121 5 Avenue North • Edmonds, WA 98020
Phone: 425.771.0220 • Fax: 425.771.0221 • Web: www.ci.edmonds.wa.us
September 24, 2008
Kevin Foy
19807 N. Creek Parkway N.
Bothell WA 98011
Phone: 206.607.7220 | Email: Kevin.foy@telcopacific.com
RE: BLD-2008-0734 – Maissen Shed + T-Mobile Microfacility @ 20304 87 Avenue West (RS-8 Zone)
Dear Applicant,
I have reviewed the above building permit application for the Planning Division and it was found that the following
information, corrections, or clarifications will need to be addressed before review can continue. If you have any
questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to working with you on this project.
Please provide a written response to the items mentioned below…
1.Critical Areas:
It was determined that this site contains an erosion hazard area (slopes of 15-39%) a type of
geologically hazardous area (file CRA20080097). Please work with our Engineering Division to ensure that
proper erosion control measures are established.
This site is adjacent to two streets (87 Avenue West and 88 Avenue West), meaning it has two 25’
“street” setbacks and the remaining setbacks are considered 7.5’ “side” setbacks. The shed is proposed at only
18’ from the west street property line, and it’s also shown at only 5’ from the north side property line. Please
move the shed further south and further east to meet the required setbacks.
3.Micro facility:
Micro facilities, pursuant to ECDC 20.50.010 (below) are permitted in all zones. However, the
height of the antennas shown for this project (51” or 4.25’) appear to exceed the size of antennas permitted for
micro facilities (4’ – see below). Please show how the proposed antennas will meet the definition of a micro
facility (for height and design – will the antennas/conduit be painted to match the pole?).
ECDC 21.60.004 Micro facility.
Micro facility is an attached wireless communication facility which consists of antennas
equal to or less than four feet in height (except omni-directional antennas which may be up to six feet in height) and with
an area of not more than 580 square inches in the aggregate (e.g., one-foot diameter parabola or two-foot by one and one-
half-foot panel) as viewed from any one point. The permitted antenna height includes the wireless communication facility
support structure (see Title 22, Plate 1). \[Ord. 3099 § 10, 1996\].
ECDC 20.50.010 Development standards for micro facilities.
Also, please redline your plans to reflect any changes – or, if you are submitting new plans, please submit three site plans (one must be reduced
size) and two sets of the changed pages of the plans. Please make all submittals to the Development Services Permit Coordinator (Theresa
Umbaugh). All ECDC citations can be found on the City of Edmonds website: www.ci.edmonds.wa.us.
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Micro facilities are permitted in all zones.
A micro facility shall be located on existing buildings, poles or other existing support structures. A micro facility may
locate on buildings and structures; provided, that the interior wall or ceiling immediately adjacent to the facility is not
designated residential space.
C. (except omni-directional antennas which can be up to six feet in
Antennas equal to or less than four feet in height
height) and with an area of not more than 580 square inches in the aggregate (e.g., one-foot diameter parabola or two-foot
by one and one-half-foot panel as viewed from any one point) are exempt from the height limitation of the zone in which
they are located. Structures which are nonconforming with respect to height may be used for the placement of omni-
directional antennas providing they do not extend more than six feet above the existing structure. Placement of an antenna
on a nonconforming structure shall not be considered to be an expansion of the nonconforming structure.
The micro facility shall be exempt from review by the architectural design board if the antenna and related components
are the same color as the existing building, pole or support structure on which it is proposed to be located.
The shelter or cabinet used to house radio electronic equipment shall be contained wholly within a building or structure,
or otherwise appropriately concealed, camouflaged or located underground.
In single-family residential (RS) zones, micro facilities for a specific wireless provider shall be separated by a distance
equal to or greater than 1,320 linear feet from other micro facilities of the same wireless provider. \[Ord. 3099 § 1, 1996\].
4.PUD Pole Replacement:
I will be reviewing the project to ensure it complies with the following code section
for height and separation, ECDC 18.05.030.B.3. Also, I will adding one recommendation and one condition:
(1) The applicant, T-Mobile, should have a neighborhood meeting so that the neighbors are aware of the
development, and (2) the applicant shall paint the conduit to match the color of the brown wood PUD pole in
order to comply with ECDC 20.50.010.D.
ECDC 18.05.030.B.3.
A PUD transmission pole may be extended or replaced with a new pole that is increased in height
to allow one wireless carrier to mount antennas on an existing structure. The new pole height may be increased by no more
than the sum of the height of the wireless antennas plus 15 feet of vertical separation from the power lines. The 15-foot
vertical separation is intended to allow wireless carriers to comply with PUD requirements for separation between their
transmission line and the carrier's antennas. All other components of the wireless facility must comply with Chapter 20.50
ECDC, Wireless Communications Facilities. PUD transmission poles are those poles which are carrying 50 kV or greater
power lines. \[Ord. 3580 § 2, 2006; Ord. 2491, 1985\].
Gina Coccia
Associate Planner
425.771.0220, x 1778
cc: BLD-2008-0734
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