20091208082806255.pdfPlans tor i)|yozp/c ,�puze/ �sigu
From: uhawnbovven[shavvnb@tubeort.non]
Sent: Tuesday, September 22.2OO&12:45PIVI
To: Thonnquiot.Linda
Subject: RE: Plans for Olympic Spine /Sign
Thanks for asking but I have no need for the plans TubeArt has closed that job out.
From: Thornquist, Linda [nlniUo uist@ci.edn1ondsxva.us
Sent: Tuesday, September J2,ZDO99:12AM
Subject: Plans for Olympic Spine / Sign
Did you want to pick up plans for the withdrawn Application BLD20080890 for Olympic Spine? VVecan hold
them for 1Odays from this date. After that date they will bedestroyed. |fyou have any questions please feel free
tocall me. Thank you, Linda
Permit Specialist
City ofEdmonds
425-771-0220 ext. 1336
/\significant budget shortfall has been identified for 2009 for the City o[Edmonds. City employees are
taking non -paid furlough days during 2UO9(one day each ouon/k)topreserve services and reduce the
need for reduction ioforce. The furlough days will beApril 27,May 22`June 2h,July 6,August Zl,
September 25, ()oiobur l9,November 25 and December 23.