20080821114425.pdfDATE: May 13, 2008
City of Edmonds
TO: Lesley Brown
e-mail: lesleyb@adshaprio.com
FROM: Ann Bullis, Assistant Building Official
RE: Plan Check # 2008.0198
Project: 5th Avenue 8 Units (6 Unit and 2 SFRs) — Grading/Shoring
Project Address: 215 5th Ave N
During review of the plans for the above noted project, it was found that the following information,
clarifications or changes are needed. Provide written responses to each comment and where
changes can be found on the plans. Please resubmit to Theresa Umbaugh, Permit Coordinator.
Complete the enclosed Special Inspecton and Testing Agreement. Have all parties sign the
agreement and return for City approval prior to permit issuance. Provide Statement of
Qualifications for soil nail special inspector(s).
a. Excavation, Grading, Site Preparation
b. Soil Nail Installation, Drainage, and Monitoring
' V The survey shows 2 buildings encroaching onto the subject lot. Provide a letter from the
property owner stating what he/she is doing about this condition.
3. For temporary grading that will take place on adjacent lots to accommodate the construction, the
following must be provided:
a. Separate grading permits are required for each lot if the grading is 50 cubic yards or
more. Permit applications must be signed by the property owners, or if an agent is
acting on behalf of a property owner, a letter must be submitted to the City signed by
the property owner designating the agent to act on their behalf in the matter.
b. Where grading on each adjacent lot is less than 50 cubic ,yards, a temporary
construction easement must be submitted to the City for each affected lot, signed by
the lot owner(s).
4. On Sheet C4, revise ramp slope to read 1:12 max (rather than 12:1).
5. Provide top and bottom wall elevations and construction details for all site retaining walls.
Cross reference on the plans where the details apply.
6. Show exit stairs from Buildings B & C on the civil plans.
City Consultant Comments:
General Site and Specific Comments
1. The Geotechnical Report — Proposed Townhouse Development, Project N5`90589 by
Kleinfelder Company complies with the minimum requirements of Section 1802 except for