20080220112319.pdfOV EDtyrolL
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L�St 1093
City of Edmonds
DATE: February 20, 2008
TO: Duane Landsverk
FROM: Jenny Readwin, Plans axnin
RE: Permit # 2007-0859
Project: Framing Revision
Project Address: 9007 196' Street SW
During review of the above noted revision, it was found that the following information, corrections,
or clarifications are needed.
1) Layout on the site plan still shows the covered porch and fire place inside the great room. Please
show the fireplace bumpout and eliminated covered porch in this area.
2) Now that the upper floor roof has changed direction please specify size and provide calculations
for the stair door header and East wall windows as well as calculations for the garage door
headers with new point loads from above.