Date: July 11, 2007
To: Development Services Lead Marie Harrison
From. John Westfall, Fire Marshal (k)
Subject: Preapplication: Cascasia 72xx 212th St SW.
The Fire Department provides the following comments and corrections in accordance with the 2006
International Fire Code and Edmonds Community Development Code Title 19:
1. Reviewed as a R2 apartment complex without consideration of Washington State DSHS
licensed -care requirements for occupancies such as boarding homes (Chapter 388-78A WAC),
or residential treatment facilities (Chapter 246-337 WAC). As applicable, provide design/program
description to WA DSHS.
2. Provide Cascasia program description for facility including capabilities of residences; number,
skills/functions, extent of daily and management staffing.
a. Any on-site treatment accommodations?
b. Will nursing or custodial care on a 24-hour basis be provided on-site for any tenant?
c. Any delayed -egress requirements?
d. Any dwelling smoke alarm monitoring accommodations?
e. Any other considerations for egress capability, domestic oversight and/or assistance?
3. Address 7238 or 21200 requires correction & clarification by Development Services. Update
plans accordingly.
4. Provide more site access information. Garage entry o212th ithout approach creates a hazard
to vehicular, pedestrian and bicycle traffic.
a. Provide approved fire apparatus road and landing area for emergency vehicle
response and activities outside of underground parking entry and away from (not to
obstruct) ROWs. (See Engineering requirements)
L5. Standby/emergency power in accordance with Building Div. rgrmts.
6. Properly size and arrange style elevators and shafts to accommodate ambulance stretchers
(min. 24"x84"). IBC 3002.4 Provide independent standby power for elevators to accommodate
horizontal egress systems IFC 604.2.19.3
7. Required permits/submittals include:
a. Fire Connection Permit
Callout Fire Connection Permit. Fire Connection must be submitted at the same time as
your civil engineering plans. Fire connection permit is required for the installation of the
City of Edmonds So Office of Fire Marshal
underground supply for your fire protection system. Underground design must be
stamped by registered PE or a Level III (WA) fire sprinkler contractor AND the installer
must also stamp the plans. The installer must be either Level III or Level "U" fire
sprinkler contractor licensed by the State. Provide three copies of plans showing all
valves, vault location, post indicating valve, fire department connection and piping to
include size and material, hydraulic calculations, thrust blocking with calculations, pipe
bury depth and any and all other materials used and their fire protection listings. RCW
18.160.0701 RCW 18.27.110
b. Fire Sprinkler System Permit
Callout Fire Sprinkler System permit IFC 105.7.1
c. Fire Suppression System Standpipe
Callout Class I Fire Standpipe Permit IFC 905.3.1 Exc 1
d. Fire Suppression System Pump Permit as required (dependent upon available water
and sprinkler system demands IFC 105.7.5 and Section 913
e. Fire Alarm Permit
Manual fire alarm system is required. Fire alarm system is also required for purposes of
off-site sprinkler system monitoring, local alarm audible/visual notification and exterior
f. Fire Protection Footprint
Callout Fire Protection Footprint is required (attached).
g. Fire Safety & Evacuation Guide
Provide a guide which describes the location, function and use of fire protection
equipment and appliances accessible to residents, including fire alarm systems, smoke
alarms, and portable fire extinguishers in R2 apartments and condominiums. Email
westfall ci.edmonds.wa.us for example. IFC 408.9
8. Regarding fire suppression/detection systems design:
a. Identify sprinkler riser design and location accommodation and Callout interior riser
b. Collocate fire alarm control panel (FACP) with fire sprinkler riser.
c. Provide annunciator at main fire access entry.
d. Automatic detection of common areas s are not required,
except a smoke detector is required at the FACP and elevator emergency operations
will require smoke detection at lobby areas.
e. Your fire protection systems underground contractor, sprinkler designer and installer
are required to be licensed by Office of the State Fire Marshal.
f. Gypsum sheathed elevator shaft meets definition of "non-combustible" for purpose of
eliminating required sprinkler at top of shaft.
9. Provide and interconnect dwelling smoke alarms in dwelling units.
10. Provide minimum rated 2A:10B:C portable fire extinguishers in accordance with NFPA 10.
11. Add note: New buildings shall have approved address numbers, building numbers or
approved building identification placed in a position that is plainly legible and visible from the
street or road fronting the property. These numbers shall contrast with their installed
background. Address numbers shall be Arabic numerals or alphabet letters. Building
numbers shall be a minimum of 4 inches high with a minimum stroke width of 1/2 inch and
proportionate to building size.
12. Add note: Provide Fire Department lockbox. Coordinate with Fire Department for a "Lockbox
Authorization Letter" and instructions to obtain and install lockbox outside the sprinkler rooms
on your site. 425.775.7720
Cc: Ms. Melissa Bullis, Cascasia Pacific Properties
Engineering Program Manager Jeannie McConnell
Assistant Building Official Ann Bullis
Attachment: Fire Protection Footprint
Esimonds Plaza
15116 Main Street
Occupancies: R1, A3, B, M
Type, of Construction: V-Vhour
2;`stories with basement
Total Building Area: 32i456:sf :
1997 USC; UMC, UFC, UPC; WSEC, VIAQ,State Barter Free Code
Flea Apparatus Access: Paved. Week, South and Last aides
A_ctive Fire Protection
Fire sprinider system (specify USC Std. 91 erg -3) • 1r .
Fire sprinkler control panel location
Firs tleplulmeint connections
Fila alarnrsystem wl smoke detection and manual pulls Relali stet
Filoa:alarm control panel location
Illuminated exit signs eA
Emergency lighting wl battery back-up ►,
MVAC automatic shutdown
Kitchen Type 1 hood and suppression system
Fire Extinguishers ne.b
Passive Fire Protection
Smoke control system
Escape windows from elaeping rooms
1 -hour rated corridorlexit passageway
Attic draft stop$
Elevator smoke door.
Structural �Q�ctlon
Exterior load�baaring waft =1 -hour
I.nterlor load-beadng walls =1 -hour
F.xtertornon aringwaif* al -hour
Structural frame :
1 -hour
Pt?mtanent 0atltlans
=1 -hour
:Shaft enclosures
=1 -hour
Floor -ceiling
Roof -ceiling
m 1 -hour
Exterior openings
- NIA due to locatlon on property:
Stalr enclosure
= t,hour
Roof material class
a Type B
-1 hour Cerrklor With self-
cbsing, ralad doors, rated
glazing. 0relsmc he dampets'at.
(Wt penebmtkm . .
l haur rated weii assembly
2 hawArea Separation Wali
Vd h rated doors and gtadng
Regtilred,;,11to the exterior
drgte buIng .
Are a:of:EvawatlonAssistanoe
fire NpWknent Connection
20 mine. raped, sei6oloa ft door
;r iQ
eg min. rated, seli-p log door
90 min. rated, self-rb9ing door