20080924134444.pdfo� EDS City of Edmonds
Fsl r: s g9° (425) 771-0220
DATE: September 24, 2008
TO: Kristin Hanson, Lead Design Professional
E-mail: hansondesign@hotmail.com
FROM: Ann Bullis, Building Official
RE: Plan Check: 2008-0376
Project: New SFR
Project Address: 15625 75'h Place W
1. As you know, the Earth Subsidence Landslide Hazard Ordinance and Edmonds Community
Development Code Chapter 19.10 regulates land development to the drier season of the year and
limits groundwork between October 1St to May 1St. Wet season regulations require that
excavation and drainage installation be completed by September 30th.
If you intend to obtain the subject permits and do the work during the wet season, the City
requires a letter stamped and signed from your geotechnical engineer of record that states a site
inspection has confirmed that the site is stable and work may continue past the ordinance
deadline of September 30th. If such an extension is requested it must include a detailed
schedule of work, that establishes a final completion date. The City will review the request in
accordance with ORD #3632.
If you intend to wait to obtain the subject permits until on or after May 1, 2009, the subject
permit applications will expire May 2, 2010.
2. Previous comment 1c: Add the temporary shoring note from your response letter to the site and
civil plans. If you are considering requesting to work during the wet season, a temporary
shoring plan with details is still required.
See attached Structural and Geotechnical consultant comments.
TO: Ann Bullis, Building Official
City of Edmonds Development Services Department, Building Division
FROM: Dennis R. Stettler, P.E.
DATE. September 4, 2008
BUILDING Pl✓R vnT No. BLD20080376
This technical memorandurn provides our geo€ecbnical peer review of portions of the resubmitted
permit package submitted to the City of Edmonds (City) for the proposed referenced development within
the Earth Subsidence and Landslide Hazard Area (E -SLI -IA) of North Edmonds. Landau Associates
previously reviewed the submittal package and provided our review comments in a technical
memorandum dated June 16, 2008. The purpose of this geotechnical resubmittal review was to review
resubrnitted portions of the submittal package and assess its compliance with City development and
buildingpermit requirements as contained in Edmonds Community Development Code (ECDC) Chapters
19.1.0 and 23..80, and our previous review comments. This geotechnical resubmittal review was
accomplished in accordance with Task Order No. 08-18 of Landau Associates' On -Call Geotechnical
Engineering Services Agreement with the City.
We received the following information forwarded by the City for review as a part of the
0 Addendum to Geotechnical .Report, Proposed Ray Residence ReConstr action, 15625 75.'x'
Place Wesi, Edmonds, WA, Permit No. BLD2008-4376; prepared for Kyle and Juliann Ray by
Associated Earth Sciences, Inc., dated August 15, 2008.
a Site Plan, author unknown, dated April, 2008 (Revised 8119/08).
0 Architectural and Structural Plan. Set (incheding Sheets 4 through .I4 prepared by Hanson
Design.. and Custom Design Engineering, hi..c. dated April 2008, Revised 8119/08).
The fallowing sections provide our review comments.
The referenced Addendum to the geotechnical report prepared by.Associated Earth Sciences, Inc.
(AESI) dated August 15, 2009 (Addendum) addresses our review questions regarding submitting a
130 2nd Avenue South o Edmonds, WA 98020 a (425) 778-0907 o fax (428) 778-6409 a vrwm,landauinc,com
required cross section and review of a previous report by Hemphill for the neighboring property. The
Addendum includes a cross section developed using explorations on the Ray property and previous
explorations extrapolated from the adjacent Spiro property that was the subject of the Hemphill report.
The Addendurn also summarizes the results of the Hemphill report, describes the differences between the
anticipated ground conditions and foundation support approaches used on the two adjacent properties, and
outlines the risk discussions with the Ray property.
Geotechnical monitoring and inspection of earthwork by the Geotechnical Engineer of Record is
required, including placement and compaction of structural fill, foundation bearing, temporary shoring,
retaining walls, and retaining wall backfill and drainage. We had recommended in our Jtme 16, 2008
technical memorandum that the plans show this requirement. Although the resubmitted plans that we
received for review did not include the recommended statement regarding geotechnical monitoring and
inspection, the Addendum letter from AESI states that they have been retained by the property owner to
provide these services.
The resubmitted plans that we received for review contained some redline markings addressing
City comments. However, most of the redline markups on the plans do not directly address our earlier
review comments.
In our June 16, 2008 review letter, we stated:
"Landscaping plans for the area surrounding the house were not included in the
plans provided for our review. We recommend that basic landscaping plans for the
property be provided that confirm that the steep slope areas on the east side of the
property will remain protected by native vegetation and that additional cuts, fills, or
retaining walls are not planned as apart of landscaping improvements to the property. "
AESI concurred with this recommendation in their Addendum letter and stated that they
understand that a basic Iandscaping plan showing these protections will be provided as part of the
resubmittal. A landscaping pian was not included in the materials that we were provided for review. The
resubmitted site plan has redline markings showing "Undisturbed" on the steep slope on the east part of
the property; however, the portion of our review comment regarding any additional cuts, fills, or retaining
walls has not been addressed in the materials we were provided for review.
We also provided review comments in our June 16, 2008 technical memorandum regarding
temporary erosion and sediment control, as repeated below:
"Inspection, maintenance, and regular reporting of TESC measures by the
Geotechnical Engineer of Record are required [see the City of Edmonds Earth
Subsidence and Landslide Hazard Area . Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control
(TESC) Requirements]. The pre -construction meeting needs to include the Geotechnical
914@8 ❑EdmdatalprofedskO74M15File Rm%R4GeotReviewResub_tm.doc LANDAu ASSOCIATES
Engineer of Record [see City of Edmonds Earth Subsidence and landslide Hazard Area
Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control (TESC) Requirements]. These requirements
should be noted on the Grading and TESC sheet and the owner or lead design
professional should arrange for these services with the Geotechnical Engineer of
Record. "
AESI concurred with our recommendation in their Addendum letter and indicated that they had
been retained by the owner to provide these services. However, resubmitted Grading and TESC sheets
were not provided for our review, so we are not aware if this requirement has been incorporated into the
In our June 16, 2008 review technical memorandum, we provided the following comment:
"The City requires that earthwork during the winter season between October 1
and April 30 be restricted. We recommend that the TESC and Grading plans specif tally
indicate that earthwork is restricted between October I and April 30 and any earthwork
in this time period requires approval from both the Geotechnical Engineer of Record and
the City Building Official."
Resubmitted Grading and TESC sheets were not provided for our review, so we are not aware if
this City requirement has been incorporated into the plans.
This technical memorandum has been prepared for use by the City of Edmonds in evaluating the
adequacy of resubmitted permit documents related to the proposed Ray single family residence at 15625
75'1' Place West. The focus of this review was the geotechnical aspects of the application.. The purpose of
the review was to assess the adequacy of the application documents for compliance with City
requirements contained in ECDC 23.80 and ECDC 19.10 and conformance with conventionally accepted
geotechnical engineering practices. This geotechnical peer review by Landau Associates does not lessen
the requirements for the applicant's geotechnical consultant and other design professionals to prepare an
appropriate design for the site conditions.
We appreciate this opportunity to be of service to the City. Please contact us if you have any
questions or if we may be of further service.
914108 SYEdmdatakprojects\07451515File RmMGeotReviewResud_tm.doc LANDAU AssoCIATES
Eagle Eye Consulting Engineers, P.S.
PO Box 523
Olalla, WA 98359
360 874 0562
Fax 360 874 0591
To: Marie Harrison
1215' Ave N
Edmonds, WA 98020
Re: Ray Residence
.1562575 th Place W
Edmonds, WA 98020
Plan Review # 2008.0376 EECE # EDM 08-49 (2)
Plan review number 02
The above referenced project is in the process of plan review for compliance with
Edmonds ordinances and applicable codes. The following comments,
deficiencies/corrections must be addressed prior to completion of plans review and
subsequent issuance of permits.
Provide revised plans and calculations along with a written response to each of the items
listed below to facilitate a shorter back -check time.
The scope of this review is for the Structural, Ventilations & Indoor Air Quality,
Ordinance, and Energy requirements of this project.
All features were checked only to the extent allowed by the submittals provided. All
portions of this project are assumed to meet or will meet other departmental requirements,
conditions and concerns before permit approval.
st'-'terl Area
New Main Floor
New Upper Floor
New Gara a/utility
New Deck
rand total
The above referenced project is in the process of plan review for compliance with
Edmonds ordinances and applicable codes. The following comments,
deficiencies/corrections must be addressed prior to completion of plans review and
subsequent issuance of permits.
Provide revised plans and calculations along with a written response to each of the items
listed below to facilitate a shorter back -check time.
The scope of this review is for the Structural, Ventilations & Indoor Air Quality,
Ordinance, and Energy requirements of this project.
All features were checked only to the extent allowed by the submittals provided. All
portions of this project are assumed to meet or will meet other departmental requirements,
conditions and concerns before permit approval.
Page 2 of 2
Plan Review Number 02
EECE4: EDM 08-49
Sheet 7 Foundation plan
1. 9. Please clarify on the drawing how the underfloor crawl space will be vented.
This shall be shown on the drawings R408.1. Please either note or dimension that
the crawl shall be placed with -in 3 feet of each corner..
Sheet 7 Foundation plan
2. 14. EOR, please provide analysis for the retaining wall shown on this sheet. This is
retaining up to 7'6" of soil. The analysis submitted is for detail A2 but also detail
Al should have an analysis submitted to justify the information specified. The
detail does not match the analysis submitted. Please submit this upon the response.
Sheet S-1 Structural Notes
3. 28. Table 2: Please modify the galvanize plate washer to reflect 3x3X.229 and not
2.25X2.25X3/16. IBC 2305.3. 11 Drawing have note been update with the correct
plate washer. The response state we will red line the drawings but this has not been
done on the submitted drawings. Please modify accordingly.
No comments at this time.
No comment at this time
Additional corrections may be required following receipt of corrections and additional
information as requested.
Your plans are being reviewed concurrently with the Building Department, Fire
Department, Zoning Department and Public Works Engineering. Changes, clarifications
or additional corrections may be required subsequent to the Building Department plan
review when comments are received from the other concerned departments.
Should you have any inquiries regarding this letter, please contact Hoyt Jeter at (360) 874-
0562 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
Hoyt Jeter, P.E.