20081212153949.pdfDATE: 12/12/2008
TO: Edward G. Brock
FROM: Pat Lawler
City of Edmonds
(425) 771-0220
RE: Plan Check: 20080989
Project: Deck
Project Address: 1241 Vista Way
During review of the plans for the above noted project, it was found that the following information,
clarifications or changes are needed. Please provide written responses as to where the changes can
be found on the plans, and submit revised plans/documents to a Permit Coordinator.
1. The proposed pressure treated 2x10 joists cannot be sistered to the existing 2x10 DF #2 non-
pressure treated joists. The existing joists will need to be cutback to the exterior wall, rotation
blocked, sheathed over, building paper applied, a new rim joist installed with z metal flashing,
hangers, and the the new joists and decking. Provide a floor plan and section details showing
this information. All non pressure treated lumber will need to be replaced with P.T. or decay
resistant wood for any work proposed with this permit.
2. Provide the grade of the proposed 3/4"x6" cedar decking and the product information (listing) to
show that it will span the proposed joist spacing.
3. The proposed 4x6 beam is severely undersized. A 6x12 #2 HemFir beam would be large
enough, or provide beam calculations with an alternate beam size.
4. Indicate rotation (pressure) blocking between the joists above the bearing beams where no rim
joist will be.
5. A beam will need to be provided to support the six foot wide deck on the side with no ledger.
Identify the beam, posts, footings, and connections.
6. Abeam will need to be provided to support the 6'10" span carrying the 12' deck on the side
extending past the ledger.. Identify the beam, posts, footings, and connections. If one side is to
be supported by the house, identify the hanger size and load path.
7. Identify the guard materials,sizes, and methods of connection. The guard will need to support
50 lbs. per square foot, and an impact load of 200 lbs.
Please call or email me if you have any questions I can help with.
Pat Lawler
Plans Examiner
City of Edmonds
425 770 2020 x1703