2010-0657 Scott's.pdf
City of Edmonds
(425) 771-0220
DATE: October 11, 2010
TO: Craig Hanway
Email: chanway@cads-inc.com
FROM: Leif Bjorback, Assistant Building Official
RE: Plan Check: 2010-0657
Project: ScottÂ’s Outdoor Seating
Project Address: 8115 244 St SW
During review of the plans for the above noted project, it was found that the following information,
clarifications or changes are needed. Please provide written responses as to where the changes can
be found on the plans, and submit revised plans/documents to Theresa Umbaugh, Senior Permit
Coordinator. Thank you.
1.Rockeries greater than 4 feet in height are required to be designed by a Washington State
licensed engineer. Please provide design calculations and and corresponding details for construction
and drainage. For manufactured systems (i.e., block walls, keystone) and other engineered retaining
wall systems provide the installation instructions.
2.Provide a statement from the Geotechnical Engineer of Record (Terrracon) that they have
reviewed the design of all retaining walls within the project. Soils investigation/report
recommendations shall be incorporated into the retaining wall design and shall conform to the
requirements of IBC 1802 and IBC Table 1804.2.
3.Please indicate what materials are to be used for all retaining walls.
4.Special inspections will be required for Soils. Please sign and return the attached Special
Inspection Agreement form.
5.The Site Plan shows 3 accessible parking stalls, where in reality there are currently 4. Please
update the plan to reflect current conditions.
6.Two exits are required from the new outdoor seating area. Please show exit signs at both
locations. This should be shown on sheet A2 or A3.
7.On sheet A2, please show the location of exterior doors from the main restaurant leading to
the outdoor dining area.
8.Please indicate whether the linear burner units and gas piping will be included in the scope
of this permit or will they be under a separate permit. Provide listing and installation specifications
if they are to be included.
9.Complete and submit an Exterior Lighting Summary form according to the Washington
State Energy Code (2006 version). The form may be found online at www.neec.net/energy-codes.
Wall Height. For permitting purposes, Retaining Wall height is defined as the height measured vertically from the
finished grade at the exposed toe of the Retaining Wall to the highest point of the finished wall.
The classification of soil and design bearing capacity must be determined based on observation and
tests of the soil materials disclosed by borings or excavations. Such work shall be performed by a
Washington State Licensed Professional Geotechnical Engineer or Engineering Geologist. Soils
investigation/report recommendations shall be incorporated into the Retaining Wall design and shall
conform to the requirements of IBC 1802 and IBC Table 1804.2.
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