20081217113836.pdf17/17/2008 WED 10:19 FAX 425 778 2788 EYE CLINIC DF EDMONDS I�OOIJQDI
Eire Marshal Smith,
December 15, 2008
Thank you for inspecting our Surgery Center last week. We look forward to completion and the future
of our Ophthalmic Ambulatory Surgery Center.
i wanted to communicate to you that our Med Gas closet has only one intention; that is to house the
oxygen tank as provided by our supplier Nitrox. We have ordered Oxygen In the "T" tank or an "S"
tank, which ever is available by the supplier at the time of delivery. Either of these tanks will be the
primary tank. The back up tank wili only be an "M" tank and its volume is 125 cf. The "T" tank holds
337cf and the "S" tank to hold 282cf. Therefore, there will never be more than 503 cf in the Med Gas
closet of Eye Surgery of Edmonds.
Thank you for your review of this matter,
Cathy Strauss RN
Clinical Director
Eye Surgery of Edmonds
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DEC 1 a' 2000