2010-0323 OV Montessori.pdf City of Edmonds PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS BUILDING DIVISION (425) 771-0220 DATE: May 24, 2010 TO: Kathleen Graham grahamclan@comcast.net FROM: Leif Bjorback, Assistant Building Official RE: Plan Check: 2010-0323 Project: Olympic View Montessori Change of Use th Project Address: 18530 76 Ave W During review of the plans for the above noted project, it was found that the following information, clarifications or changes are needed. Please provide written responses as to where the changes can be found on the plans, and submit revised plans/documents to Theresa Umbaugh, Senior Permit Coordinator. Thank you. 1.Sheet E2 may be submitted for use as reference to existing conditions, however please remove additional markings from this sheet. Alterations to stamped design sheets by professional engineers are not allowed to be done by anyone other than the engineer per state law. 2.The accessible van stall should be shown as 16 feet overall width (11 feet van plus 5 feet access aisle). It appears there has not been enough width allotted on the plans. ANSI A117.1 section 502 3.Show on the plans the bottom of the accessible parking sign is at 5 feet above grade. ANSI A117.1 section 502 4.Please label the new walkway from the new exit door at the north wall, and show how it ties in to the existing landing and walkway. Please indicate the type of construction of the walkway (concrete, etc.) 5.The new exterior door at the north wall must be fire rated for ¾ hour and self closing, since the exterior wall itself is 1 hour rated due to proximity to property line. IBC 714.1.7 and Table 715.4 6.Please show dimensions of all doors on the plans. The minimum door size for all doors is 36 inches. This includes the currently 30 inch exterior door on the south wall. IBC 1008.1.1 7.Indicate on the plans that all doors are to have a maximum threshold height of ½ inch and all hardware is to be lever style or otherwise accessible. IBC 1008.1.6 and 1008.1.8 8.Please illustrate on the plans which walls are existing, to be removed, new and/or fire rated. 9.Please provide construction details of all new framed walls. 10.Specify the listed fire rated assembly for the new fire rated walls and show details for construction; or show that the different occupancies (E and S2) do not need separation according to IBC 508.3.2 Non-separated Use. 11.Please remove the reference on sheet A2: “1 Hour Double Fire Rated Doors” in the Storage Area, or clarify this note. 12.The building’s occupant load calculated according to the IBC using square footage exceeds 50. Unless fire sprinklers are to be installed, please propose a lower occupant load for the building. Show the proposed OL for each space on the plans. 13.Due to occupant load exceeding 10 for the room, provide a second exit from the Indoor Play Area. The 2 exits from this room must be separated by a minimum of ½ the overall diagonal dimension of the room. IBC 1015.1 and 1015.2.1 14.The second exit from the north classroom must be separated by a minimum of ½ the overall diagonal dimension of the room. Please relocate the new door to achieve this dimension. IBC 1015.2.1 15.Indicate exit sign locations on the plans. IBC 1011.1 16.Will there be a fence around the exterior playground? If so, a gate with a compliant egress latch will be needed to accommodate the path of travel from the building exits. All exits must provide a direct and unobstructed access to a public way. Please show the fence on the plans, including the type of construction, the height of the fence and type of gate latch. IBC 1024.6 17.There are 2 lines shown across the entry hallway. If these are steps, please label as such, including rise and run dimensions. Also, show handrails on each side with top and bottom extensions. IBC 1009.10 18.Please submit a completed Lighting Summary form. 19.Show how outside air ventilation will be provided in the Office and Indoor Play Area by either natural or mechanical means. IBC 1203.4 20.Indicate exhaust fans in the restrooms with at least 50 cfm capacity. 21.How will heat be provided to the Office and Indoor Play Area? Please indicate this on the plans. 22.It appears the furnace and water heater will be relocated. Show the new locations of these appliances. 23.Please provide details and dimensions for all accessible fixtures and features in the new restrooms per ANSI A117.1 section 603. 24.In the new south restroom, provide a minimum 60 inch wide unobstructed toilet space from the side wall to the edge of the lav. ANSI A117.1 section 604.3 25.In the new south restroom, provide minimum 18 inches from the latch edge of the door to the side wall, or reverse the swing of the door. ANSI A117.1 section 404.2.3 26.Walls within 2 feet of toilets shall be surfaced with hard, non-absorbent material to a height of 4 feet. Please indicate this on the plan. IBC 1210 Page 2 of 2