20090930140012352.pdfN I TERRA ASSOCIAPES, Inc, 2 12 Consultants in Geote6nical Engineering, Geology and EnvironfTienlal Eatth Sciences Mr. Jason Hill Point Edwards, LLC Pier 70: 2801 Alaska Way, Suite 107 Seat(le, Washington 98121 Subject: Final Letter— Ainenity Building Slide Repair Point Edwards Edmonds, Washington July 10, 2009 Project No. T-4893-1 RECEIVED )'E'P -- �,) 2009 1)FVE1.0PME14T SERMCES (,"ni, CITY OF E(U)NDS Refereiice: Lock Block Retaining Wall — Amenity Building I Slide Repair, Point Edwards Condominiums, Project No. T-4893-1, prepared by Terra Associates, Inc., dated August 25, 20018 Dear, Mr. Hill: As requested, representatives of Terra Associates observed restoration of the landslide that occurred on the slope, iiortheast. of Amenity Building I in Decernber of` 2007, Slope restoration included construction of a gravity block retaining wall to support the grade at the slide headscarp and regarding of the slide area below the wall. The purpose of the work was to verify the restoration was completed in accordance with recommendations outlined in the referenced report and plans approved by the City of Edmonds, Restoration and wall construction was initiated on April 20, 2009 and substantially completed by April 30, 2009, representatives of Terra Associates were on-site daily during this, (inie period to observe (lac work and verify compliance Nvith the approved design. Field reports were prepared following each site visit and given to your site representative. Copies of these reports areattaclied, Based on our observations as outlined in the attached reports. it is our opinion that the restoration work was completed in general accordance with our recommendations arid plans approved by the City of Ednio. nds. The tipper block wall was founded on firm and stable soils and properly drained and backfilled. Slope restoration below the wall was completed using amended soils compacted to a, firm condition and graded to an inclination of 2:1 to 11 (Florizonta]:Vertical), We noted measures implemented on the slope face to control erosion including sheet flow control boards and landscape planting were satisfactorily completed and would miliffate the erosion hazard, in our opinion, 12525 Willows Road, Suite 101, Kirkland, Washington 98034 Phone (425) 821-777''7 a Fax (425) 821-4334 Mr. Jason Hill July 10, 2009 We appreciate the opportunity to be of continues. service on this project and trust the infornwitioll prcscrttcd is sufficient to meet your curTent needs, Should you have any questions or require additional information, please call. Project No. T-4893-1 Page No. ii