2008-0634_PollAddition-DFWletter.pdfState of Washington
16018 Mill Creek Blvd. Mill Creek Washington 98012
Phone: (425) 379-2301 FAX: (425) 379-2323
6 August 2008
1841 Olympic View Drive
Edmonds, WA 98020
Dear Mr. Poll,
This letter confirms our telephone conversation yesterday. The 160 sq. foot addition to
your garage in which you will remove no coniferous trees will have no effect on the Hutt
Park bald eagle territory. WDFW has no concerns related to eagle habitat if you
undertake this project.
This letter serves as a formal Bald Eagle Management Plan in accordance with the Bald
Eagle Protection Act (RCW 77.12.655) and the associated Bald Eagle Protection Rules
(WAC 232-12-292). Thank you for your cooperation and concern for eagle habitat.
Please feel free to contact me if I can be of further assistance.
Jay Shepherd
Threatened and Endangered Species Biologist
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
16018 Mill Creek Blvd.
Mill Creek WA 98012
(425) 379-2301
eagle4gdfw.wa. gov