2010-0092 OV Water Structural.pdfIr6R%fv6gd I � 0 ikf�j if [dbi, �� 9 � 6 1 i ki6irW] mkfiw4j i 6 ImW'61N N J kwdiiix FkM 69a0 wllNWuw06w Wams aAmi !rnuiijiw6 i ii6miji"kim! air!wuraowrrawmuwramrcr�rweuraumumrremrrxnrwuuurmmuwmu
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SCD( � Erigcneerlr,ng PLLC
A Structural Engineering Company
16121 N. Meadowdale Rd,
Edmonds, WA 98026
23 Feb, 2010
Leif Bjorback
Building Official
Development Services Department
City of Edmonds Office of the Building Official
121 Fifth Avenue North
Edmonds, Washington 98020-3145
Reference: StrLlCtUralPlain 1"Zevk,,nt�RSorvicw,,,,;
Subject: 20100092 OVWD
23725 Edmonds Way
Mr. Bjorback:
SCBC Engineering, PLLC. welcomes the opportunity to provide Structural Plan Review Consulting
Services to assist the City of Edmonds for the above noted subject project. Our comments are noted
as follows:
Stiri",Aural Projcrecl St,irrurriary-
This project consists of the change of use of an interior mezzanine from office to storage. In addition
some exterior screen/retaining walls have been added around the site as well as a vactor decant
Structural Review Comments
1. What exactly does "Archive Storage" consist of? Are you certain 125 psf is appropriate?
Please verify. Has there been a review of the cut sheets on the storage rack system?
2. Place note on drawings that the live load limit shall be posted at all storage locations in a
conspicuous location per IBC 1603.
3. The "as -built Demo Mezzanine plan" on sheet A2.0 designates the area above the mud room
and elevator machine room as having been a storage area. I did not see this designation on
any of the as-builts provided to me by the city. Please verify
4. Who is responsible for the design of the mezzanine guardrail shown on detail 1/a3.1, between
GLs C -D? Structural Engineer? Architect? Also is this guard rail compatible with the new
storage system in this location?
5. Please define gridlines (or column centerlines) for the new Decant Station columns, then
provide dimensions for the overhang of the roof on all sides (North, East, South, and West).
6. Sheet S1.0: update the Geotechnical Info to match the existing submitted report.
7. Sheet S1.0: Update the seismic design criteria to match this facility. It is not a "light framed wall
with wood structural panels."
Edmonds Plan Check #:20100092 Olympic View Water District Structural Plan Review Consulting Services
SCB(',,',' EincOneedrig, FILLC.
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8. Please note on the structural drawings that the Structural Engineer of Record should provide
structural observation for the strengthened wide flange beams, and column connection
9. On the drawings clarify the 6 typical locations that the existing connection is retrofitted. Is
there any retrofit occurring at (5,A),or (2,13) or (2,C) or (2,D)?
10. Detail 11S2.0 calls out a %" thick cover plate, detail 5/S2.0 calls out a 3/8" thick cover plate,
please coordinate details.
11. Detail 9/S2.0: I imagine that the existing shear tab is to remain and that the bolt pattern of the
doubler plate should match the location and spacing of the existing shear tab pattern. Please
12. The architectural section through the Decant Canopy calls out an elevation of T/steel= 17'-4",
whereas the Structural drawings call out a T/Steel = 17'-6". Please coordinate.
13. Has the bottom of steel of the high end of the Decant Canopy been verified with the height of
the actual vehicles that will need to use it.
14. Dimension all overhangs on Decant Roof framing plan, sheet S2.1.
15. On detail 1/s2.0 provide a reference callout to see 2/S3.0 for Cover Plate Splice info.
16. Please provide a detail for the top of the brace on the structural drawings -see also item 23,
show its work point.
17. Doesn't ACI recommend a curtain of reinforcing at each face of the wall for walls 10" and
thicker? Please verify for 12" thick walls, and adjust details accordingly.
18.Verify that the footing drain shown on 9/S3.0 and 11/S3.0 can be sloped as is indicated on the
detail. Otherwise it may be preferable to place it next to the footing and not the wall.
19. What is the thickness of the soil cap above the 12" free draining gravel backfill, please note on
20. Detail 3/S3.0 what is the spacing of the %" diameter bolts in each direction? Also because of
the dynamic nature of the wind uplift loads, you may want to consider adding a jam nut below
the regular nut.
21. If you look at detail 11/S3.0 you will not be able to make the moment connection you are
showing in detail 4/S3.0 because of the sloping column cap plate. Please review and correct.
The typical moment connection detail would benefit from both a section and elevation view.
22. Detail 4/S3.0: There is likely a Y2" gap between the beam web and the column flange, also
please callout the bolt spacings and edge distance.
23. Detail 6/S3.0 where is the detail for the other end of the x -bracing to the top of the column?
24. Please provide a section detail through the central w8x21 beam of the Decant roof framing
plan. In the detail show the connection of the light gage purlins and blocking between purlins to
this w8x.
25. Show a similar section detail as noted in item 24 above, through the w8x1 5, show the purlin
cantilever and the edge condition of the eave.
26. Please call out the metal roof deck for the Decant roof. Isn't this deck being used as a
diaphragm? I would guess that the original pre-engineered metal building on site has
horizontal x -bracing to provide diaphragm action. I do not see any horizontal x -bracing on the
Decant Roof framing plan. If you are using the metal deck as a diaphragm you need to specify
it and call out its fastening pattern,
27. Please provide a section detail at the north and south roof edge to show connection of roof
deck to light gage purlin.
28. CaIcs: It seems that only beams B-1, B-3 and B-4 apply to this project, the non -applicable
caics should be removed or clearly voided out.
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Edmonds Plan Check #:20100092 Olympic View Wafer District Structural Plan Review Consulting Services
kikkiO�Rfin ON006i WiNibuli ilisibffifiiiifiim I W dii'AN-1 NAM I I I &N I ii0immiEW I 0-1116M AI -91N, NKAI 6"Phffl) ;Et", K
29. CaIcs: Beam B-1 (a W10x22) is indicated to have a connection capacity of 8.2k. For Calc B-3
(a W10x12) is also indicated to have the same connection capacity. Its web is about 75% as
thick as the W10x22. Please Verify.
30. CaIcs: The gravity column check does not seem to account for any nominal moment caused by
the column possibly being out of plumb by U500 or Y2". Please review. Also what happens at
the moment frame columns undergoing a seismic event?
31. What is the lateral load path for the mezzanine along gridline 6 for an east -west seismic event?
32. Calcs: How is the thickness of the beam seat angle leg determined? How is the beam seat
going to be installed to load share as the calculation indicates?
33. CaIcs: The dead load of this structure is very light. The actual roof dead load is probably on the
order of 5 or 6 psf. This means it is likely that wind load is going to govern the lateral analysis.
Because it is an open structure uplift is also going to be an issue. Please provide a load
diagram sketch of wind loads to the braced frame running in the east -west direction. The
Architectural drawings indicate the fence on the east side of the structure is to be covered with
plantings, that means it will transfer wind load to these braced frames. Indicate the horizontal
and uplift reaction to the anchor bolts from the combination horizontal wind plus uplift.
34. CaIcs: Review the implications of the wind uplift on the light gage purlins of the Decant Roof.
This will place the bottom flange in compression. Note it will not have the continuous lateral
bracing from the roof deck like the top flange of the purlin will have.
35. Review your connection 6/S3.0 for these new uplift forces. Verify the use of J -bolts; in a tension
connection in concrete. Provide a calculation for this anchor bolt group for shear and tension at
the top of the concrete wall.
36. Is there a possibility that the site retain ing/screen walls will be impacted by the vehicles loading
and unloading material?
37. Please review the 12" Decant walls for Horizontal wind load being applied to the Decant
canopy and transferred to the top of the wall from the fence post and columns. Also the uplift
from the canopy will reduce the available dead load for items such as friction resistance and
restoring moment.
As always, it has been enjoyable working with the City of Edmonds. Please feel free to contact me
with any questions you may have.
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Brian E. Moll PE,SE,SECB
Principal -in -Charge
SCBC Engirieeriun IPUC
A Structural Engineering Company
16121 N. Meadowdale Rd.
Edmonds, WA 98026
'b- i I c-1 TW.
Edmonds Plan Check #:20100092 Olympic View Water District Structural Plan Review Consulting Services
SCBC' Eng4ieeHng, FIX.