20081105113404.pdfCity of Edmonds
Engineer-ing Division
WA 98020 - (425) 771-0220 FAX(425) 771-0,221
Website: www.ci.edmonds.wa.us
Civil Plan Review Comments
Applicationth BLD20080851 —Date: 11/5/2008
Project Name/Address: Klahaya Swim Club ADD / 10317 — 238 St SW
Contact Person/Address, Fax or E-mail: Rick Ashleman / rashlenian @)c.ompast.net
Reviewer: Edward Sibrel Division: Engineering
During review of the civil drawings for the proposed development it was found that the following items will need
to be addressed. Please resubmit 3 copies of the revised civil drawings and associated documents with a written
response to each item to an Permit Technician. Please contact me at 425-771-0220 or by e-mail at
,)ci.edmonds.wa.us if you have specific questions regarding these plan corrections.
Engineering APPROVES of the Proposed Prg:iect..sub_iect to the following conditions:
Engineering notes an unenginecred infiltration and swale system is proposed to be located near the west
property line next to the parking lot. Ostensibly this was originally included to handle the runoff generated
from new parking stalls proposed in a prior Octorber of 2007 site plan.
The new parking has since been removed as a proposal, however the drainage system remains. Since the
extent of the balance of the proposed addition, at —260 square feet, falls far under the threshold that would
otherwise require a drainage system at all, Engineering has no objection to allowing the infiltration system to
be built, PROVIDED:
1. Neither the existing nor new impervious surfaces are connected to the system, ie, neither parking nor
building tightlines shall connect to the system;
1 The sole function of the infiltration / swale shall be to dewater/dry the southwestern corner of the lot;
3. Any subsequent proposed connection to the infiltration system for the purpose of controlling runoff from
existing and/or new impervious surfaces be accompanied with an engineered design and calculations
showing the system as well as the underlying soil characteristics are capable of handling said runoff. The
designs and calculations shall be prepared and stamped by a licensed engineer.
DATE E-MAILED— 11/5/2008 PAGE(s) 1 of I