20080627075333.pdfDATE: June 26, 2008
City of Edmonds
(425) 771-0220
TO: Kxistin Hanson, Lead Design Professional
FROM: Jeannine L. Graf, Building Offici
RE: Plan Check 9BLD2008-0376
Project: Ray SFR
Project Address: 15625 75'� Place West
During review of the above noted application, it was found that the following information,
corrections, or clarifications are needed. It is permissible to red line the plans on file at City Hall to
expedite the re -check (if you choose to red -line contact the Permit Coordinator, Marie Harrison, in
advance to coordinate plan sets). If sheets are to be revised only resubmit sheets that have changes.
All changes should be hi -lighted or bubbled in order to expedite re -check.
1) The submittal appears to have the following minimum submittal items missing:
a) Land Clearing and Tree Cutting Plan (4 copies). It is permissible to make a notation on the
plot plan that no clearing will take place and no significant trees (greater than 6 inches in
diameter measured at 4 feet above grade) exist on site.
b) Grading Plan (4 copies) with grading calculations. Grading in excess of 500cyds requires a
SEPA checklist.
c) Temporary Shoring plan (4 copies) with appropriate shoring details.
d) Traffic Analysis (3 copies)
c) Affidavit of Site Posting (signed by Applicant/Owner)
2) On the Plot Plan please correct the following:
a) The reduced plot plan must match the large scale plot plan
b) Water meter shown on private property; water meters are set in City right-of-way (regardless
of whether or not a formal street dedication has been made). The property line should be
shown to the east of the water meter and setbacks indicated from the property line
accordingly. The City Engineering Division will determine whether or not a formal street
dedication is required; regardless setbacks must be taken from the future dedication.
c) Indicate the existing garage is to be demolished
d) Include the modular block wall on the north side of the driveway (as shown on the civil
e) See #4 below and add on plot plan as needed.
f) Height calcs as shown on sheet A14.
g) Add fireplace extension on south side of residence, indicate size of encroachment and
distance to property Tine.
3) On Sheet A7 detail A2 add the most western stair retaining wall; clearly indicate the wall height
above existing grade.
4) The driveway slope is proposed at 13.3%. It appears a retaining wall is needed on the south side
of the driveway to retain the slope. This wall would support a surcharge and must be designed
accordingly; provide wall detail and supporting calculations (3 copies plan, 2 copies talcs).
5) Add note that kitchen sink will either vent through the roof or with a loop vent as permitted by
UPC 909.0.
6) Provide manufacture specs for the aluminum guard rail.
7) The kitchen fan is not permitted to be used as a whole house fan and the Energy worksheet has
been changed to laundry room if the designer chooses another location {such as bathroom)
please redline the worksheets on file at the City and plans.
8) Show required crawlspace venting locations, caution on location of required holddowns.
Holddowns take precedent over vent locations.
9) Special inspections are required for the following special inspections. Complete the enclosed
special inspection agreement signed by the owner, the general contractor and the special
inspector and submit to the City for approval prior to permit issuance.
• Start of Work letter from Geotech
• General Site Monitoring
• Temporary Shoring
• Site Preparation, Excavation, Grading
• Structural Fill & Compaction, Proof -Rolling
• Soil Bearing Verification
• Retaining Wall/Block Wall placement, Backfill and Drainage
• Subsurface Drainage Installation, Perimeter Footings
• Temporary and Permanent Erosion Control
• Final Report from Geotech of Record
10) Respond in writing to attached structural plan review comments. Indicate what change was
made and where it can be found on the plans.
11) Respond in writing to the attached geotechnical peer review comments. Provide three copies of
all resubmitted items.
* All resubmittal items are to be provided directly to Marie Harrison, you are required to call in
advance for an appointment.
Page 2 of 2
Eagle Eye Consulting Engineers, P.S.
PO Box 523
Olalla, WA 98359
360 874 0562
Fax 360 874 0591
To: Marie Harrison
1215 th Ave N
Edmonds, WA 98020
Re: Ray Residence
1562575 th Place W
Edmonds, WA 98020
Plan Review # 2008-0376 EECE # EDM 08-49
Pian review number 01
Stated Area
New Main Floor
New Upper Floor
New Garage/utility Garage/utility
New Deck
rand total
The above referenced project is in the process of plan review for compliance with
Edmonds ordinances and applicable codes. The following comments,
deficiencies/corrections must be addressed prior to completion of plans review hand
subsequent issuance of permits.
Provide revised plans and calculations along with a written response to each of the items
listed below to facilitate a shorter back -check time.
The scope of this review is for the Structural, Ventilations & Indoor Air Quality,
Ordinance, and Energy requirements of this project.
All features were checked only to the extent allowed by the submittals provided. All
portions of this project are assumed to meet or will meet other departmental requirements,
conditions and concerns before permit approval.
Page 2 of 5
Plan Review Number 01
EECE#: EDM 08-49
1. Pleas rovide site plan sho g the locations of th ho in relations ship to
the prop ty es and the exis . g grade. All that submitted survey
showing existing house and sting garage site pl b not the site plan for
this s s. Please add this n resubmitting.
Sheet 4 New Lower Floor
2. Please specify the required light activation at the top and bottom of the stairs, per
3. Please specify that all the penetrations through the garage to house separation wall
shall be protected by filling the opening around the penetrating item with approved
material to resist the free passage of flame and products of combustion. 8309.1.2
4. AOR please specify the hot water tanks shall be strapped to resist lateral
displacement as required per M1307.2.
Sheet 5 New Main Floor
5. Please specify the required light activation at the top and bottom of the stairs, per
R303.6. L
6. Note minimum required finish wall material & height in the shower & bath areas
to be 72" and not 60". R307.2,
7. AOR, please clearly add to the drawing the required riser and tread depth for the
exterior stairs. R311.5.3
8. Please add a smoke alarm outside of bedroom 3. Smoke alarms shall be installed
outside each separate sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of the bedrooms.
Sheet 7 Foundation plan
9. Please clarify on the drawing how the under floor crawl space will be vented. This
shall be shown on the drawings R408.1
Sheet 10 Roof/Porch Roof Framing
10. AOR please specify the locations of the roof drains and their required size. R 903.4
Page 3 of 5
Pian Review Number 01
EECE#: EDM 08-49
Sheet 11 Section B & C/ Stairs
11. Usable space under stairways shall have the walls and soffits on the enclosed side
protected with a minimum of %z -Gypsum. Please add this to the drawings. 8311.2.2
12. Please provide a handrail detail. R311.5.6.2.
13. AOR, please note on the drawing that the bottom chord for the truss shall be design
for a live load of 20 psf.IBC table 1607.1 R301.5
Sheet 7 Foundation plan
14. EOR, please provide analysis for the retaining wall shown on this sheet. This is
retaining up to 7'6" of soil.
Shcet 8 Main. Floor Framing
15. Please specify the required post to support the 6x 12 at the wood walls. This also
should include the required connections.
16. EOR, please specify he required joist hanger to support the 9-1/2 TJI 110 being
hung off beam 5-1/4X11-7/8. There is not ITT295 in the Simpson catalog.
17. EOR, please specify the required hanger to use for the 2x10 P.T. deck joist. These
hanger are required to be treated to be used in contact with treated lumber and
some hangers are not approved to be used with pressure treated lumber.
Sheet 9 Upper Floor Framing
18. EOR, Please specify the required beam between the 4x8 beam and the 11-718 TJI
110. There is a note "beam ?" but the beam is not specified.
19. EOR, please provide a detail at the 6x10 HF #2 and beam mark #2.
20. EOR, please provide a detail for the 4x4 post supporting the 7X11-7/8. A detail is
required to show how the design force will be transferred where the beams is wider
then the supporting post.
21. EOR, please clarify the support of beam mark 3 (5-1/4X11-2/4)
Page 4 of 5
Plan Review Number 01
EECE##: EDM 0849
22. EOR, please specify the HGU to be used to support the 7X11-7/8. All that is note
is "HGU„
Sheet 10 Roof/Porch Roof Framing
23. EOR, please clarify the post to use at the 4X6 DF42 beam. Nothing is specified at
this time.
Sheet 11 Section B & C/ Stairs
24. EOR, please specify the required hanger to use to support the stair stringers.
Nothing is specified at this time.
Sheet 12 D: typical Wall/ E: Typical Wall/ F: Deck/ G: Rail
25. The details states to glue and screw the floor down. Please specify the required
screws to use including the spacing to transfer the lateral shear forces.
26. Detail F: EOR, please specify the size of the ledger.
Sheet S-1 Structural Notes
27. Table 3: SW -5 and SW 8: Please modify the minimum framing for the double top
plate to state a single 3X member shall be used for nail spacing of 2" OIC and not
double 2X. IBC 2306.4.1 footnote e
28. Table 2: Please modify the galvanize plate washer to reflect 3x3X.229 and not
2.25X2.25X3/16. IBC 2305.3.11
29. Please clarify where the whole fan is specified including the required cfm.
WSV&IAQC 302.3 ( The Edmond handout state the whole house fan will be in the
kitchen but the CFM does not meet the whole house fan requirements)
Sheet 6 New Upper Floor
30. Please note the required fan in the water closet in the master bathroom. A fart is
also required in this room. WSV&IAQC 302.2.1
Sheet i l Section B & C/ Stairs
31. Please add to the drawing the required slab insulations. WSEC 602.5
Additional corrections may be required following receipt of corrections and additional
information as requested.
Your plans are being reviewed concurrently with the Building Department, Fire
Department, Zoning Department and Public Works Engineering. Changes, clarifications
or additional corrections may be required subsequent to the Building Department plan
review when comments are received from the other concerned departments.
Should you have any inquiries regarding this letter, please contact Hoyt deter at (360) 874-
0562 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
Hoyt .Teter, P.E.
TO: Jeannine Graf, Building Official
City of Edmonds Development Services Department, Building Division
FROM: Dennis R. Stettler, P.E. (90
DATE: June 16, 2008
RAY SFR —15625 75"x` PLACE WEST
This technical memorandum provides our geotechnical peer review of portions of the permit
package submitted to the City of Edmonds (City) for the proposed referenced development within the
Earth Subsidence and Landslide Hazard Area (ESLHA) of North Edmonds. The purpose of this
geotechnical peer review was to review portions of the submittal package and assess its compliance with
City development and building permit requirements as contained in Edmonds Community Development
Code (ECDC) Chapters 19.10 and 23.80. This geotechnical peer review was accomplished in accordance
with Task Order No. 08-10 of Landau Associates' On -Call Geotechnical Engineering Services Agreement
with the City.
We have received the following information forwarded by the City for review:
• Revised Subsurface Exploration, Geologic Hazard, and Geotechnical Engineering Study,
Proposed Ray Residence Re -Construction, 15625 75`h Place West, Edmonds, WA, Parcel No.
00513100002402,. prepared for Mr. Kyle Ray by Associated Earth Sciences, Inc., dated
January 10, 2008.
• Geotechnical Hazard Identification /Declaration and Mitigation Statement of Risk, Proposed
Ray Residence Reconstruction, 15625 Place West, Edmonds, WA, Parcel No.
00513100002402, prepared for Kyle and Juliann Ray by Associated Earth Sciences, Inc.,
dated April 25, 2008.
• Civil Engineering Drawings (2 sheets, including Grading and TESC Plan, and Road and
Drainage Plan), prepared by Donna L. Breske, P.E., dated April 14, 2008.
• Site Plan, author unknown, dated April, 2008.
• House Location Survey, prepared for Kyle & Juliann Ray by The West Group, Inc., dated
May 9, 2006.
• Vicinity Map (noting geotechnical reports on surrounding properties) author unknown,
130 2nd Avenue South • Edmonds, WA 98020 • (425) 778-0907 • fax (425) 778-6409 • www.landauinc.com
• Structural Analysis Document for Ray Residence, prepared by Custom Design &
Engineering, Inc., dated October 15, 2007 with March 27, 2008 addendum page.
• Architectural and Structural Plan Set (including Sheets I through 15 prepared by Hanson
Design and Custom Design Engineering, Inc. dated April 2008 and Sheets S-1 through
S-5 prepared by Custom Design Engineering, Inc., dated October 15, 2007 and March 28,
• North Edmonds Earth Subsidence and Landslide Hazard Areas Map (with property location
noted) and signed certification as to property location), by Eric Lim of Associated Earth
Sciences, dated 12131107.
The following sections provide our review comments.
The geotechnical report prepared by Associated Earth Sciences, Inc. (AESI) dated January 10,
2008 provides a reasonably comprehensive evaluation and discussion of site conditions and risks, and
provides geotechnical recommendations for design. We concur with the approach of using a rigid,
grid -type foundation underlain by compacted structural fill in order to mitigate the potential for structural
damage due to differential ground displacements. Design of the lower portion of the east wall of the
structure as a debris catchment wall is also prudent.
The report mentions the stabilizing influence of the Burlington Northern Railroad tracks and that
"To our knowledge, no evidence of recent movement of the deep-seated slide planes has been
documented." The report by Dames and Moore (1968) that is referenced in the AESI report documents
large scale landslides in 1947 and 1955-56. These large scale landslides are also mentioned in Landau
Associates (2007) summary report. We note that one of the two large-scale landslide features from
1955-56 mapped in the Dames and Moore report appears to encompass the Ray property.
The City's Geotechnical Report Guidelines requires that the Geotechnical Consultant provide at
least one cross section extending across the site drawn perpendicular to the contours showing soil and
groundwater conditions in relation to the proposed site grading and structures. The AESI report does not
include a cross section. We recommend that a cross section be provided.
We note that the Vicinity Map included in the submittal package references the report by
Hemphill Associates (1990) on the property immediately to the south of the Ray property. However, this
report is not referenced in the AESI report. If AESI has not already done so, the Hemphill report on the
adjacent property should be reviewed and considered relative to the conditions and design approach on
the Ray property.
6116108 1\Edmdatalprojects167411511R1e Rm1R\GeotPeerReview-Draft_tmdoc LANDAU AssOCIATES
Geotechnical monitoring and inspection of earthwork by the Geotechnical Engineer of Record is
required, including placement and compaction of structural fill, foundation bearing, temporary shoring,
retaining walls, and retaining wall backfill and drainage. The plans should note this requirement.
Landscaping plans for the area surrounding the house were not included in the plans provided for
our review. We recommend that basic landscaping plans for the property be provided that confirm that
the steep slope areas on the east side of the property will remain protected by native vegetation and that
additional cuts, fills, or retaining walls are not planned as a part of landscaping improvements to the
Inspection, maintenance, and regular reporting of TESC measures by the Geotechnical Engineer
of Record are required [see the City of Edmonds Earth Subsidence and Landslide Hazard Area
Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control (TESC) Requirements]. The pre -construction meeting needs to
include the Geotechnical Engineer of Record [see City of Edmonds Earth Subsidence and Landslide
Hazard Area Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control (TESC) Requirements]. These requirements
should be noted on the Grading and TESC sheet and the owner or lead design professional should
arrange for these services with the Geotechnical Engineer of Record.
The City requires that earthwork during the winter season between October I and April 30 be
restricted. We recommend that the TESC and Grading plans specifically indicate that earthwork is
restricted between October I and April 30 and any earthwork in this time period requires approval from
both the Geotechnical Engineer of Record and the City Building Official.
We reviewed the submittal package to confirm that the statements and declarations as required by
the City for development within the Earth Subsidence and Landslide Hazard Area have been
appropriately addressed.
• AESI has provided a Geotechnical Hazard Identification/Declaration and Mitigation
Statement of Risk letter dated April 25, 2008.
• Statements from other design professionals were not included in the package that we were
provided to review. We assume that the City is confirming that the other required statements
and declarations have been submitted and are in order.
6118108 \\EdmdataVrojects10741151TAa Rm1R\GeotPeerRaview-Draft tm.doc i_P.NDAU AsSOCIATES
This technical memorandum has been prepared for use by the City of Edmonds in evaluating the
adequacy of permit submittal documents related to the proposed Ray single family residence at 15625 75"'
Place West. The focus of this review was the geotechnical aspects of the application. The purpose of the
review was to assess the adequacy of the application documents for compliance with City requirements
contained in ECDC 23.80 and ECDC 19.10 and conformance with conventionally accepted geotechnical
engineering practices. This geotechnical peer review by Landau Associates does not lessen the
requirements for the applicant's geotechnical consultant and other design professionals to prepare an
appropriate design for the site conditions.
We appreciate this opportunity to be of service to the City. Please contact us if you have any
questions or if we may be of further service.
6116108 11Edmdata\pm}ectsW4\151\Rle Rm\R\GeotPeerRevAew-Draft—tm-doc LANDAu AssoclAT=-s
The project at issued under building permit
number requires special inspection and/or testing per IBC Chapter 17. The
complete list of special inspections is attached to this document.
BEFORE A PERMIT CAN BE ISSUED: The owner and contractor and special inspector shall complete
this agreement and the attached structural test(s) and inspections schedule including the required
APPROVAL OF SPECIAL INSPECTORS: Each special inspector shall be approved by the Building
Official prior to performing any duties or inspections. Each special inspector shall submit Statement of
Qualifications to the Building Official for review. Special inspectors shall display identification when
performing special inspections on site. Special inspection and testing shall meet the minimum requirements
of IBC Chapter 17 and the following:
A. Duties and Responsibilities of the Special Inspector
I. Observe Work
The special inspector shall observe the site work for conformance with the approved (stamped) plans
and specifications and applicable workmanship provisions of the IBC. Architect or Engineer
reviewed shop drawings may be used only as an aid to inspection. Special Inspections are to be
performed on a continuous basis—meaning that the special inspector is on site at all times observing
the work requiring special inspection. Periodic inspections, if any, must have prior approval by the
City based on a separate written plan reviewed and approved by the Building Official and the
engineer or architect of record.
2. Report Non -conforming Items
The special inspector shall bring non -conforming items to the immediate attention of the contractor
and note all such items in the daily field report. Any item not resolved in a timely manner shall be
immediate cause of the special inspector to notify the Building Official of the plan deviation, error,
change or omission. It shall also be the duty of the special inspector to promptly notify the engineer
or architect.
3. Complete Daily Reports
Each special inspector shall complete and sign both the special inspection record and the daily report
form for each day's inspection. These records shall remain at the jobsite with the contractor for
review by the City Building Inspector.
4. Furnish Weekly Reports
The special inspector or inspection agency shall furnish the City with weekly reports of tests and
inspections. The project engineer or architect, and others as designated shall also be copied on
reports. Weekly reports must include the following:
• Description of daily inspections and tests made with applicable locations
• List of all non -conforming items
+ Report on status of non -conforming items (resolved or unresolved)
• Itemized changes authorized by the Architect, Engineer and City if not included in non-
conformance items.
5. Furnish Final Construction Report
The special inspector or inspection agency shall submit a final signed report to the City stating that
all items requiring special inspection and testing were fulfilled and reported_ And, to the best of
L:ITEMP1BUlLD1NG1SpecialluspectionAgreernentlBC_doe 7104
his/her knowledge the project is in conformance with the approved plans and specifications,
approved change orders and the applicable workmanship provisions of the IBC. Items not in
conformance or unresolved items or any discrepancies in inspection coverage, (i.e., missed
inspections, periodic inspection when continuous inspections were required, etc.) shalt be specifically
itemized in this report.
B. Contractor Responsibilities
I. Notify the Special Inspector
It is the duty of the contractor to notify the special inspector when work is ready for special
inspection. Note, the items listed on the attached schedule and as noted on the approved plans and
specifications are required to have special inspections. Adequate notice shall be provided by the
contractor so that the special inspector has time to become familiar with the project.
2. Provide Access to Approved Plans
The contractor is responsible for providing the special inspector access to approved plans at.the
3. Retain Special Inspection Records
The contractor is responsible to retain at the jobsite all special inspection records submitted by the
special inspector. These records are to be provided to the City building inspector upon request.
C. City of Edmonds Building Department Responsibilities
1. Approve special inspectors or inspection agencies
The building department shall approve all special inspectors and special inspection requirements.
2. Monitor special inspection and approve weekly reports
Work requiring special inspection and the performance of special inspectors shall be monitored by
the City Building Inspector. His/Her approval must be obtained prior to placement of concrete or
other similar activities in addition to that of the special inspector.
3. Issue Certificate of Occupancy
The Building Official may issue a Certificate of Occupancy after all weekly special inspection reports
including the final report have been submitted and accepted.
D. Owner Responsibilities
The project owner or the engineer or architect of record acting as the owner's agent shall fund
special inspection services.
E. Engineer or Architect of Record Responsibilities
The engineer or architect of record shall include special inspection requirements on the plans and
I have read and agree to comply with the terms and conditions of this agreement.
Special Inspector
General Contractor
City Building Official
L:ITEMPIBUII.DING1SpeciallnspectionAgreementlBC.doc 7104
F ��iCln,/vge LQ 26V8 -7-3 76
Conerttc Grtnite Grout Mortar Sam k and T -
Aggtegate Tests
Reinforcing Tests
Mix Designs
RciBforing Placement
Batch Plant inspection
Inspect Placing
Cast Sanr*s
Pick-up Samples
CoAtp:rssion Tests
rw,-seas ere -teas L4*odmg
Aggregate Tests
Reinforcing Tests
Tendon Tats
Mi Desiens
Reinforcing Placement
Insert Placement
Conctete Batching
Concrtte Placenxnt
kstallation Instnction
Special lnspec son Stresses Used
— Preliminary Acceptance Tests (Masonry Units. Wall Prisms)
_ Subsequent Tests (Mortar Grout, Field Wall Prisms_)
_ Placement Inspection of Units
[Nest specifiz rnentbers below)
Sbop Material Identification
-- Welding Inspection -D Shop 11 Field
— Ultrasonic inspection 0 Sirup ❑ I'M
— High-strength Boiling
lnspmp- OSbop [Held
D A325
❑A490 [IN DX . N7F
— MeW Deck Welding Inspection
— Reinforcing Steel Welding inspection I
— Meat Stud Weld"mg inspection
— Concrete Insert Welding Inspection
Placement Inspection
Density Tests
- Thickness Tests
— Inspect Batching
— Sample and Test
___- Placement Inspection
— Unit Weights
— Acceptance Tests
— Placement Inspection
Field Density
— Shear Wall Nailing Inspection .
Inspection of Glu -lam Feb.
— Inspection of Truss Joist Fab_
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File No:
Affidavit of Earth Subsidence Landslide Hazard Area
Permit Posting
tete 0fbirgt0>
Coulftp of '*n0bomi!6b
deposes and says:
being first duly sworn, on oath,
That on the day of 320___, the site located at
was posted as
prescribed by Ordinance No. 3632 on the subject property. This posting begins on
on the day the City accepts the Permit Application for review and shall remain until
building occupancy is granted.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of 120
Printed Name:
Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at
My commission expires:
L/Temp/Building/Meadbw/Affidavit 4/07