20090922043618175.pdfMessage From. Hauss, Bertrand Sent; Thursday, September 17, 2009 3:54 PIVI To: 'Hartstrom, Kendra' Cc: English, Robert; Miller, Noel Subject: RE: Ferry Holding Lane Page I of 4 Using only Dayton is actually preferable since that it will only involve one turn, instead of two (with Pine St. detour route). This is especially beneficiali for the truck traffic and Dayton St from SIS -104 to 5trl Av. S is part of our Truck Route. Wth that new proposal, the traffic will be split to Pine St. for familiar drivers (since most of them probably won't follow the detour route) and Dayton St. for unfamiliar drivers following the detour route. This wily help spread out the traffic and reduce back—ups at controlled intersections. Bertrand -----Original Message ----- From: Hartstrom, Kendra [mailto:Hattstl<@wsdot.wa.gov] Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2009 3:06 PM To: H�auss, Bertrand Subject: RE: Ferry Holding Lane Ili Bertrand, Right after we talked, I spoke with Our 111'aintenance crews who were requesting Nveju-St Use Dayton to 51th ars the detOUr. Would that be A instead" Or wotfld you still pre-l"cr Pine to rd and then Dayton to 5th? Let me know and we will J.'6110W Your lead. "I'hanks. From. Hauss, Bertrand [mai Ito: hauss@ci.edmonds.wa. us] Sent: Thursday, September, 17, 2009 2:45 PM To: Hartstrom, Kendra Cc: Swires, Mike Subject: RE: Ferry Holding Lane Kendra, Please modify the detour route to right turn on Pine St. (same as before), left turn on 3rd Av, S, and right turn on Dayton St, which eventually merges back with, 51"; Av. S. The reason for the modification is that the turn from EB Pine St, onto 51h Av. S is difficult because of the slope of the roadway. Therefore, disregard my comment regarding trucks I left on your phone since cars will be foHowing the same route. Please respond to my email if You approve of this change (just for my records). Thanks and let me know if you have any other questions, AMMM ----- Original Message----- Fro: essage----- From: Hartstrom, Kendra [mailto:Hartstl(@wsdlot.wa.gov] 9/18/2009 Message: Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2009 11:22 AM To: Hauss, Bertrand Subject: FW: Ferry Holding Lane Page 2 of 4 I sent you phase I of the traffic control in nay einail this iriorning, 'I'lie attached sheets resemble what will be phase 2 (for Tuesday and Wednesday's work) though �.IS I said oil the 1)11011C, OUT maintenance crews may adjust it to fit, their needs and nlinirnize traffic, impacts. We don't expect traffic inipacts, fi-orn Monday's workeven with coinciding work. on, SR 524. Tuesday we expect delays since, we will be either flagging or shiftier(I traffic. Unfortunately, it looks, like the signed detour for the SR 524 work does put traffic right into our work zone however- I would expect most of the local trat'ric will 1�111(1 their way th-rougli city arterials rather than using the SR 104 signed detour. We plan to start work 8 ani and. end work by 2 pill. .-Kendra From: Hartstrom, Kendra Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2009 9:37 AM To: 'Hauss, Bertrand' Subject: RE: Ferry Holding Lane I was aware of that conversation but after reviewing that scenario, we deteri-nined it unworkable. For one thing,, traffic headed SB oil 5th ave to SR, 104 would have had to be detoured since it would have conflicted with the WB, traffic set up in (lie opposing lane of. SR 104. The set Lip we've settled on is the least invasive and will cause the least aniount of backup on SR 104, We plan to start work at (S am rather than 7 now and we should be off the road by 2 pin. I've attached [lie basic layout Cot, Monday's work. It will require arly traffic headed to 5th Ave WB to detour to SR 104, Our crews will Set Lip a detoUrr sign at fine directing thein back to 5th. We'll also use the VMS at the beginning ol'the I"erry lane. It should be only a minor inconvenience. 'I'llis way we Nvon't inipact, the EB SR 104 traffic at all and less traffic control will be needed. Additionally, trucks will still use the SR 104 route rather than city arterials, For Tuesday won't need ry and Wednesday., we any detour- at all. We are dC)illg as SlIrlall bit of'prep work today arid I expect all work will be done by Wednesday. I.,et me know if your need 11irther clarilication. K endra 206 440 4387 From: Hauss, Bertrand [mai Ito: hauss@ciedmonds.wa. us] Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2009 8:07 AM To: Hartstrom, Kendra Cc: Swires, Mike Subject: RE: Ferry Holding Lane Good morning, 1:1 am surprised with the information in your email because we discussed the detour route with Mike on 'Tuesday afternoon and informed hire that we wouldn't Support it since it's a safety issue for Truck Traffic. Pine St. is a very narrow street, consists of a steep downhill after the turn, and trucks wifl have great difficulty managing the left turn. Therefore as an alternative, we discussed with Mike about possibly converting the (2) EB lanes of SR -104 (along the entire stretch of the project as well as past the split) into (1) EB lane and (1) WB lane. Mike stated that they would 9/18/2009 Message Page 3 of 4 look into that and get back to LIS. Were you aware of that since your email only mention the detour route to Pine St? Since WSDOT might be worried about back-ups during AM Peak, maybe the, work on the gore could start after gam (after AM peak hours) and do other work that doesn't require the Detour Route to Pine St. starting at Tarn? Additionally with the alternative, traffic control officers would only be necessary at the signalized intersection. Thanks and please call me if you have any questions. -----Original Message ----- From: Hartstrom, Kendra [maulto:HartstK@wsdot.wa.gov] Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2009 3:01 PM To: Hauss, Bertrand Cc: Swires, Mike Subject: RE: Ferry Holding Lane Hi Bertrand, Mike is away lor a conference icer the next couple of day so you can coordinate with ine for now, sorry for all ol.'tlie back and forth. Our plan nmv is torr day one, to detour all traffic headed WJ3 to the SR 1.04 ramp so we Can restripe (lie gore. We can have as signed detour set up directing drivers to [,line Street and back. to 5thI don'timagine we should need. any traft'ic control officers, t'or that detour. The rest of the days, there will be no detour needed through the, city. We'll still need as 7 an -i start tirric. I will send you plans tornorrow mornir-q'i. once I've discussed then -i with Our crews. All we basically need from you. is the ok to put Lip two signs on your city arterials (for the 5th Ave detour). Let me know it' this sounds worklrble for you, Thanks. -Kendra From: Swires, Mike Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2009 3:03 PM To: 'Nauss, Bertrand'; English, Robert Cc: Whyte, Darrel; HarLstrom, Kendra; Briggs, Barbara Subject: RE: Ferry Holding Lane Hi Rob, Bertrand - This is to follow Lip on Our conversations with a surninary of our project status and requests for detours and noise variance hours. We advertised the project for bid two separate times over the past 6 weeks andl did not receive any bids. We're currently trying to buy and/or lease equipment to complete the work with Our crews. OUr intent is to begin the work as, soon as next Monday (9/21), depending on equipment availability (should know within the next day). The work could take rip to four days to complete. in order to facilitate the work, we're requesting the folllcwing: 9/18/2009 Message 9/18/2009 Page 4 of 4 SRI 0/1 1/VB detour onto 5th During the first day of the work we wouki like to detour all WB traffic onto 5th (the detour will only be needed for one day). Traffic bound for the waterfront and ferry would then need to tarn onto Pine. This wHI grve the crews more roorn to work on the gore revisions and not be exposed to traffic going past on both sides. We anticipate that officers would be needed at both 5th/Pine and 3rd/Pine to keep traffic flowirig back to S8104 and we request assistance from Edmonds PD at both intersections. Noise Our, understanding regarding noise is that an exemption is provided in EMC 5,30,110 for construction activities during the hours, of Tann - 6pm. I'd appreciate it if YOU Could verify this. This would allow our crews to set up traffic control earlier and start grinding activities irnmediately at 7arn, maxin'liZing what they can accomplish during the work hours allowed (before the PM ferry peak). In response to, a question Groan Bertrand regarding traffi(.,,, control at SR104/15th, WSP officers would be used for traffic control when we're working in that section. Staging of work Ml be sirnilar to the contract package tt'uat you've seen, starting frorn the north/west and working SOUth/east. Please let us know feedback on the detour proposal and verify the noise hours as soon as, possible, let me know if You have any CILIO:,StiOns about this. Fhanks for your helpt Mike Swires, PE Snotionnish Area Traffic Engineer Northwest Region, WSDOT 206-440-4415 swiresm@Dwadotma-g-ov From: Hauss, Bertrand [mailto:hauss@ci,edmo,nds.wa.us] Sent: Monday, September 14, 2009 3:58 PM 'To: Hartstrom, Kendra; Swires, Mike Cc: Moles, Tod Subject: Ferry Holding Lane Good afternoon, Please let me know if there are any updated / approximate dates of when the Fnj Holding Lang�o will take place along SR -104? I am just trying to give PW an approximate date since they will be installing new striping along Paradise Lane once it is re -opened. Thanks, Bertrand