20080407095724.pdf"?6.1890 April 3, 2006 Jason Linklater CITY OF EDMONDS 121 5TH AVENUE NORTH • EDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 • FAX (425) 771-0221 Website: wwad,edmonds.wa.us DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Planning • Building • Engineering DP Miller Homes, LLC 22315 Hwy 99 N, Suite 4 Edmonds, WA 98025 TRF9 FILE RE: 17909 Kairez Drive, Plan Check 05-607 - Driveway Slope Exceeding 14% Dear Jason, GARY HAAKENSON MAYOR This letter is being; sent in response to your letter dated March 3, 2006 requesting approval to exceed the maximum allowed driveway slope of 14%. Review of the submitted letter and site plan indicate the northern most portion of the access easement, approximately 66 If, is the specific area of concern. It is understood the elevation of the access easement was created during the construction of the Vista Del Mar Plat. It is also understood that two of the three homes that access off this easement are under construction and achieving a slope of less than 20% would create tremendous conflicts with these two projects as well as potential conflict with underlying utilities. Your proposal includes removal of existing asphalt and re -grading within this first 66 if in order to achieve a slope of 20%. The remainder of the drive will be graded so as to achieve a driveway slope no greater than 14%. For the reasons stated above, your request to re -grade the first 66 1 f of the access to 20% has been approved. The remainder of the driveway shall be graded to rneet a driveway slope of 14%, as proposed. Sincerely, AVID K. GEBERT, P,E. CITY ENGINEER JtP c: Street file Plan Check 05-607 Incorporated August 11, 1890 Office 42:5.776.8943 1"ax 425.776.3943 22315 Hwv 99 iN"orlh, Suite 4 DP Miller Homes, i1i1c FAinonds, «'ashiiigion 98026 March 3 2006 City of Edmonds Attn: Mr. Lyle Chrisman 121.5 Ih Ave North Edmonds, WA 98020 Dear Mr. Chrisman: 17 fro I kivl"e'3 0 C', V, e- Thank you for taking the time to work with me at the counter regarding my site plan. For reference this is in regards to plan check 405-607. We refer to this property as Lot #5 of Vista Del Mar. As we discussed there is a portion of this drivewa - thai we need to seek an approval to exceed 14% slope. Please consider this otic formai request. The remaining will be at a maximurnn of 14%. The first po: ii G� 'If! is currently at 23% and we would like a waiver to keep it at a maximum of 20` 0. 33'lf of that is already paved and we will have to rip out the pavement and curbw . x iease, see the site plan for the exact locations. We request 20% max for the first 66`15 of the driveway. 'rhe reasons are as follows: 1) When the plat was installed the access for three hornes is a 20' wide strip that is a part of this Lot #5. Two of those three homes are currently under construction. To get this driveway access to 14% would require substantial grading on adjacent lots now under construction. The most direct affect would be to Lot #6 which runs the full length of this strip. To grade on that lot at this point of his construction would be nearly trnpossible in relation to his foundation. 2) If we were to be able to gtadc on adjacent lots. additional retaining would then be required on those lots. `l'he potential sur -ch - of the home itself would probably make it very difficult io r(-.- ii t',;, after the fact. 3) Changing the slope that was installed in the short plat may result in the need to lower installed sewer line rrrining the full len_th of the driveway access. The grading down to 20%n alone m. N -)e a problem but we are hoping not. When considering our request please feet free to call me at any time. My direct cell number is 425-530.0784. Thank you, n Linklater Manager