20081027085949.pdfCity of Edmonds
DATE: October 24, 2008
TO: Alexanders Heating, Inc.
Sent via email
FROM: Ann Bullis, Building Official
RE: Plan Check # 2008-0839
Project: Reichler Mechanical for Tenant Improvements
Project Address: 21827 76"` Ave W
During re -review of the plans for the above noted project, it was found that the following
information, clarifications or changes are needed. Provide written responses to each comment and
where changes can be found on the plans. Please resubmit to Marie Harrison, Permit Coordinator.
1. See attached comments dated October 21, 2008. These comments have not been addressed.
2. In an effort to help expedite the mechanical permit applications for the upper floor tenant
improvements, please revise the mechanical plans for that floor as soon as possible. The plans still
do not show all walls, wall locations do not match the approved TI floor plans, and return air is not
provided to each room/space. Also, there are not exhaust fans shown for the TI restooms.
o TE City of Edmonds
-'� pfd
�sr_ 1 g90 (425) 771-0220
DATE: October 21, 2008
TO: Alexanders Heating, Inc_
Sent via email
FROM. Ann Bullis, Building Official
RE: Plan Check: 2008-0839
Project: Reichler mechanical (TIs)
Project Address: 21827 76`x' Ave W
During review of the plans for the above noted project, it was found that the following information,
clarifications or changes are needed_ Please provide written responses as to where the changes can
be found on the plans, and submit revised plans/documents to a Permit Coordinator.
I. Provide separate mechanical permit applications for each tenant space. Please contact Theresa
Umbaugh regarding this issue.
2. Since the upper floor tenant improvements are nearly complete, submit 2 sets of revised
mechanical plans addressing the items below for the upper floor only. Those plans will be
reviewed and used for all tenant spaces on the upper floor.
3. Provide separate mechanical plans for each remaining tenant improvement space to accompany
the respective mechanical permit applications.
4. Provide revised plans showing all proposed walls and uses of space.
5. Show location of return air for each room/space (undercutting of doors is not permitted since
flooring/carpet can be changed at anytime altering the return air space).