2009-0065_ScottsParking.pdf CITY OF EDMONDS th 121 5 Avenue North, Edmonds WA 98020 Phone: 425.771.0220 ¤ Fax: 425.771.0221 ¤ Web: www.ci.edmonds.wa.us DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT ¤ PLANNING DIVISION February 24, 2009 Max Craddock, P.E. Bush, Roed, & Hitchings, Inc. 2009 Minor Avenue East Seattle WA 98102 P: 206.323.4144 | F: 206.323.7135 | E: maxc@brhinc.com RE: BLD-2009-0065 Scott’s Bar & Grill Dear Applicant, parking lot8115 Lake Ballinger WayCG Thank you for submitting a building permit application for a at in the zone. I have reviewed the above application for the Planning Division and have found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications will need to be addressed before my review can continue. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to working with you on this project. 1 Please provide a written response to the items mentioned below… 1.SEPA Review Required: Over 500 cubic yards of material is proposed to be graded. The civil plans indicate a proposal for 1900 cubic yards of cut and 40 cubic yards of fill. Pursuant to WAC 197-11-800.1(b)(v) the project is subject to the State Environmental Policy Act. Please submit a completed Environmental Checklist along with the review fee ($485) and an Adjacent Property Owner (APO) list + affidavit (enclosed). Please note that there is a minimum two week comment/appeal period after a SEPA determination is issued, so to expedite the review process please turn this in as soon as possible. The Department of Ecology has published a helpful ÐSEPA Guide for Project ApplicantsÑ that should answer most of your Environmental Checklist questions Î it can be found online on their website: http://www.ecy.wa.gov/pubs/0206018.pdf. 2.Landscaping Plan Required: Notes on the plans indicate new landscaping, but no landscaping plan was submitted. Please submit a landscape plan compliant with ECDC 20.13 (attached). Please also submit a itemized cost estimate (per ECDC 20.13.040.A) covering the cost of the plants and installation for use in determining the landscape bond and inspection fees. Please see especially the required landscape buffer widths and required parking lot landscaping island requirements Î the addition of lots of new landscaping will alter your site/civil plans Î please adjust them accordingly. Also, please submit the arborist report that outlines the reasons for the tree removal and provides for a replanting plan. Where else on site, besides this northern area, can replacement trees be planted? The arborist report should provide arguments in support of the overall proposed site re-design. 3.Parcel Aggregation Required: The Snohomish County AssessorÓs website indicates that Komen Properties, LLC owns the ScottÓs Bar & Grill parcel along with the three smaller vacant parcels to the north. Parking lots are a permitted secondary use in the CG zone if they serve a permitted primary use, such as a restaurant. However, the parking on the plans is proposed on the parcels adjacent to the restaurant Î not on the same lot as the restaurant. This property line issue can be resolved a few different ways: 1 Please also redline your plans to reflect any changes – or, if you are submitting new plans, please submit three site plans (one must be reduced size) and two sets of the changed pages of the plans. Please make all submittals to the Development Services Permit Coordinator (Theresa Umbaugh) All code citations can be found on the City of Edmonds website: www.ci.edmonds.wa.us. Page 1 of 2 a. A Ðlot line adjustmentÑ can be processed through the City of Edmonds to dissolve the interior property lines. The fee is $405 plus the $15 surcharge ($420) and the process is typically completed within a month. A completed and signed Land Use Application, copies of the survey, and a title report current within 30 days are required for a complete submittal. After the owner takes the signed final approved maps up to the County for recording, they would provide us with the recording number and three copies of the large recorded maps (a handout on this process is attached). b. Alternatively, you may combine the parcels through the Snohomish County AssessorÓs Segregation Department and provide use with documentation that this process is underway. This process may be much quicker and less expensive (see attached). Please contact the County at 425.388.3525 to inquire about this process. 4.Administrative Design Review Required: Any exterior changes Î such as landscaping, tree removal, grading, addition of parking spaces, and dumpster enclosures, require design review. Please submit a statement, along with the design review fee, at your earliest convenience outlining how your project meets the various design and landscaping code sections. You will need to prove that the project will meet the design requirements for landscaping as outlined in ECDC 20.12, 20.13, and 16.60.030 and the goals/policies of the Comprehensive Plan many Î it appears that there will be changes to the existing plans, which will result in a reduction of parking spaces proposed and a large increase in landscaping around the perimeter and between stalls. The design review fee for projects requiring SEPA review but that remain under the height limit in the CG zone is $570. Please review the attachments. 5.Perimeter Fence: The plans indicate an existing chain link fence along the north/west property lines within the marked clearing limits Î will this be removed during construction? Will it be replaced afterwards? 6.Retaining Wall Height: The northern ÐstreetÑ setback will be 4 feet Î all structures must remain at least 4 feet from the property line. Structures include items over 3 feet in height, including retaining walls, as measured from top of wall to original grade. Please provide the top of wall elevation compared to the original grade elevation on the site plan and please make sure that if this figure exceeds 3 feet, that the wall is at least 4 feet away from the north property line. Please make this clear on the site plan. 7.Parking Analysis: There is mention of a joint parking agreement between businesses. IÓm trying to calculate “20 plus one per 100 square feet gross floor area in excess of the required parking for the restaurant, which is 4,000 square feet” per ECDC 17.50.020.B.11. If the restaurant is 6357 gross square feet, then 20 spaces are required PLUS a ratio of 1/100 for the remaining 2357 square feet, which is 23.57 (43.57 44 total spaces required for ScottÓs). Although youÓre not reducing the number of parking spaces, IÓd like to document the parking for the other buildings Î is this parking agreement available? Sincerely, Gina Coccia Associate Planner 425.771.0220, x 1778 coccia@ci.edmonds.wa.us cc: BLD20090065 enc: Environmental (SEPA) Checklist ECDC 20.13 (Landscaping) ECDC 16.60 (General Commercial Design Standards) Land Use Application (required for a Lot Line Adjustment application) APO Handout (labels and affidavit required for the SEPA mailing) Lot Line Adjustment Handout (process required -- unless a lot aggregation is processed through the County) Page 2 of 2