20080827142518.pdfof Ebro City of Edmonds
Esr g90 (425) 771-0220
DATE: August 27, 2008
TO: Joe Molina
e-mail: jmoli-na@tgbarchitects.com.
FROM:. Ann Bullis, Building Official
RE: Plan Check: 2008-0499
Project: Borcich 3 Unit
Project Address: 527 Maple Street
During review of the plans for the above noted project, it was found that the following information,
clarifications or changes are needed. Please provide written responses as to where the changes can
be found on the plans, and submit revised plans/documents to a Permit Coordinator.
1. Sheet R0.00: Under construction type remove "1 -hour construction" since this is VB not VA
construction. Clarify "Fire Resistance Rating Requirements" to reference what is shown in IBC
Table 601 based on VB construction. It is confusing to mix the type of construction fire
resistive elements with the fire resistive requirements for exiting or occupancy separation since
it is usually not applicable to the entire building.
2. Sheet R0.00: Under governing codes, removed NFPA 101.
3. Clearly distinguish 1�-hour walls from non -rated walls on the floor plans.
4. Walls separating dwellings from other dwellings, common areas, shafts, stairways, etc. must
have an STC rating of 50 or more. Provide the listed and tested assembly detail showing STC
compliance and cross reference where it applies on the plans.
5. Provide all construction requirements of the listed and tested wall assemblies shown on A5.20.
6. The walls of the exterior stairway must be separated from the rest of the building per IBC
1020.1. Revise plans, including door and window schedules. IBC 1023.6 (also see the IBC
Commentary for exterior stairways)
7. Note on the floor plans at island plumbing fixtures that a loop vent is required per UBC 909.0.
8. The elevator must be able to accommodate a stretcher per WAC 51.50 3002.4. Clearly show on
the plans.
9. Note the cfrn of the exhaust fans on the plans.
10. Show locations of emergency lighting, and method of power backup. IBC 1006
11. Provide stairway and guardrail detail. Stair risers must be solid (IBC 1009.3).
12. On the building and wall sections, revise the floor -ceiling assemblies to match the referenced
fire rated assembly.
13. Projections, such as eaves, balconies, etc. must be 1 -hour rated where located 10 feet or less to
the property line. Provide details showing compliance.
14. Revise detail 2/A1.0 to show the dimension from the parking surface to the bottom of the sign as
15. Clarify where the "6 foot tall wall tile finish" notes apply on the site plan. Provide construction
16. Soils report must meet minimum requirements of IBC 1802.
17. Special inspections will be determined once a complete soils report is submitted. A Special
Inspection and Testing Agreement will be required prior to permit issuance.
18. Provide written contractor responsibility statement per IBC 1706.
19. Separate Building Enclosure documents and Building Enclosure letter from the design
professional that prepared them is required as noted in the consultant's comments.
See attached comments from the City's Consultant.
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Eagle Eye Consulting Engineers, P.S.
PO Box 523
Olalla, WA 98359
360 874 0562
Fax 360 874 0591
To: Marie Harrison
121 5"' Ave N
Edmonds, WA 98020
Re: Borcich Condo
527 Maple St
Edmonds, WA 98020
Plan Review # 2008-0499
Plan review number 01
EECE # EDM 08-59
Load Factor
Type Of
Gross Area
First floor Parking
First floor Residence
Second Floor
Third Floor
Second Floor Deck
Third Floor Deck
Grand Total
The above referenced project is in the process of plan review for compliance with
Edmonds ordinances and applicable codes. The following comments,
deficiencies/corrections must be addressed prior to completion of plans review and
subsequent issuance of permits.
Provide revised plans and calculations along with a written response to each of the items
listed below to facilitate a shorter back -check time.
The scope of this review is for the Structural, Ordinance, V&IAQC, Energy requirements
of this project.
All features were checked only to the extent allowed by the submittals provided. All
portions of this project are assumed to meet or will meet other departmental requirements,
conditions and concerns before permit approval.
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Plan Review Number 01
EECE#: EDM 08-59
Borcich Condo
Please add the following to the drawings that encompasses Engrossed House Bill
1848 (EHB 1848) that will become effective August 1" 2005. This bill impacts
multi -family design and construction either newly constructed or rehabilitated
when the permit is issued on or after August 1, 2005. This structure requires
building enclosure drawings.
"Building enclosure" means that part of any building, above or below grade, that
physically separates the outside or exterior environment from interior
environments and which weatherproofs, waterproofs, or otherwise protects the
building or its components from water or moisture intrusion. Interior environments
consist of both heated and unheated enclosed spaces. The building enclosure
includes, but is not limited to, that portion of roofs, walls, balcony support
columns, decks, windows, doors, vents, and other penetrations through exterior
walls, which waterproof, weatherproof, or otherwise protect the building or its
components from water or moisture intrusion.
"Building enclosure design documents," means plans, details, and specifications
for the building enclosure that have been stamped by a licensed engineer or
architect. The building enclosure design documents shall include details and
specifications that are appropriate for the building in the professional judgment of
the architect or engineer which prepared the same to waterproof, weatherproof, and
otherwise protect the building or its components from water or moisture intrusion,
including details of flashing, intersections at roof, eaves or parapets, means of
drainage, water -resistive membrane, and details around openings.
2. Please provide a site plan specifying the distance to the lot lines. IBC 1006.2
Sheet A1.00 Architectural Site Plan
3. It appears the area that is listed is the net area and not the gross. Based off the
written dimension the gross square footage will be exceeded based off what is
specified on this sheet. Please modify accordingly.
Sheet R0.10 Code Analysis/ Occupancy and Existing
4. In order to reduce the required separations for the sprinkler system, the sprinkler
system must be 13 not a 13R as noted on the drawings. Please modify the notes
under fire protection to state 13 and not 13R. IBC table 601 footnote e.
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Plan Review Number 01
EECE#: EDM 08-59
Borcich Condo
5. Architect of Record (AOR), please specify the required rating of the door on the
first floor open up into the means of egress for the second and third floor units.
Sheet A2.00 First Floor Plan, Door and Finish Schedules
6. Door shall not reduce the required means of egress by more than one-half during
the course of the swing. Based off the dimension noted the door from the parking
garage will reduce this width. The entrance roll up door cannot be used as the
means of egress from the garage. Please modify accordingly. Also the exception is
only with in the units of R2. IBC 1005.2
7. Please clarify how the dryer will be vented to the exterior. It is important to assure
it does not discharge to close to an opening or penetrating rated assemblies.
Sheet A2.10.Second Floor Plan, Door and Finish Schedules
8. Please note the window next to the door opening at the balcony in the master
bedroom to be safety glazed. IBC 2406
Sheet A2.20 Third Floor Plan, Door and Finish Schedules
9. Please note the window next to the door opening at the balcony in the master
bedroom to be safety glazed. IBC 2406
Sheet A2.30 Roof Plan
10. Please list on the drawing the glass canopy shall be a deferred submittal. IBC
11. AOR, please clarify the drainage of the flat roof. IBC 1503.4
Sheet A3.10 Second Floor Reflected Ceiling Plan
12. Please add a smoke alarm in the guest bedroom. One is required in all sleeping
Sheet A3.20 Third Floor Reflected Ceiling Plan
13. Please add a smoke alarm in the guest bedroom. One is required in all sleeping
Sheet A4.00 Exterior Elevations
14. AOR, please provide detail for the glazing in the handrail in compliance to the
code. This is required to be tempered glazing. IBC 2406
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Plan Review Number 01
EECE#: EDM 08-59
Borcich Condo
Sheet A4.10 Exterior Elevations
15. AOR, please provide detail for the glazing in the handrail in compliance to the
code. This is required to be tempered glazing. IBC 2406
Sheet A5.00 Building Sections
16. AOR, please specify the height of the top floor rooms. IBC 1208.2
17. AOR, please complete the assembly of the flat roof in order to complete the
Sheet A5.20 Door and Partition Types; Interior Door Details
18. AOR, please complete the reference cut noted as X/Ax.xx.
Sheet A5.40 Architectural Details
19. Detail 1: AOR, please correct the text in order to read the title.
Sheet A5.40 Architectural Details
20. Detail 12: AOR or EOR, please correct details to match the structural details or
submit analysis for the ledger to support the design loads with '/Z diameter bolt @
18"OIC staggered.
Sheet A2.30 Roof Plan
21. Please list the glass canopy as a differed submittal on the drawings or submit
analysis for the glass canopy and details.
Sheet S 1.1 Structural Notes
22. Engineer of Record (EOR), please list the glass canopy under shop drawings to be
reviewed by the engineer. of record.
Sheet S2.2 2"d Floor Framing Plan
23. EOR, please specify the required hanger to use for the joist that are framing in at a
angle. The allowable capacity for the hanger must be reduced for some skewed
hangers per Simpson hanger matrix option. It was not clear what hanger would be
used in order to check the capacity of the hanger.
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Plan Review Number 01
EECE#: EDM 08-59
Borcich Condo
24. FOR, joist schedule specifies to use ITT hanger for TH. ITT hanger is not
published to have skewed hanger and the values it will support. Please submit
analysis for this hanger to be used or modify accordingly.
Sheet S2.3 3rd Floor Framing Plan
25. FOR, please specify the required hanger to use for the joist that are framing in at a
angle. The allowable capacity for the hanger must be reduced for some skewed
hangers per Simpson hanger matrix option. It was not clear what hanger would be
used in order to check the capacity of the hanger.
Sheet S2.4 Roof Framing Plan
26. FOR, please specify the required skewed hanger to be used that framed in at an
angle connected to wide flange beam mark B9.
27. FOR, please provide a detail at the intersection of beam B6 Bm9 and the other
bm9. The typical detail I/S6.1 is only for one steel beam connecting to another.
However, based off the lay out there are two beams framing in at the same place.
Please clarify on the drawing the connection at this locations with supporting
28. FOR, please specify the required coole3ctor elements for the roof diaphragm to
drag the forces into the vertical resisting shear walls. Please add this including the
required connections. For example, shear wall mark SW4.
29. FOR, please specify the header beam to be used opposite beam mark B9. These
headers support the walls of the upper roof framing. Please add this to the
30. FOR, please clarify how the horizontal lateral forces are being resisted for the
upper roof framing. The upper roof framing only has shear resistance on two sides.
31. FOR, please specify the required post for beam mark B3 at the upper left hand
side. I believe the column mark Cl should also be at this locations but it is not
32. FOR, please specify the required connections of the rim noted on the upper roof
framing plan.
Sheet S4.2 Foundation Details
33. Detail 5: FOR, please submit analysis for the retaining wall.
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Plan Review Number 01
EECE#. EDM 08-59
Borcich Condo
34. Detail 4: EOR, please clarify the required reinforcement for the beam noted in this
detail. I assumed it would be the same as 3/S4.2. Detail 3/S4.2 is referenced on
sheet S2.2 and specifies the reinforcement but the reinforcement is not specified
for detail 4. Please clarify upon the response.
Sheet S6.1 Steel Details
35. Sections 5: EOR, please submit torsions analysis for the concrete beam. The beams
are beam is being loads off center. I could not find this in the analysis submitted.
Please submit this upon the response. ACT 11.6
36. AOR, please add to the drawing the required U value to be used for this structures.
WSEC table 6-1
Sheet A5.00 Building Sections
37. AOR, please complete the assembly of the typical flat roof to show compliance
with the state energy code.
This is listed as a deferred submittal on sheet R0.00 and has not been reviewed at
this time. Some information is noted on some sheets and comment wil be written
but a complete review cannot be performed until the differed submittal is
submitted for review.
Sheet A3.00 First Floor Reflected Ceiling Plan
38. Please specify the required whole house fan for this level. Based off the
ventilations requirements of 130CFM exceeds the state requirements.
WSV&IAQC table 3-1
Sheet A3.10 Second Floor Reflected Ceiling Plan
39. Please specify the required whole house fan for this level. Based off the
ventilations requirements of 130CFM exceeds the state requirements.
WSV&IAQC table 3-1
e �
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Plan Review Number 01
EECE#: EDM 08-59
Borcich Condo
Additional corrections may be required following receipt of corrections and additional
information as requested.
Your plans are being reviewed concurrently with the Building Department, Fire
Department, Zoning Department and Public Works Engineering. Changes, clarifications
or additional corrections may be required subsequent to the Building Department plan
review when comments are received from the other concerned departments.
Should you have any inquiries regarding this letter, please contact Hoyt Jeter at (360) 874-
0562 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
Hoyt Jeter, P.E.