20071107130827.pdfo Eno City of Edmonds PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS BUILDING DIVISION (425) 771-0220 DATE: November 7, 2007 TO: Trevor and Melissa Thirsk E-mail: tthirsk@msn.com FROM: Ann Bullis, Assistant Building Official RE: Plan Check # 2007.1017 Project: Thirsk Remodel Project Address: 7232 174th Street SW During review of the plans for the above noted project, it was found that the following information, clarifications or changes are needed. Provide written responses to each comment and where changes can be found on the plans. Please resubmit to Marie Harrison, Permit Coordinator. Nonstructural Comments 1. Provide a floor plan for the basement, including use of all rooms/spaces and show the location of the new gas fireplace insert. 2. Note on the floor plan that the new entry door will be minimum 3'-0" wide x 6'-8" high and that the side windows will be safety glazed (R308.4) 3. Note on the plans which windows (new/replaced) are openable for minimum natural ventilation (total openable area must be at least 4% of the floor area of the room served). R303.1 4. Show the existing and proposed fixture layout (toilet, lav, shower/tub, etc.) for the remodeled bathrooms and dimension minimum clearances (see enclosed R307). 5. Provide wall construction detail (stud size, spacing, sheetrock, etc.). 6. Note if exterior walls are 2x4 or 2x6 and note insulation of infill areas to the maximum extent possible (R15 for 2x4 and R21 for 2x6). 7. Smoke detectors are required in each sleeping room, centrally located in areas accessing sleeping rooms, with a minimum of one on each floor. Smoke detectors must be hardwired with battery backup and be interconnected. R313 8. New exterior door at master bedroom must have a hard surface landing (and step if needed — a maximum 7 3/a" step down to the landing is permitted). Provide detail of landing/stair construction. R311 9. Show location of second new fireplace insert noted on the submitted fixture schedule. Structural Comments 10. Cross reference all details where they apply on the floor and framing plans. 11. Clarify on the floor plan which direction the stair wall will move and provide construction detail as this a required guardrail. Note stair headroom on the construction detail (minimum 6'8" must be provided measured vertically from tread nosing). Dimension the width of the hallway at the stair (36" min). 12. Show how new interior loads from new beams are carried in a direct load path to the foundation. Note the footing sizes and show the locations on the basement pian. Note width of foundation wall supporting the new post within the exterior wall. 13. Note post sizes and locations on the plans to carry full width of beams to the footings/foundation. 14. Provide beam calculations for each of the 3 % x 12 PSLs, 'including point load at bedroom door. 15. Note the post to beam and post to footing connectors on the plans. 16. Add roof framing alteration bedroom/bathroom areas to the roof framing plans. Note size of existing ridge board or ridge beam. 17. Dimension span of beams, rafters, and joists on the framing plans so that all loads and calculations can be checked. 18. Revise Detail #2 to meet conventional construction per Figure R802.5.1 (enclosed), or roof framing design must be stamped/signed by a State licensed Professional Engineer including structural calculations. For conventional construction, where purlin braces connect to the side of a beam, provide skewed joist hangers. 19. Add roof framing alteration at hallway near stair to roof framing plans. Provide detail showing loads carried to foundation. 20. Note which interior walls are existing/proposed bearing walls on the framing plans. 21. Provide section detail through garage/kitchen roof framing to show that all loads are carried to bearing and to clarify framing/connections shown on last 2 pages of plans. Page 2 of 2 height of at least 7 feet (2134 mm) and no portion of the required floor area may have a ceiling height of less than 5 feet (1524 ruin). 4. Bathrooms shall have a minimum ceiling height of 6 feet 8 inches (2036 mm) over the fixture and at the front clearance area for fixtures as shown in Figure R307.1. A shower or tub equipped with a showerhead shall have a minimum ceiling height of 6 feet 8 inches (2036 mm) above a minimum area 30 inches (762 mm) by 30 inches (762 mm) at the showerhead. SECTION R306 SANITATION R306.1 Toilet facilities. Every dwelling unit shall be provided with a water closet, lavatory, and a bathtub or shower. WALL WALL �{ 1� 41 N. 4 IN. 1I IJ t211N. CLEARANCE 151N.--" For SI_ 1 inch = 25.4 min. WC LAVATORIES 21 IN. CLEARANCE ]� 4 IN. BUILDING PLANNING R306.2 Kitchen. Each dwelling unit shall be provided with a kitchen area and every kitchen area shall be provided with a sink_ R306.3 Sewage disposal. All plumbing fixtures shall be con- nected to a sanitary sewer or to an approved private sewage dis- posal system. 8306.4 Water supply to fixtures. All plumbing fixtures shall be connected to an approved water supply. Kitchen sinks, lava- tories, bathtubs, showers, bidets, laundry tubs and washing machine outlets shall be provided with hot and cold water. SECTION R307 TOILET, BATH AND SHOWER SPACES 8307.1 Space required. Fixtures shall be spaced as per Figure 8307.1 _ R307.2 Bathtub and shower spaces. Bathtub and shower floors and walls above bathtubs with installed shower heads WATER CLOSET OR 131DET 151N. wATf=R N n.q 21 IN, WALL O 1301N 301N. MIN. 24 IN. CLEARANCE IN FRONT OF OPENING SHOWER FIGURE 8307.1 MINIMUM FIXTURE CLEARANCES WALL 2006 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE 49 G TOP PLATE) ROOF -CEILING CONSTRUCTION RAFTER SPAN— SEE TABLES R802.5.1(1) THROUGH 8802.5.1(8) RIDGE BOARD PURLIN CONTINUOUS BETWEEN SUPPORT BRACES 1 PURLIN SAME SIZE AS �-RAFTER. SEE SECTION'~ 8802.5.1 45° MIN .—. For SL 1 inch =25.4 mm, I foot= 304.8 mm, 1 degree =0.018 rad. NOTE: Where ceiling joints run perpendicular to the rafters, rafter ties shall be nailed to each rafter near the top of the ceiling joist. FIGURE R802.5.1 BRACED RAFTER CONSTRUCTION R802.10,2.1 Applicability limits. The provisions of this section shall control the design of truss roof framing when snow controls for buildings not greater than 60 feet (18 288 mm) in length perpendicular to the joist, rafter or truss span, not greater than 36 feet (10 973 mm) in width parallel to the joist span or truss, not greater than two sto- ries in height with each story not greater than 10 feet (3048 mm) high, and roof slopes not smaller than 3:12 (25 -percent slope) or greater than 12:12 (100 -percent slope). Truss roof framing constructed in accordance with the provisions of this section shall be limited to sites subjected to a maximum design wind speed of 110 miles per hour (49 m/s), Exposure A, B or C, and a maximum ground snow load of 70 psf (3352 Pa). Roof snow load is to be computed as: 0.7 pg. R802.10.3 Bracing. Trusses shall be braced to prevent rota- tion and provide lateral stability in accordance with the requirements specified in the construction documents for the building and on the individual truss design drawings. In the absence of specific bracing requirements, trusses shall be braced in accordance with the Building Component Safety Information (SCSI 1-03) Guide to Good Practice for Handling, Installing & Bracing of Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses. R802.10A Alterations to trusses. Truss members shall not be cut, notched, drilled, spliced or otherwise altered in any NAIL TO JOIST way without the approval of a registered design professional. Alterations resulting in the addition of load (e.g., HVAC equipment, water heater) that exceeds the design load for the truss shall not be permitted without verification that the truss is capable of supporting such additional loading. R802105 Truss to wall connection. Trusses shall be con- nected to wall plates by the use of approved connectors having a resistance to uplift of not less than 175 pounds (779 N) and shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's speci- fications. For roof assemblies subject to wind uplift pressures of 20 pounds per square foot (960 Pa) or greater, as established in Table R301.2(2), adjusted for height and exposure per Table R301.2(3), see section R802.11. R802.11 Roof tie -down. R802.11.1 Uplift resistance. Roof assemblies which are sub- ject to wind uplift pressures of 20 pounds per square foot (960 Pa) or greater shall have roof rafters or trusses attached to their supporting wall assemblies by connections capable of provid- ing the resistance required in Table R802.11. Wind uplift pres- sures shall be determined using an effective wind area of .100 square feet (9.3 m2) and Zone 1 in Table R301.2(2), as adjusted for height and exposure per Table R301.2(3). A continuous load path shall be designed to transmit the uplift forces from the rafter or truss ties to the foundation. 2006 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE® 267 CEILING JOIST" 2 IN. x 4 IN. PURLIN SEE TABLES R802.4(1) SUPPORT BRACE AND R802.4(2) AT 4 FT O.C. BEARING PARTITIONS For SL 1 inch =25.4 mm, I foot= 304.8 mm, 1 degree =0.018 rad. NOTE: Where ceiling joints run perpendicular to the rafters, rafter ties shall be nailed to each rafter near the top of the ceiling joist. FIGURE R802.5.1 BRACED RAFTER CONSTRUCTION R802.10,2.1 Applicability limits. The provisions of this section shall control the design of truss roof framing when snow controls for buildings not greater than 60 feet (18 288 mm) in length perpendicular to the joist, rafter or truss span, not greater than 36 feet (10 973 mm) in width parallel to the joist span or truss, not greater than two sto- ries in height with each story not greater than 10 feet (3048 mm) high, and roof slopes not smaller than 3:12 (25 -percent slope) or greater than 12:12 (100 -percent slope). Truss roof framing constructed in accordance with the provisions of this section shall be limited to sites subjected to a maximum design wind speed of 110 miles per hour (49 m/s), Exposure A, B or C, and a maximum ground snow load of 70 psf (3352 Pa). Roof snow load is to be computed as: 0.7 pg. R802.10.3 Bracing. Trusses shall be braced to prevent rota- tion and provide lateral stability in accordance with the requirements specified in the construction documents for the building and on the individual truss design drawings. In the absence of specific bracing requirements, trusses shall be braced in accordance with the Building Component Safety Information (SCSI 1-03) Guide to Good Practice for Handling, Installing & Bracing of Metal Plate Connected Wood Trusses. R802.10A Alterations to trusses. Truss members shall not be cut, notched, drilled, spliced or otherwise altered in any NAIL TO JOIST way without the approval of a registered design professional. Alterations resulting in the addition of load (e.g., HVAC equipment, water heater) that exceeds the design load for the truss shall not be permitted without verification that the truss is capable of supporting such additional loading. R802105 Truss to wall connection. Trusses shall be con- nected to wall plates by the use of approved connectors having a resistance to uplift of not less than 175 pounds (779 N) and shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's speci- fications. For roof assemblies subject to wind uplift pressures of 20 pounds per square foot (960 Pa) or greater, as established in Table R301.2(2), adjusted for height and exposure per Table R301.2(3), see section R802.11. R802.11 Roof tie -down. R802.11.1 Uplift resistance. Roof assemblies which are sub- ject to wind uplift pressures of 20 pounds per square foot (960 Pa) or greater shall have roof rafters or trusses attached to their supporting wall assemblies by connections capable of provid- ing the resistance required in Table R802.11. Wind uplift pres- sures shall be determined using an effective wind area of .100 square feet (9.3 m2) and Zone 1 in Table R301.2(2), as adjusted for height and exposure per Table R301.2(3). A continuous load path shall be designed to transmit the uplift forces from the rafter or truss ties to the foundation. 2006 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE® 267