121 5 Avenue North • Edmonds, WA 98020
Phone: 425.771.0220 • Fax: 425.771.0221 • Web: www.ci.edmonds.wa.us
May 14, 2008
Project: BLD-2008-0177 – Hilliard SFR
15515 75
Place West (RS-20 Zone)
Second Review by the Planning Division
To :
Steve Barnes / Cornerstone Architectural Group
Avenue – Suite 300, Seattle WA 98101
1904 3
Phone: 206.682.5000 | Fax: 206.621.7717 | Email: sbarnes@cornerstonearch.com
Gina Coccia, Associate Planner
Phone: 425.771.0220, x 1778 | Email: coccia@ci.edmonds.wa.us
Dear Applicant,
I have reviewed the above building permit application for the Planning Division and it was found that the following
information, corrections, or clarifications will need to be addressed before review can continue. If you have any
questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to working with you on this project.
Please provide a written response to the items mentioned below…
I see that you submitted the final documents for the City to review and sign – thank you – Please record
the approved Lot Line Adjustment (file number LLA-07-69) and return three recorded copies at your earliest
convenience. Feel free to call Planner Michael Clugston at 425.771.0220 for the status of your LLA
Please submit an itemized cost estimate for the landscaping proposal (labor + materials), which will help
determine landscaping inspection fee and bond amount (if any).
The trees proposed to be removed are on a steep slope. Would it be possible to have your geotechnical
engineer take a look at the proposed landscape plan and provide a brief statement supporting the tree
removal? I just want to be certain that it won’t negatively impact the critical area.
It would be helpful to see a section detail showing the proposed structures in the setback related to
original grade lines. A structure is defined in ECDC 21.90.150 as follows:
Structure means a combination of materials constructed and erected permanently on the ground or attached to
something having a permanent location on the ground. Not included are residential fences less than six feet in
height, retaining walls, rockeries, and similar improvements of a minor character less than three feet in height.
Please be aware that I will be adding a condition to your permit that requires all walls and structures to remain
under three feet in height (as measured from top of wall to original grade) within the setback area. If it is
determined during inspection that the walls/structures exceed 3’, then they will need to be reduced in height.
cc: BLD-2008-0177
Please provide a written response to the items mentioned above. Also, please redline your plans to reflect any changes – or, if you are submitting
new plans, please submit three site plans (one must be reduced size) and two sets of the changed pages of the plans. Please make all submittals
to the Development Services Permit Coordinator (Marie Harrison) Monday through Friday, 8am-4pm (except Wednesdays). All Edmonds
Community Development Code (ECDC) citations can be found on the City of Edmonds website: www.ci.edmonds.wa.us.
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