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CITY OF EDMONDS PLANNING DIVISION BLDG, REQUEST FOR COMMENT FORM Project Number: CU -07-86 Applicant's Name: . ROBERT PRESTON Property Location: 809 CARY ROAD Date of Complete Application: 11/6/07 Zoning: RS -12 Project Description: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR RADIO AMATEUR TOWER - REMOVE EXISTING TOWER & REPLACE WITH NEW. Return comments to Planning Division no later than: 11/20/07 If you have any questions or need clarification on this project, please contact: Responsible Staff: GINA COCCIA Ext, 1778 City Department: ' JI l T_>,V, 7 _P10 S)0iJ Name of Individual Submitting Comments: AAS ___FOL" S Title: k2515TA-M - -FJ1 Liz( bra C frcj4b_, This project would / would not (please circle one) affect this department. Comments (please attach memo if additional space is needed): The following conditions should be attached to this permit to ensure compliance with the requirements of this department (please attach m mo if additional space is needed): 5 cr 1 Date: 1 I 1 t9 12,L�V 7 Signature: Phone/E-mail:�2� - 771--© Date: BUILDING DIVISION COMMENTS November 19, 2007 To: File CU -07-86 From: Ann Bullis, Assistant Building Official Building Division comments for proposed Amateur Radio Tower Subject: Site Address: 809 Cary Road Applicant: Robert Preston In reviewing the above noted Conditional Use Permit application for an Amateur Radio Tower, the Building Division has the following comments: Provide the following information with your Building Permit Application for the tower: The tower must be designed to meet the 2006 International Building Code (currently adopted by City), including Section 3108. Edmonds is located in seismic design category D, wind exposure could be B or C (85 mph, 3 sec. gust) at this property location (engineer to justify if B used). Plans and structural calculations for the antenna and foundation must be stamped and signed by a Washington State licensed Professional Engineer. One set of the plans and calculations must be wet signed by the engineer. A limited soils investigation must be completed by a State licensed Geotechnical Engineer for the purposes of determining design criteria and foundation recommendations for the tower. Special inspection by the Geotechnical Engineer will be required for the soil bearing verification, and possibly additional items which will be determined during the plan review process of the permit application. City of Edmonds ria Building Division