20080826163011.pdfo� EDS City of Edmonds
(425) 771-0220
DATE: August 26, 2008
TO: Lesley Brown
e-mail: lesleyb@adshapiro.com.
FROM: Ann Bullis, Building Official
RE: Plan Check: 2008-0199
Project: 5"' Avenue 8 Units (6 unit and 2 SFRs) — Building A Foundation Only
Project Address: 215 5"' Ave N
During re -review of the plans for the above noted project, it was found that the following
information, clarifications or changes are needed. Please provide written responses as to where the
changes can be found on the plans, and submit revised plans/documents to a Permit Coordinator.
The followine items need to be addressed under this foundation hermit annlication:
1. Previous item 12: We were unable to find a lot line adjustment application to combine the lots.
Please provide the application number.
2. Previous item 21: We are stili awaiting the Special Inspection and Testing Agreement to be
3. See attached consultant comments
The following items need to be addressed with the submittal of the main building permit:
4. Previous items 10, 15, & 19. Also see consultant comments.
o� F1) City of Edmonds
Fsc 1Sgo (425) 771-0220
DATE: August 26, 2008
TO: Lesley Brown
e-mail: lesleyb@adshapiro.com
FROM: Ann Bullis, Building Official Ar
RE: Plan Check: 2008-0203 & 2008-0204
Project: 5"' Avenue 8 Units (6 unit and 2 SFRs) -- Building B & C Foundation Only
Project Address: 215 5th Ave N
During re -review of the plans for the above noted project, it was found that the following
information, clarifications or changes are needed. Please provide written responses as to where the
changes can be found on the plans, and submit revised plans/documents to a Permit Coordinator.
The followinLa items need to be addressed under this foundation uermit annlication:
1. Previous item 5: We were unable to find a lot line adjustment application to combine the lots.
Please provide the application number.
2. Previous item 9: Note the height of the west deck above grade. From the elevation view it
appears to exceed 30" and cannot encroach into the setback — contact the Planning Division if
you have questions.
3. Previous item 17: We are still awaiting the Special Inspection and Testing Agreement to be
4. See attached consultant comments
The following items need to be addressed with the submittal of_the _main buildinL, permit:
5. Previous items 6 (stairway details), 8, & 15. Also see consultant comments.
Ann Bullis, Building Code Official
Development Services Department
121 5t" Avenue North, Second Floor
Edmonds, Washington 98020
Dear Ann:
This is the 1St Recheck for Building A, Plans for Six Units in the proposed, James Brothers/5th Ave
Eight Buildings project. My Plan Review N2:1132-108 (Your Plan Check Ns 2008-199)
Occupancy, Type of Construction and Means of Egress Comments
2. Code Summary/Compliance notes need revisions to be accurate:
d. The proposed floor_ areas are still not accurate. Even though the building area for the units
is less than the allowable, the plans have to be precise. Common use space and covered
balconies, regardless if they are heated or not, need to be counted. Needs to be
addressed now.
3. Construction Issues.
h. Where do footing drains discharge to? I see the roof and landscape drains, but not the
footing drains. They need to be provided.
i. Damp proofing details. They need to be provided.
6. Means of egress (MOE) and accessibility issues.
a. Provide a barrier at the first story stairwa . The details of that barrier really have to be
shown now.
Structural Design Details
6. The site retaining and basement walls have to provide, for drainage. What I meant was that the
fill is shown right up to the top of the wall and when a large rain storm occurs, the water will spill
over the top and could start to erode the earth below the wall. What I was implying, when the
engineer reads all the text in Section 1803.3, especially that designated with a bar, is there
needs to be a freeboard above the fill and a swale or other means to keep the water from over
topping and eroding the fill over the footing below it. This needs to be addressed now.
Occupancy, Type of Construction and Means of Egress Comments
2. Code Summary/Compliance notes need revisions to be accurate:
d. The proposed floor areas are still not accurate. Even though the building area
for the units is less than the allowable, the plans have to be precise. Common
use space and covered balconies, regardless if they are heated or not, need
to be counted. Needs to be addressed now.
2. Construction Issues.
c. Smoke detectors. This is pending final design plans
d. Exterior wall, roofing, and floor finishes have to be given. Pending final
design sets.
g. Locations of im act lazin . Also pending final design sets.
6. Means of egress (MOE) and accessibility issues.
f. Details of guards, their height, 42", and their connections to balconies &_roof
decks, • rise and run center supports, top and bottom of Spiral stairways; a!1
need to be on the plans. Sections 106.1.1, 1013, and 1009.8. This is pending
coming revised and final plans.
g. Details of opening protections in corridors, stairways, and basement. Pending
final plans.
Emeraencv escape & rescue oneninas are reauired from all rooms with
closets (i.e.. thev are sleepina rooms) and details are reauired. Section 1026.
The architect may have misunderstood my meaning; I mean windows or
doors to balconies off of sleeping rooms. I'll assume it will come with the final
j. Exterior steps and ramps — water doesn T pond. Sec. 1009.5.2. I'll wait until
the final plans come in.
k. Means of emergency lighting are required_ in corridors, stairways and garage.
Sec. 1006. Ditto.
n. The Washington State Building Code Council has modified ANSI A117-1 for
accessibility Additional details need to be addressed:
ii. Section 1102.2.3 also has provisions for minimum opening force for
other than "fire" doors for which all doorways other than into the stair
enclosures apply. They are two different items and should be
specified in the final plans.
iii. Other WA specific stairway issues for the disabled such as.giyen in
new Sections 1007.6 through 1007.8.3 need to be addressed and
shown on the plans. Pending final plans
Many of the notes on Sheet S1 require modifications and/or clarifications:
1. The "Design Base Shear" criteria should show the concrete basement has an R
value = 6 in addition to the frame building which is shown as R = 6.5. ASCE 7
Table 12.2.1. Items A-13 and B-5 for the "special reinforced concrete walls" This
one was missed apparently. It should be addressed in the final plans.
Structural Design Details
1. 42" Guards and details. Section 1013.3. Pending final plans.
2. The first note on Sheet S1 states that the building is designed for both the iBC
and IRC. Actually, the IRC is only for Single -Family, Duplex, and "Townhouse"
(Row -House) construction of which this building is not So, the note should only
state the IBC applies. Likewise, this needs to b addressed in the final set of
3. Most of this building is not conventional construction Lasgiven in Chapter 23 and
needs to be designed for vertical, seismic and wind loads. No calculations were
provided to iustify these forces. Section 1603, especially Section 1603.1.8. Ditto
4. The soils report needs to include a determination of lateral pressures on below
grade walls caused by seismic movement. Section 1802.2.7, Item # 1. This needs
to be addressed by the Soils Engineer, and should be given to the engineer for
his design.
6. Live loads other than for ordinary roofs should be considered in the green roof
area as well as the increased dead loads and a redesign is necessary. Section
1603.1.2. This needs to be addressed in the final plans.
7. Specifications are needed on Sheet S1 for the (pre -stressed?) concrete deck
over the garage. Since no design is provided, it needs to be added to the
deferred submittal list. Ditto.
8. The vertical, seismic, and wind lateral load paths need to be designed for the roof
level down to the floor garage deck and detailed for continuity to the transition to
the outer edges of that basement down to the foundations. Sections 1604.4
through 1604.10. Ditto.
Apparently, none of the following issues were addressed by the engineer, but I
will assume that when he gets this note, he would be stating that they will be
addressed in the final plan set. please make sure he sees them so that they
aren't missed and cause a delay in the final set approval.
9. No shear walls are designated, drag struts are missing, and uplift resistance into
the floor below is not shown or detailed. Sections 14.5.
10. An out -of -plane offset irregularity # 4 occurs at line 3 where the wood building
redistributes its loads into the concrete lid and needs to be studied for maximum
axial loads from the bottom shear wall boundary elements. The shear transferred
also has to be increased 25%.
1. The LFRS has to be justified for a continuous load path and relevant provisions
given in Section 2305 all have to be considered and mitigated. If the designer is
using ASD, Section 2306 would apply.
12. If the structure is within roughly a 1 mile or more of the Puget Sound (5,000') as it
seems on the maps that I looked at, it is in Exposure D and needs to be designed
for that condition. Sections and Exposure B or C can extend
downwind 118`" of a mile (-- 600) or so of the end of this 5,000', and if the building
could be Exposure C unless the designer wants to use the method stated on
ASCE page 310, which is very complicated to justify.
13. The shallow V-shaped roof portion will act like a "Toughed Free Roof' and needs
to be specifically designed for wind. Note that it should be treated is as
obstructed in Figure 6-18C on ASCE 7 on page 68.
14. This roof also needs to be checked and/or designed for relevant wind pressures
given in Figure 6-18D on page 69 and for component & cladding pressures on
pages after 69.