20071106120022.pdfPage 1 of 2 4 �F EDS ti � aid Q0MEMORANDUM Fst. 1890 Date: November 6, 2007 To: Bruce Moe, Point Edwards, LLC From: Ann Bullis, Assistant Building Official Subject: Building 6 & 7 — Response to letter dated 10/11/07 This letter is in response to your letter dated October 11, 2007 regarding Temporary Occupancy for Building 7 prior to completion of Building 6. Enclosed you will find a copy of the current Temporary Occupancy Request form and policy (dated September 11, 2006). Please clearly address all items on the form and in the policy in your request and be sure to include the processing fee. In reviewing item #2 on page 2 of your letter the Building and Fire Departments have the following comments (this is only preliminary in nature in an effort to address possible future issues since per your schedule, you would not be requesting temporary occupancy until March 2008): • Temporary occupancy is granted for a maximum of 60 days. Final occupancy inspection approvals must be received from all inspection departments within 60 days of the issuance of the Temporary Occupancy. All construction aspects of the garage of Building 6 must be complete, including fire and life -safety items (see attached temporary occupancy request form), since occupants would be required to travel through this area to access the Building 7 parking garage. * Building 6 will provide active dry sprinkler system in garage area. Smoke detectors interconnected to fire alarm will be provided on the residential side of each opening to the garage (e.g. elevator lobbies). • The automatic fire door in the fire wall separating Buildings 6 & 7 at the parking garage must be interconnected to the fire alarm system so that a sprinkler waterflow in either building and smoke detector in selected locations will activate to close the door. Page 2 of 2 • Construction vehicles can be parked in the Building 6 garage, but no construction materials, accumulations of rubbish, or construction work including hotwork, will be permitted in the garage. Daily monitoring of conditions is expected by your crew and violations serve as cause for revocation of TCO. • Garage exhaust ventilation systems must be in place and functional for both garages and connected to the carbon monoxide sensing devices. • Exterior exit and accessible paths of travel must be complete for the Building 6 garage. • Provide a plan of how you will be preventing occupants in the garage of Building 6 from accessing the remaining portions of the building. • The LPG tanks must be relocated away from the Fire Department Connection and Post Indicator Valve. A permit is required to place LPG tanks at their new location. • Loop Road improvements must be complete for Fire Department/Emergency Vehicle access. Access shall be unobstructed and unimpaired around entire roadway at all times for emergency purposes. • Fire hydrant south of Building 9 site on Loop Road must be installed and functional. • Backflow assembly test reports must be submitted for Building 6 & 7. • Once the rockery/retaining wall issued is resolved between buildings 6 & 7 and Amenities, a revised site plan (3 full-size copies + 1 reduced copy) must be submitted showing the changes made in that area, including exterior exit path of travel to the public way and accessible route of travel. f E Af ° .°°� BUILDING OFFICIAL x M ' INTERPRETATION MANUAL est. 1890 DATE: September 11, 2006 SUBJECT: Temporary Occupancy CODE(S): International Residential Building Code International Building Code The purpose of this 'interpretation is to provide a process to review and approve temporary occupancy requests made on commercial or residential construction projects. IBC Section 110 and R110 allow the Building Official to grant temporary occupancy provided `the building or portion thereof can be occupied safely.' It is understood that no building or portion of any building shall be used or occupied if any fire and life -safety items are outstanding. FUNDAMENTAL REQUIREMENTS Certain fundamental requirements must be provided and shall be complete and approved before temporary occupancy is considered: • The building enclosure is complete (windows, siding, roof, doors). • Fire rated construction (floor/ceiling, walls & unit separations, etc.) are complete. • Fire protections systems are complete and in full operation, (i.e., fire sprinkler, standpipes, fire and smoke detection and notification). • Components of the means of egress system are complete and operable (fire doors and windows, illuminated exit signage, and emergency lighting). • Accessible site and building access, accessible parking, and elevator operational. • Interior finish materials are complete. • Required parking spaces per Edmonds Community Development Code are provided. • Utilities are installed and in operation (i.e., storm, water, sewer, heat, light, and garbage). • Cross connection protecting the potable water system are installed and in operation. PROCEDURE FOR REQUESTING TEMPORARY OCCUPANCY The Building/Project owner (not the contractor or tenant) shall complete the attached request form and submit with required processing fees to the City Building Official for temporary occupancy consideration. The form shall include information on the specific units, spaces or floors requesting occupancy, a written statement of how continued construction and occupant co- existence can be achieved, a site plan showing Fire Department access, construction worker parking, construction material storage areas, garbage access etc. A work schedule shall be included detailing completion of the remainder of the project and estimated date for request for Certificate of Occupancy for the entire building. CITY CONDITIONS OF TEMPORARY OCCUPANCY If temporary occupancy is granted, the City will condition requests with the following: 1. The maximum time allowed for temporary occupancy (final building completion) shall not exceed 60 days. 2. All performance bonds for the entire project shall be held until final occupancy for all portions of the building are granted. 3. Partial occupancy inspection fees for each inspecting Department shall be assessed at the established hourly rate. If the requestor desires a preliminary inspection in preparation of the Temporary Occupancy additional hourly inspection fees will be charged. 4. All tenant complaints (inconvenience, noise, parking, dust, etc.) must be resolved by the building owner. Repeated complaints may result in revocation of the temporary occupancy approval. 5. All required permits have been obtained from the City, all outstanding permit fees, review fees, inspection fees, etc. have been paid in full. 6. Granting of the temporary occupancy does not waive Building Official or Fire Marshal authority to revoke occupancy at any time for cause and immediate enforcement action may be taken. 7. If the building is not complete within 60 days a new request for temporary occupancy must be requested and all new inspection fees shall be collected; failure to comply shall result in a Notice of Vacation. BY: Effective Date: 419-11-46 Building ficial REQUEST FOR TEMPORARY OCCUPANCY FORM Project Name, Project Address, Person Requesting Temporary Occupancy (Note only the property owner or building owner may request temporary occupancy) (Print Name) Today's Date Date Temporary Occupancy Needed Check the box indicating that the noted items are complete. on site. All fire and life -safety requirements for Building, Fire and Engineering shall be complete in order for Temporary Occupancy to be considered. List any specific item that is missing and indicate the date when it will be provided. 1. ❑ All building windows, exterior siding, roof, and exterior doors are installed/complete. Missing: 2. ❑ All required fire rated construction (floor/ceiling, walls & unit separations, etc.) and structural members (columns, beams, etc.) are complete. Missing: 3. ❑ All required fire protections systems are complete and in full operation, including fire sprinkler, fire alarm, standpipes, fire and smoke detection, fire suppression, etc.). Annunciation and/or notification equipment is installed and is operational. Missing: 4. ❑ All required components of the means of egress system shall be complete and operable, including but not limited to exit enclosures/corridors, fire rated doors and windows, door hardware, illuminated exit signage, and emergency lighting, stair handrails, guardrails, etc. Missing: 5. ❑ Accessible signage, accessible parking, ramps, and directional signage is installed. Missing. 6. ❑ All interior finish materials on floors and walls are complete. Missing: 7. ❑ The number parking spaces on-site striped are including accessible parking space(s). Missing: 8. ❑ Circle the following utilities that are complete (storm, water, sewer, electrical, heat, light, phone, cable, and garbage/recycling). Missing: 9. ❑ Required cross connection protection of the potable water system installed for premise isolation and all required interior fixtures. Missing: 10. ❑ Specify the unit numbers, tenant spaces or floors requesting occupancy. 11. ❑ For multifamily or mixed use buildings, submit a written statement of how continued construction and occupant co -existence will be achieved. 12. ❑ Attach a site plan showing the following: • How Fire Department access will be maintained. • Location of construction worker parking (on street parking shall be regulated by Parking Enforcement and will be subject to applicable fines). • Construction material storage. • How safe tenant access will be maintained to the spaces/areas where temporary occupancy is being requested. • How required parking will be kept clear of construction worker parking and material storage. • How garbage access will be maintained clear and accessible. • A work schedule detailing completion of the remainder of the project and estimated date for request for Certificate of Occupancy for the entire building. 13. ❑ The State Electrical Inspector has approved service. Missing: 14. ❑ Elevator service has been approved by the State Inspector. Missing: 15. ❑ Snohomish County Health District approval has been granted. 16. ❑ Plumbing systems are complete. Missing: 17. ❑ Mechanical and HVAC systems are complete. Missing: 18. ❑ Address numbers posted, occupant load signs posted, accessible signage is posted. 19. ❑ For buildings containing more than two units, submit the Building Enclosure letter required by HB 1848. 20. ❑ Attach a work schedule detailing the remaining work on the project and include a final completion date.