3810166 TI PL NE #123
PHONE: 360-653-7224
FAX; 360-653-8444
October 2, 20.08
OCT 03 2008
IUIL ;av
Dear Ann Bullis:
This letter is in regard to the Long residence remodel at 20024 Maple Wood Dr. The
permit number is 2008 0252.
We are in the process of the kitchen remodel part of the construction and we have an
island sink that can't be vented. There was a sink there already. Unfortunately, the
original sink was not plumbed to code or we would just put it back the way it was.
What we are asking for is a variance on the code to allow us to use an Oatey Sure Vent
Air Admittance Valve. A loop vent is not practical in this case.
The space below the kitchen is basement. The loop vent would not be able to stay up in
the joist space and the location of the drain in the basement would mean the drain would
be exposed and have to be held down below the furnace duct work. The furnace duct
work is already very low.
We have been using these in King County and Snohomish County for years now with no
problems. I have been told by King County that in the 2009 code these are accepted as
part of the new code. A variance in the code in this case would pose no threat or danger
to anyone.
I would be more than happy to meet with someone in person and better explain our
situation. Please contact me at the number above. Thank you for your time in this
AVM i we r-
!� V*-Lv Ps i
Ken Collins, Project Manager s �� 1S�►i�l�-��o
4700 W. 160111 St.
Cleveland, Ohio 44135
Ph: (600) 321-9532
Fax: (800) 321.9535
6s9I= i,SF 1% lA MO
`w, DWV FSR -1664
� i
b uhU tar prawn pipe 2" and smaller. Includes adapter for is PVC
or ABS pipe or 1{'tubular adapter connecting to under sink
p traps. {39005, 39225, 39226, 39227 39228, 39229 and 39232)
The PVC metric adapters (fnciuded with 39232) solvent weld into
4C mm or 50 mm sockets.
6 UFU para tubos de desagde de 2 pulg. y mds pequenos. Incluye
adaptador para tuberia PVC c ABS de 1/ pulg, o adaptador tubular
de U pulg. due se conecta a los sifones en p debajo del
fregadero. (39005, 39225, 39226, 39227, 39228 y 39229)
20 UFU para tubas de desag0e de 3 ping, y mils pequenos. Incluye
adaptador para tuhe6a PVC o ABS de 1! y 2 pulg. (39016, 39017,
39018, 39019 y 39232)
Sure -Venn 6 BFU pour conduits d'Mcuation no depassant pas 2
pouces (5 cm). Camprend I'adaptateur poor tuyau de 1F pouce an
PVC eu ABS ou adaptateur tubulaire de 1! pouce pour
raccordement A un siphon on P seus hmo (39005, 39225, 39226,
39227,39228 ,
9227,39228, 39229 9139232)
Sure -Vent' 20 UFU pour conduits d'6vacuation m depassant pas 3
pouces (7,6 cm). Comprend I'adaptateur pour tuyau de 1% et 2
20 UFU for drain pipe 3' and smaller. Includes adapter for 1
2' PVC or ABS pipe. {39016, 39017, 39018, and 39019)
160 UFU for drain pipe 4' and smaller. Includes adapter for 2' and
3" PVC or ABS pipe. (39220 and 39221)
500 UFU for drain pipe 5" and smaller. Includes adapter for 3 -,and
4" PVC or ABS pipe. (39223 and 39224)
The Datey Sure -veep Air Admittance Valves have been developed based upon the philosophy Nat all plumbing drainage systems require zit least one primary or main vent, Sure -Vent' AAVs are intended as an alternative to secanderyvents that extend through the mat.
Daley recommends that al least one primary or main vent be vented In the up an aio Ali consult local plumbing codes prior ID Installing an air bond dran Ce val're.
Daley Sme-Vert°6NO AAV(number 39005,39227,39226, 39229 and 39232}screws into a 116 inch Rip Iblood without other fittings. The PVC adapter (m�rder with J; 0d 39228)soNant welds to l%inch PVC plasiic pipe providing the ix inch SIP! hired far the
-Ven[LL9 AAV. The ASS adapter (included with 39227 and 39229) solvent wens to 1% inch ASS plastic pipe. The PVC metricadapters (Included vdo 39232( solvent vat .rte 40mm or 50mm rackets.
Daley Sure -Vent 6 Di AAV (number 39225 and 39226) scto- into a iM Inch FIP thread, The tubular adapter in white (included with 39225) or black (football with 39226) Is mr t ;idk p -trap installations providing the I /, inch PIP Dean for [lie Sure -Vent, AAV
Onley Sure -Vent' 29 DFU AAV (number39016, 39017, 39016; and 39619) scmvrs into a 2 inch FIP Nad wi
athout other Turns_ The PVC adapter (Included vthin 39016and 39018} solvent welds Io ]'bar 2 inch PVC plastic pipch FIP e providing the 2 inthmed for the
Sure -Vent' AAV The ASS adapter (included with 39617 and 39619) salvenl welds Io 18 or 2 Inch AGS plastic pipe.
Oatey Suro-Yenf' 160 DFC AAV (number 39226 and 392211 screws into a 2 inch FIP thread without other 9nings. The PVC adapter (included with 39220) solventwoltls to 2 inch ar 3 inch PVC plastic pipe providing the 2 inch FNP thread for the Sure-Vem• AN The ASS
adapter(included with 39221)salvenl welds l02inch.r3 inch ABS plastic pipe. -
OatalSure-VeaT' 500 DFD AAV feumber 39223 and 392241 Scre1551n[0 a 31nch FIP IMead wiNoui o111Cf liltings. The PVC adapter (included vrith 39223) 501Yent w¢I(Is [0 3 inch ar 4 inch PVC plast[c pipe pro•luing the 3 inch RP thread for the SumNenl' AAV. The ABS
adapter (included with 39224} solvent welds to 3 inch or 4 inch ASS plastic pipe.
The installer should understand the tollowing Impo"" terms when considering Sure -Vent' 0.AV insiallaiien -
Prim ry or main vent—The vent ¢tack that extends Itoot'N forte Ne building drain Ill the open air above the mof and isrotated below (downstream aft the lowest drops branch or the point of the heaviest drainage lead
Reliai Vent — An auailiary vent rAren, primary function is to provide the tirtulatio t 9t air tall vote drainage and vent system. late rel Jet vent is Intended t0 pmvitle a means far air to exit the system If ineceesary Air admittance valves are one�l'ray valves 11131 duly allow
air Io cniao the system.
Secondary Vent —The secondary vent raters to all other Vents C—pt primary, main and relief Yemi
• S. -Vend' AAVs should be installed after DWV raugindn testing has been performed. REMOVE proterowe rubber band and foam inserts covering Soto Vent air pads after drywelling Is complete ltS ilurc Ea remove rcbly r Gadd and foam Nnseris may cadse veming
• SurrVcnr' AAVs musl be Installed at least four inches above the hearil branch drain or listure trap being vented.
•Sure-VenP A6Va must be
accessible for mspeclion. service. repair or replacement.
•Sure-Vent"ARVs shall be Installed in locations Thal permit free movement of an hold valva intake openings.
• Sure-Vedr AAVE. can vent a building with a septic lank provided the system is satislactotily cannectetl to the atmosphere (see local coded. The first chamber or the septic dank must be fresh air vented_
• Sure -Ven' AAVs are imended for idsWllallno within the confines of the building s0u[lure, not exposed to outside elements.
• Surc-VedF'AAVs can he used with a system ural has a dishwasher. wachlng machine, and food disposal attached to il. Cameo (I I.r specllicalion manual it needed,
• Suro-Vent" AAVs an healmrdtetl,o horizontal drain hors. In horizontal runs the Sure -Vent^ AAVs acts like a cncuil vent.
• Sum-Va rAAve shall be ]orated a minimum 016 inches above insuladen materials,
• Sum-Vanl"AAVs shall the installed ,n a iou'iWl Drientation not exceeding 15tlCAmes from plumb,
• Sure -Vent° AAVs should not be Installed in ad area whcm temPentures oxcecd 150'1 or fall below -4?IF
• Su m.V.br AAV, slaw not be used as relief vents-
• SureNenC AAVs shall not he Installed to serve as D vent within actwaste Or special wasto systems.
• Sure-Vent"AAVs shall not he idstalled within supply or return air pilmnos.
•A Sure -Vent' AAV is an accepmble alternative to 1'E Inch through 4 inch branch vent Pipes that eldaud through the roof SEE 1051). Sure-Ven1'remains closed m l0 20 PSIG positive pressure, prevenmg leakage during lour pressure lime cleaning,
• Sum-Veht'AAV, can he Inslarod within four branch adervals.0om the top of the primary vent termidalion point. No addmonal primary venting is requlmd, A branch interval is the dsid— along the drainage stack, words no 19, in general, Io 51.ry heiphi (bol no less
than eight feet) within which horizontal drainage branches bort en9 story of a stmciuto are connected to the stack_ Most single family residential Sure -Vent` Installations up to five stories require only one primary vent per building drain to the outside air When a build-
Igisjoure nnee lion ofile
o thedesandThal hra.11V}wnictl byaEum Vent �antl theovenie�tlmifournam, smckh intervals from the
top ofJob primary stack.arallefvent that Catch
dsto open air or reconnects tothe primaryvent shall be ponitled betrreen the most tlmvnatmam
Las valvulas de admEs'rdn de are Sure -Vold tle Oatey ban side desarmllydws can Ia filosoiia de quc tape IJ sutemds do tubera tle onto je necealan par ID me nos nn conducto tle v.dtilacio, pridlario o ptmipai. Las valvulas Spot Vent" errs, armadas co:no
alternative a fay tubus tle veltllDLltn secunddnos due se extended a Iraves del teohD, Omey retemrende We al minus un conducto priumb in o principal de vanilla, 10 terga radian bac¢ el airs lioro, Consuhe siempre los oddities locales tle plomeria antes de Insmla! Ea
vri de a dr iatidn de aim.
La valvula de atlmision de are 6 DFD Sure-VenN` tle all (namems 39001 39227, 39228, 39229 y 392321 se unc a la taste FIP de 1$pulq sin ningun empalto EI 3daptader PVC (induitlo con los modelos 341165 yy 39226) se s,eltla ode sofvento a fa iuberia PVC de
plestic0 de 1'k pufg. propercinnando la msca FiP tle 1/ Pula. para la v,ilvule de admisidn de air, Sure -Vent°". EI atlaplared ASS (Incluida con los modelos 39227 y 39229) se suelda con sofvento a latuberia ABS de pI sties tle 18 ping.
La valvula the atlmison de dire 6 DEC Sure-VenP` de Daley infirneroe 39225 y 392261 se one a una rases FIP do 'M sung. EI adap[ador tubular blanc¢ (incloido con el modelo 39225) a negro (incluido con el modem 39226) es para las instalacibnes de sifnnes an p tlehajo
del frege0ero preponderance la msca FIP the IY, pule. para a valvula de, odmisian de Aire Sure -Venal .
L3 valvula de,d.lsl n de dire 20 OFC Si de, act
ey (ddmer.s 39016, 39017.39016 y 3917191 se ono a una msca FfP de 2 prig_ sin ningun empalme EI adaptadar PVC (incluido con los modelos 39016p 396151 se suelda can solvcntu a is tuberia PVC de
p455tieo tle 1'46 2 pule. proporcionantlo ]a rosea FIP one 2 pule, para A valvula do admisidn tle afire Sure-Venl"". EI atlaptatldr AGS {incluido wit ms motl¢los 39017 y )9019) se suelda con solvents a Ea tulern ABS de pidslicD tle 1'b u 2 rule.
To valvula de admisidn do aim T60 0FU Sure -Vent°' de Onley (nbmems 39220 y 39221) se unc a una rosin FIP de 2 pule. sill ningun empa,me. EI adaptadar PVC !incluido can cl motlelo 39220) se suelda con ss arm ala mber[a PVC de plasiico de 2 a 3 pufs.
proporcionantlo la msca FIP tle 2 pule. para la valvula tle atlmision tle aire Sure-Veniv'. EI adaptadar All (IndMoo con e' motlelo 39221 j se suelda con solvents a a tuberia ABS do libelled tle 2 o 3 pule.
La v5lvule de admisidn tle aire 500 CFO Sure VOW tle Daley )name's 39223 y 39224) sc one a ora msca FIP de 3 porn, sin ningun em pal me_ EI adapladd, PVC (Incluida can cl motlelo 39223) se suelda an solverte a In tuberia PVC do plasiiw de 3 a 4 pufg.
propares do la msca FIP tle 3 polo_ prim U valvula de fund,, 6, de Alia Sura-VenP'". EI atlaplatlor A65 I'd
cud el motlelo 39224) se sVelda tDn solvenle a la iuberia ABS de plastica de3 0 4 pufg_
11 persona quc malice la ins16n dobe ¢mender los (Ermines Emportanles siguientea cuando desee fnslalar valvulas tle atlmision de aire Sure -Vert'".
Comduno da vanlilahi6n primarin r principal—EI mo de ventilaeidn quc se extlentlo direttamente dostle el tlrenaje del etlihcio hash el aire 56re par entima del tech. y quo sit Idraliza tlehajo (wrriente abajol tle! ramal mos baja bit Runto de mayor cargo ded=,
Cioull de escape — On conducto mr ilia, he .butillci6n coma funcfdn primordial as praporcmner circulation del aire entre el tlrenaje y e, sistema tle venhlacidn EI contlucio de ¢Stene este tlisedatlo para prepemien3r una via de Salida para el are den no del sistema,
de scr nccusario. Las valvulas tle admisibn de alfe eon Valvulas de una via quc unicamerate permiten que entrea[te aI sistema.
Carl tle vemlilabann e ¢here secundarla—Sa fades los demes conducin, de wnr lacfon, excepto Cl primado, principal y los.,dust. tle escape..
• Las valvulas de admia . de I. Sure-VenC° de8em. instafarse despots to
haler realized° las Pruebas ple3minares tle tlrenaje, mslefuds y vemilaci6n, Cespucs tle terminer de insular el muro safe, DOITE la lige pmtectoo y las pubeas de espuma que Call los
yy ¢rias ire aire tle he "If Sure Vcnl. (Si ria q ha ID If y las plazas tle espuma and ,a pow ... r la fall, tle to venriranlon j
• WS wivuias de admisiun de are
Sure-Venl'" dehan'Instal— al mends diet caphor las por encimade[ ramal horizontal r shop a ser vanlifado.
• Las tool do admisiun de she Sure -Vent" dellen Caldearsa on on siiio eccesime para Is dMire ash se[vicio, repamci6n o teempla.
• Las valvulas de admisfon Sure.Vent"' deberan insialarse en hi area que permitan el monmiento Id. del ale hada las ape loss, de entrad3 de Ill valvula
• Las V3Neras de admisidn tle are Sure -Vold Custer propo[cionar, vr,tilaci6n a un etlihcio con on tamoe replica, siempre y cuando el sistema este conlctedo satisladoriamente hada to atmusfera (Consulte los ebtli9os locales) La primum camam dei bounce septi n,
all venhrarse can are fresco.
• Las Vofvulas tle atlmision de aim Sure-VenlX4Wood tlisedadas paJa insialarse denim de la eslmmurt del etlificlq no deben experience ala inlemperie.
• 735 valvulas tlo
"M is de ace Sure -Vert'" pueden olilirarsp can on s[slema que terga c........a on lavapphalos, lava 11 de ropey tritur3dor de residues do alimenlos, Da ser necesario comuniquese can Gone y para Caterer e3 manual do esrecifiradones.
• L35 va Va de dC adml516n de al re Sure-V2rt1"` puetlen CaneClarSea irbeflas horiZomalEs de diene!¢. En tae illherlds hpriZOnm es l35 Vjlvq as de adml5iln de alfa Si frntlenan Como Ion tiradrto tle Yenaila al
• Las advarse de arm1Slth the aire Sure-Venlm deber5n rack. rse a un minima de 6 pufg. por encima de los inn erioles alslantes,
• Las vdlvulas de atlmision tle aire Sure-Ve nl"`of din mote— con no onsublecion vertical sin :.Door the 15 grades can resppe¢Cd a la Capr a.
• Las valvulas tle admisibn tle Due Sure -Vent`" on
dcbcn ser insialadas en un area donde 1. bunch ramrts exsedal de 65° C (I Or FI o czigan par debajo do .40' C (-40° F}.
• Las valvulas de arbil lbn tle aire Sure -Vent"' no dcbcn users_ comp ad,
more tle escape.
• Las valvulas de admisibn tle aire Sure-Ve in"no deben insialarse part servir tle escape an lea siste res de desirb o55cidos D residuos especialCs,
• Las valvulas do admisibn de aire Sure ,r- he do red inslalmse denim de caMPanas de are de sumire sire 0 tle m'orno,
• Las vallubs tle admisibn tle aire Sure -Ven?".1 are altemativa acefolone para tamales tle escape tle 1'f, a 4 purg_ que se Wields- a'raves del tache (ASSE 1051}, Las Valvulas Sure -Vent"" parmaneten council hash 26 RED tle presidn pdsitiva, fulando Is logo
dural¢ la pmpfeza tle la Ilnea a baja presidh,
• Las 0 ulas du admisibn de aire Sure -Ven"` preach lnslelame un nodded. tle crab, ramales desbe m rape del punt, term 1111 del candueta de Stalilacidn Jund o, he se nee . una ventiLeadn primarin sc iaiocal_ On ineervalo de ramal es to ddstancia a Id largo del
tire del tlrenaje quc geneelmenle correspond, ala altota del pi5u (pefa no manor tle 2.4 m (3 pies]) en la coal se caneClan los tamales dariionlales de tlrenaje de un piso al dim.
etlihcio_ La mayaria de Insmlacion¢5 d¢ valvulas Sure -Yen!" an [eras unifamillales
hada dr -di pesos neC.5ltan s0la"do rn npndaale ds vadtl DGlen pllmarle I a el Dit' eltleriar par Instaleclo, de tlrenaje del Wilieio. branda e, edificid es tle mar tle con,D pls.a tle all
Y a va V.la Sore-Vem"'se il151ala 3 sllones mos ally do InteN11a5 tle coatre
tamales do"' el tope tle[ nm primarin, dia era 5drnino,trers, un conducto de ceaape que en Wientla haste of aire litre o que se coala a Caheciar of conducto de veorlascion primarin; este conducto de ¢Stene Bele aolDcarse Enh¢ In Cohesion all sildn qua so encue,ire
rads dial. an m(II hennol s) horiioalal(es) venlilado(sl par una'till
Sure-Vent"y el tiro vertical dei tlrenaje.
La conco fica des soupapes Ns
tl'airSme Ventw de la sociA[A Datey repose sur le Principe one to"'systeme da drainage necassite au mains on event principal. Les shed Pts Sure -Venal° sent tongues pour se sulabodur h des events sdcondaires Irtverser4 to
tett, Date, recommantle qti 3u minimum Vr event principal fornmese one ven6lan.n vers I'eA rieur. Toulours consulter to code ],cal de [a plemberie avant d'installer doe saupelpe tl'admsslon:Tali.
Ld Sop ape d'adm1551on d'aif Datey SVIe-V¢nFa 6 DFU'modeles n" 39005, 39227, 39226 , 39229 ¢139232} se vise sur un Illelago FIP do 1'h be Sans nbenefter d'autrs racCnrd Le solvent de Facaplateur pour ruyau or PVC Mica avec It mpool. n" 39005 et 39228)
se'dude au tuyou tle 1 V. P. en PVC pour petmeltre de !carni, le footage FIP do 1S Do pop, Is racc.rdement tle la soupope Sure-Vedl°°, Le sulvanl de Fadaptabeur pour tu,ap on ABS (fourth avec les pmdEle3 n"39227 et 39229] se roads on toyau do 1h In an ABS,
Le soupape tl'admissioo d'aif Oatey Sure-VOW6 DFU(modeles n" 3922591392261 se visse sur un fridegx FIP de 19 po. Vadiotaleur dual blanc(inclus avec he mea le m392251 do Ralf(inclu3 avec IS mcifir a•39226} faurnit In hill FIP do iF an dans le cos
d one installation sur on alpha, en Psous curer
Le sou Rape d'adtnisslon d'air Dam' Sure -'126 6FC (moddtus n"39016, 39017, 39016 ei 39019) se vise sur on fil9lage FIP tle 2 Do sans necesslter u, raea rd. Le solvent de, padaplmeuo pour III en PVC tle IX no r0 (inclus avec los and b;lea n" 39016 at
399131 se Coude au toyed en PVC pour permettre de lot nor le filofagc FIP de 2 ro pour Ie rawmdemeat de Ill soupope S."VInur. Le solvent tle I'adapttiod poortibien ABS(fournit avecles modAIdes n"39017 e[39019) se sonde au Nyen dM ISLo dot no en ABS.
Le soupape clmission d'air Ol Sure -Ven[°' 160 OFu (motleres nn 39220 et39221) se s sur on filEtage FIP de 2 no sans necessiter on raccerd. Le colva t tle race led, pour toyer en PVC (inch. avec le modele n' 39220) se Si au tayau en PVC de 2 no 3
po pour permene of fournit 3e racing¢ FIP de 2 po pour I, raccm amens de ra sou Pape Sure-Venl"'. Le solvent de I'adap[ateur pour Mean an ARE (IDumir avec le modal¢ n•30221) se Soudc Au tuyaa df: 2 et du 3 pD an ABS.
La soupaps d'admission d'e'll Oatey Surc-Vent'° 500 DEC (modeles n"39223 et 39224) se visse sur un Illauga FIP de 3 so sans.ecesiler un mount Le solvent de Veda pWleur pour tuyau an PVC Thelus avec Is models n' 39223) se sonde au toyer on PVC tle 3 ad 4
po pour permeate tle laumir le filetage FIP de 3 po pour Io raccortlement tle la soupaide Sure-Venlm. Le solvent de I'Ddaptteur pour toper on ADS (roumil avec le me 3922
m 392241 se Suttle au luyau do 3 of de 4 so c, ABS,
Timm all Coil compreI res tormw importants ci-tlessous relatifs A Vinstolla[ion dune soupape tl'odmi,,idd d'air Sura -Vent"°_
II pit nc,pal —CD ohne de ventilation allant it mctell du drain do b5 hi a Lair tiboe au-0essus du toil e[ strafe en oval (au-dessr os) du paint Is branchement to plus bas des apparel! ou au point o9 !¢drainage est Is plus fmpo rtant
EventI IermEdiahe—went auxiliaim dont la Ponction principale est tlepermemc[a Circulated. de fair Echo le drainage at Is sysume de vemilauon_L'evert intermediairelournit un moyen d'evatell I'audu systAme on cos tle lase b Les soupapes d'admissiun Call sort
Jas saupapes unidinotionnelles qui ae permerich[ que I'atlmiselon d'alr dans Ic sysicmE.
Event se....all —Tout Event autre qu'an evenl prledpal ou on .!42 i0larmddialr.
• Les saupapes d'admle5lad tl'air5ura-VenP" tloive,t 2te inslatlpes apes les esais des ourrodealone d'evacuation .1 9. venlitali ch ENLEVER Is bande de canutclleut at les couceins en mousse pretegredr les aripces tle passage Tell tle la soupope Sure-Venl"' apras
- slallat, des clolnons 5eche5. ILe ventilation peat no pas tenthonner si res aldmenls nn Som pas ealeve }
• Les saupapes d'admisslon tl'air Slee-VenlV° Cail 6[re install2e5 au mains 1Ocm adeharus du hranchement harizonui drev da[ian ou du siphon de Tappereil venlilL
• Les sauna,, it Is sslon tl'air5we-Vents' doivent etre atcessidfes tle maniere a permetire icor inspection, enve0en, reparation et romplaxment.
• Lee 6a.papCS tl'atlml5'I"c1I Sure-VDS V adhere (etre In5Glll a on emplacement parmet a rt la Clrcul llom fibre tle Fair dans I',bids tl'adml55i.n.
• Los soupspes it sel sston all Su[e-Vardi peuvenl ventiler pit b&Tiimor[ dote dune fosse sapnqua sous reserve que le evolEme Solt combelement beeddrtle a tomosphAte (.tr code lace!!. La premi8re encelnle de la fosse septique tloit&Ire —14 avec de If
• Les SoepapPS tl'atlml55mn O'dif Sure -Vence' 60nt congoes Papr una mdlallaaon au rein dun batiment el ne ddivent pas Arm expD5de5 aux bountiful sadrours.
• Lessoupapes d'admissmn III Sure vent proven! she ali[isees dans un system. cgmportant one machine S laver la vais"Ie, aro machine S laver le tinge ou an blevaur d'avier En as de Jeri faire appel a la soca le Dotty pour Ie manuel des earsetheislobas
• Les seupapes "'dr1lstlon d'dif Sufe-Vent"' peuv.ni film brabli sur des wndurts d'evaccation honzonlffies. Dans w as la endpaper agil comm¢ tlisposi[ir de Venbl6lion t¢mtlnalc.
• Les sovpapes tl'atlmisslCn d'aif 'I due
d.ivent aire inslalltas 5 one tllstance tl'au mains 15 cm au-tlessus des malArlaux d'isolation
• Les sou napes tl'atlml551an d'aif Surc-vonliO tloI , etre inelalli do maniere a nE pas s'eral Is is vwhords tle plus de 15 degdos.
•les snupapes ad amisslad d'air Sum-VenP° n, tloivent pas litre installees dans un endmit oA la temperature pent tlepaeser 65 °C (150 •F or tell au-dessous de -40 °C (-40 °FI.
• iA5 Suupdpe5 tl'dtlmiS50n d'air Sum -Vent"' no
Ete milisees comm ¢ events intermediates_
• Les 5aupapes O'atlmi35ion d'air Sure -Ven!"" ne tloivent pas Etre insGllees pour la ventilation did=,, de tlEchets nettles Du de Bechets speciaux_
LEI soupapes tl'admissian d'air Sure-VenP° ne doivent pas Atm insLllses dans les collec[eurs tl'atlmission ou de recirculation d'air.
• one soupape d'admission tl'air Sure-Vcnl"' consutue one substitution atlmisslbe a un luyau de ventilation de ala 4 po Imi.0nD le flit (ASSE 1051). Les saupapes tl'admission chair Sp,e-Vent"° restent formees jusqu'a 20 prig (0.9 bar) de pretended positive pour eviter
les fortes pfroold IS nsltDyage des eolldoites sous table pression,
soupape9 d'admisSEon d'air Spe-Venr"' peuvent erre mslaUee5 sur IES qualfe premiers Interualles tle branlh¢memhpariiii point superie o r tle I'e Iprincipal.A.....Y.M,lalI,,pri"pole su ppltmutI"estrequire- Un i nterv3petlebmdahemenI set la
distance le IonQ de la colonne vedicale d'Evacuation correspondartt g8dtmlement a un doge (mats CtleiOnant au mains 2,5 m1. Dans Colintervalle, les hranchemenis d'Evacuallon horizontanx conespondad a un 6. du bttimED se rano sot a la colonne vertitale.
La plupad As Jnslallatlols Sure- les matrons unllamiliales poovani camponer jusqu'A cine, augur ne necessilent qu'un riven principal vers lair eal2rieur pourchaque collecleur principal d'bvacua!ien Cu Gatiment. Lorsque la hauteur tl'un bdtiment tlepasse
ace, el Rhode saupappe d'admisSEorldear Sure-VoclY° est lnstallle an den de coal intervallCS do brenchem a.,A pamr du snmmet tle to colon.. prpropole, on Avant inlermEdiaire attelgnant fair litre ou rebrondi Sur 'tyent principal Boit ttm tomo! Cotte le
dranchemenl d'appara9 to plus an aval or da ranalliance horuciddlevenlitee par one soupape Sure -Vent °ol Is colonise d'evacuatir. "intake_
Pan 0 05SISS REV_ C