20080222145905.pdfOV EDS 0 #' City of Edmonds �St lgg° PRE -APPLICATION COMMENTS BUILDING DIVISION DATE February 22, 2008 STAFF: Ann Bullis, Assistant Building Official RE: Project Address: 7601 Lake Ballinger Way Propel Biodiesel New Canopy, Tanks, Pumps A preliminary review was done with the pre -application materials provided and we have the following comments. 1) Codes in effect at the time of this meeting: a) 2006 International Building Code (including Accessibility) with State Amendments b) 2006 International Mechanical Code (including International Fuel Gas Code) with State Amendments c) 2006 International Fire Code with State Amendments d) 2006 Uniform Plumbing Code with State Amendments. e) Edmonds Community Development Code 2) Basic Design Loads specific to Edmonds a) Snow load 25 psf — nonreducible (also see IBC 1607.11.2.4) b) Seismic design category D c) Wind speed 85 mph, 3 sec gust d) Wind exposure B 3) List all deferred submittals on the cover sheet of the plans. 4) Canopy must meet the requirements of IBC 406.5.2, 3105. 5) Plans must be stamped and signed by a State Licensed Professional Engineer including structural calculations. 6) Preliminary plans show driving access around the building, City records indicate a landing and stair at the rear of the building that must be shown on the site plan; how will this stair and landing be protected from the drive ailse? 7) It is the City's understanding that the detached espresso stand has been removed from site, please confirm. 8) Clarify the size of the proposed underground storage tank, (6,000 or 8,000). 9) Contact Steve Fisher, Recycling Coordinator, at 425-771-0235 regarding adequacy of the existing dumpster enclosure location and size. FREQUENTLY OVERLOOKED ITEMS The following is a list of frequently overlooked items that apply to many projects. They are listed as a tool to help minimize corrections required during plan review. General • Incomplete submittals, insufficient number of copies, plans not separated out Building Division Pre -application Comments 1 • General coordination of all plans not done prior to permit submittal nor throughout resubmittals (architectural, structural, landscape, civil, mechanical, plumbing, fire sprinkler, etc.) • Overall coordination of plans with details clearly and accurately referenced throughout the plans as to where they apply. For example, a fire rated wall must be clearly identified and refer to a construction detail that accurately describes how the wall is to be constructed so it meets the listed and tested assembly requirements, including insulation for sound transmission control if applicable, and the listed and tested assembly provided. • Deferred submittals and separate permits not called out on plans • Site plan, landscape plan and civil plan not to same scale—usually a vast difference between landscape plan and civil for parking space width, planters, patios, driveway width, location of electrical equipment, parking spaces, etc. • Shoring plan not submitted with initial application or submitted very late in the process; plans show shoring extending onto adjacent private property or into City RW • Energy calculations deferred to mechanical permit submittal, energy submitted late which affects framing approval • Allowable area calculations not provided with permit application, yards on site plans not adequately shown • Fire hydrant locations not specified at pre -application meeting • Structures that require a permit are shown on landscape plans not on architecturals • Stairs, landings, walkways, ramps, architectural projections, cantilevers, bay windows, etc. not shown on site plans • Garage headroom to obstructions such as sprinkler heads, pipes, ducts, beams, insulation • Plans do not clearly show that a return air plenum will be provided which can affect other architectural code issues. Fire Resistive Construction • Fire ratings and locations of required occupancy separations, fire walls, horizontal separation walls, exit passageways, corridors, exterior walls, etc not clearly specified on floor plans and in section views • Listed and tested fire -rated assemblies not specified on plans and do not match construction details • Listed and tested fire -rated assemblies and details showing structural frame protection (such as for columns and beams) not provided on plans, including those within wall and floor -ceiling assemblies • Fire -stopping details and products not specified on plans, or listed as a deferred submittal. • Fire rated corridor detail not provided • Column jacketing in parking garage to protect fire -resistive covering from damage Mechanical/P1umbin • If plumbing is a deferred submittal, it is commonly submitted for permit without adequate time for the City to review, process and issue the permit, thereby holding up the underground plumbing work on site. • Locations of all fire/smoke dampers not shown on mechanical plans • Routing of exhaust ducts, dryer vents, gas appliance vents, HVAC ductwork not coordinated prior to issuance of main permit • Locations and construction details of all mechanical shafts not provided on plans Building Division Pre -application Comments 2 • Mechanical exhaust outlet locations, especially for parking garage exhaust not shown on floor plans, roof plans, sections and elevations (generator location not approved by ADB and placed in setback areas) • Appropriate crass -connection control devices provided at the property line on domestic water line, fire sprinkler line, and irrigation line. • Appropriate cross -connection control devices provided on mixtures within the building. Exiting • General exiting configuration not submitted at pre -application meeting, creates redesign in many cases • Exit enclosure must exit directly to the outside or to an exit passageway • Elevators not permitted to open into exit passageways, lobbies not provided when required • Occupant load calculations not included with permit application • Common path of exit travel not shown. Accessibility • Accessible signage location and details not provided on plans • Accessible means of egress and areas of refuge not shown on plans • Length and width of accessible parking space not shown on plans • Accessible cross walk not provided with in route of travel when crossing vehicular drive aisles • Accessible route of travel not complete nor adequately detailed on the plans. For example, from the public way (sidewalk) to the main building entrance, from the accessible parking space(s) to the building entrance, to mailboxes, dumpsters, and accessory buildings, and throughout building. Detail ramps, slopes, handrails, landings, width of path of travel, etc. Building Division Pre -application Comments 3