O.Iympic View Drive. 4 HWA GeOSciences Inc.
February 8, 2007
HWA Project No. 2007-000-21, Task 5
during construction. In our opinion, the dense native sand will provide adequate bearing
for the residential foundation system.
Excavation and Temporary Shoring Requirements
Preparation for construction of conventional foundations will require the excavation and
removal of all undocumented fill beneath proposed footing and slab areas. Based on the
results of our investigation, these excavations will be at least 5 feet deep or greater and
require lay backs and/or shoring to protect workers and existing structures in accordance
with Part N of WAC (Washington Administrative Code) 296-155. The fill materials at
the site classify as Type C soil. Unsupported excavations in Type C soils must be
inclined no steeper than 1'/211: 1V (horizontal to vertical). Flatter slopes may be required
where ground water seepage occurs. We expect shoring will be required along the east
side of the excavation to protect the adjacent property and underpinning on the south to
protect the existing garage foundation. Temporary slopes should be protected from
erosion, as necessaty, by covering the cut face with well -anchored plastic sheets.
Maintenance of safe working conditions, including temporary excavation stability, is the
responsibility of the contractor. Based on the soil conditions observed in our
explorations, we anticipate that the on-site soils can be excavated with conventional
equipment such as backhoes and loaders.
Design Considerations: The proposed structure may be supported on footings bearing
directly on dense native soils, or either properly compacted structural fill consisting of
compacted crushed rock base course, meeting the requirements specified in WSDOT
Standard Specification Section 9-03.9(3), or controlled density fill (CDF; 1 -sack concrete
mix) placed over dense native soils. The advantage of using CDF backfill is that once
excavations are made to bearing soils, backfilling can occur immediately, with minimal
shoring and no workers in open excavations or trenches with steep back slopes. The
recommended compaction level for crushed rock base course placed under footing and
slab levels is 95% Modified Proctor maximum dry density (per ASTM D1557).
Exterior strip footings bearing on native dense sand may be proportioned for an allowable
bearing pressure of 3, 000 psf. This may be increased by 1/3 for short-term loads such as
wind and seismic effects. Exterior footings should be founded at least 18 inches below
the lowest adjacent finished grade, and interior footings should be founded at least
12 inches below the lowest adjacent finished grade. We recommend strip footings be a
minimum of 18 inches wide and interior spread footings be a minimum of 24 inches in
the smallest dimension — these recommendations may govern footing design.
Alternatively, if excavation of the existing fill is not desired, then the structure could be
founded on a pin pile (small diameter steel pipe pile) and grade beam foundation system s
that would transfer wall loads directly to bearing soils and support the slab should the fill
settle in the future.
8809 Olympic View Drive. 5 HWA GeoSciences Inc.
February 8, 2007
HWA Project No. 2007-040-21, Task 5
Construction Considerations: Footing excavations should be trimmed neat and the
excavation bottoms should be carefully prepared in order to minimize the amount of
over -excavation required. The ground surface where structural fill, foundations, or slabs
are to be placed should be proof -rolled, or suitably probed. This procedure will help
determine the presence and approximate extent of any soft or unstable areas. Proof-
roofrolling or probing should be performed under full-time observation of an HWA
representative. Any soils that cannot be adequately recompacted should be over -
excavated and the unsuitable materials removed and replaced with compacted structural
fill to a depth that will provide a stable base.
Over -excavation and compaction of the structural fill should extend outward from the
edge of the footing a lateral distance of at least two feet. We recommend that HWA be
retained to observe footing excavations, and placement and compaction of structural fill
prior to pouring concrete.
Assuming construction is performed as recommended herein, we estimate that the total
and differential settlements for foundations will be less than 1 -inch and Y2 -inch,
An important component of ensuring stability of the on-site slopes is the provision of
adequate surface and subsurface drainage to prevent water buildup in the slope deposits.
To help facilitate this, footing drains should be installed around the perimeter of all
exterior foundation walls and tied into an appropriate offsite disposal system.
Seismic Considerations
Should it be necessary for a development of this type to design for seismic conditions, we
anticipate that the new structure would be designed in accordance with the 2403
International Building Code (IBC) standards. In this regard, for seismic design, the site is
considered Site Class C, as described in Section 1615.1 of the 2403 IBC. For the site
location, the design maximum considered spectral response acceleration at short periods,
SS, is 1.26g. The design maximum considered spectral response acceleration 1 second
period, Si, is 0.43g.
Soil liquefaction is a phenomenon wherein loose, saturated, granular deposits temporarily
lose strength and behave as a liquid in response to earthquake shaking. Based on our
observation of relatively dense material at or close to the base of the hand borings and the
apparent absence of regional ground water at shallow depths, we consider the potential
for seismic liquefaction on the site to be negligible. Hence, seismically induced
liquefaction instability is not considered to be an issue for this site.
Erosion Control during Construction
Best Management Practices (BMP's) as described in City of Edmonds Code must be
followed. These measures include an erosion control plan brat addresses, limiting
activity during wet periods, placement of a silt retention system on the eastern side of the
8809 Olympic View Drive. 6 HWA GeoSeiences Inc.
February 8, 2407
HWA Project No. 2407-000-21, Task 5
property, and proper disposal or recompaction of any material that is disturbed on the
We have prepared this letter report for Precision Construction, Inc., and the property
owner Mr. Jay Lewis, for use in construction and pennitting of the proposed basement
addition on the subject lot. Experience has shown that soil and ground water conditions
can vary significantly over small distances. Inconsistent conditions can occur between
explorations and may not be detected by a geotechnical study.
The scope of work did not include environmental assessments or evaluations regarding
the presence or absence of wetlands or hazardous substances in the soil, surface water, or
ground water at this site. HWA does not practice or consult in the field of safety
engineering. We do not direct the contractor's operations and we cannot be responsible
for the safety of personnel other than our own on the site; the safety of others is the
responsibility of the contractor. The contractor should notify the owner if any of the
recommended actions presented herein are considered unsafe.
We appreciate the opportunity to be of service. If you have any questions regarding this
report, please do not hesitate to contact me at (425) 774-0146.
Steven E. Greene, L.E.G.
Vice President/Senior Engineering Geologist
8809 Olympic View Drive. 7 HWA GeoSciences Inc.
February 8, 2007
HWA Project No. 2007-000-21, Task 5
Figure 1:
Project Site Location and Vicinity Map
Figure 2:
Site Plan & Proposed Addition Location
Figure 3:
Geologic Cross -Section A -A'
Figure 4:
Legend of Symbols and Terms
Figure 5:
Log of HH -1
Figure 6:
Log of HH -2
Figure 7
Log of HH -3
Figure 8
Log of DCP-3
Booth, D.B, Cox, B.F., Troost, K.G., a S. A. Shi;nel, 2004, Composite Geologic Map of
the Sno-King Area, University of Washington, Seattle Area Geologic Mapping
City of Edmonds, 2000, Title 23 -Natural Resources; Chapter 23.80 --- Geologically
,Hazardous Areas.
International Code Council (ICC), 2003 International Building Code.
MRCS, 1983, Soils Map of Snohomish County Area, WA661 (on-line version)
WSDOT, 2044, Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge, and Municipal Construction,
8809 Olympic View Drive. 8 HVA GeoSciences Inc.