20101115170358469.pdfWA 98020 - (425) 771-0220 FAX(425) 771-0221 Website: ww\v,ci.c&ioiids,wa.us Plan Check #: BLD20100757 Date, November 15, 2010 Project Name/Addres,s- Clearwater SFR 22806 96"' PI W Contact Person/Addressffax: Tom Berg tomberg58,@yahoo.com Reviewer: JoAnne Zulauf Division: EngineeKing During review of the subject submittal, it was found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications would need to be addressed. All Handouts and Standard Details referred to in these comments can be accessed at our website. wwiv.c.Ledmonds.waus by clicking City Government / City Department / Public Works / Engineering Division - Please N'ote. Building Handouts (10 not haeltide tqxhilted Erigincering Division 11equirenierats. Refer to Engineerhig Handouts for all Engineering Requiretneiiits. Drainage plan will not be reviewed by the Storinwater jEMincer as submitted. See comments under Stormwater Mit .0---igaili —01-1. General: 1. Is a retaining wall planned for this property? If so, please show on plans and note bottom of wall (bow) and top of wall (tow) elevations at each end and for every two feet of change. 2. Add note to plans- "Replacement is required of any plat improvements that are damaged during construction." 3. Show dimensions of structure, deck, driveway length and width at road and property line. 4. Note on plan: "See, Gradiing/TESC and Drainage/Utility Plans for more information," 5Please add site address and tax id number to site plan information. Add the identifying plan information shown on the site plan to the grading/erosion plan and the drainage utility plan. 6. All civil plans have note "See General Notes". I cannot locate the notes to which you are referring. Please add a general notes section to the civils. Attached is an example though may contain more or less requirements than are required for this project as it is only an example. DATE FAXED/E-MAILED, 11/15/2010 PAGE 1 OF Grading/TESC: 1. Please include details of erosion control measures in plans consistant with City of Edmonds standard details. Also add note to plans "Additional Ecrosion Control Measures Consistent With City of Edmonds Standards Provided As Needed". 2. Please change grading calcs from yards to cubic yards. 3. Provide bottom of footing (bof) elevation for residence. 4. Please review minimum requirements of erosion control for the classification of the project. Add all minimum requirements to the civil general notes section. 5. Indicate area of disturbance. Outline on grading/tecs plan and label with square footage of the area. 6. Add note to plans: "All disturbed areas on and off site shall be compost amended to meet requirements of BMP T5.13 in the Stormwater Manual, Vol V, Chapter 5. Stormwater Mitigation: The information listed above must be presented prior to the City evaluating the stormwater design for the project. Please review the Stormwater Handout E72 and the Stormwater Supplement, both available on our website. 2. The project needs to be classified per ECDC 18.30.50. Once classified, the report should describe how the project plans to comply with applicable minimum requirements (See Handout E72) 3. Please provide a completed copy of the Worksheet available in Handout E72. 4. Developing Lots 6, 7, and 8 as proposed will result in a total of 34,366 sf of impervious surface. The stormwater system constructed in 2001 was designed for an impervious surface total of 30,260 sf meeting the design flow rates of that time. The existing construction of the five lots (17,181 sf) and the cul de sac road and sidewalks (10,240 sf) equals 27,421 sf of impervious surface that is mitigation by the City approved system meeting the code requirements of 2001. The mitigation of runoff for the proposed impervious surface, 6945 sf, may be approached in several ways, a) Provide engineered calculations that show the existing system has the capacity to handle the existing and proposed impervious surface runoff (34,366 sf). (includes all 3 proposed lots) i) Project would be categorized as a Large Site project. See Chapter 4 of the Stormwater Supplement for requirements. ii) System sizing would need to meet current stormwater code flow control requirements. See Chapter 4 of the Stormwater Supplement to find flow control requirements for runoff In a direct discharge basin, available on the City of Edmonds website. DATE FAXED/E-MAILED 11/15/2010 PAGE 2 OF iii) Soils infiltration testing by an approved method (see Supplement Chapter 4.5.2) is required for any system design using infiltration. iiii) Physical verification of the current condition and size of the bio swale described in the 2001 Stormwater Report for this project is required if intended for the stormwater mitigation of the proposed construction on lots 6, 7, and 8. b) Propose an engineered plan adding increasing capacity of the existing system. (same requirements as 2 a above) c) Leave existing system untouched and propose a separate system to meet stormwater requirements for only the proposed additional impervious surface, 6,945 sf. i) Project would be categorized as a Small Site project Category 2 if the three lots will use a shared system for mitigation. If the lots are mitigated individually each would be considered a Small Site Category 1. See Chapter 5 of the Stormwater Supplement for more information. 5. Appendix C of the Supplement provides the acceptable methods for obtaining a design infiltration rate for infiltration trenches. In addition to the methods in Appendix C of the Supplement, the City also accepts the "D10 methodology" described in Volume III, Section 3.36, number 2 (including Table 3.8) in the 2005 Department of Ecology Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington. Once the design infiltration rate is established, the City has tables for determining the size of the infiltration trench based on the square feet of impervious area draining to the facility or the sizing can be obtained by the applicant using the modeling parameters in the Supplement. Attached please find a simplified sizing tool for low impact development or detention systems. This tool can anly be used for projects that are categorized as Small Site Category 1 or 2 sites (under 10,000 sf imp surface). Drainage/Utility Plan: 1. How will the runoff from the driveway be connected to the stormwater system? Show on plans. 2. Plat map shows stormwater stub at lower southeast property corner. Does that stub exist? If so , please show on plans for future reference if needed. There is no requirement to connect there instead of the proposed connection at the west easement. 3. Please note on plans "Required separation of utilities shall be met per City of Edmonds and industry standards." on Drainage/Utility plan. 4. Label water meter as existing or proposed. 5. Note driveway material on plans. 6. Show existing storm line on plans. Include rim and invert elevations at all catch basins. DATE FAXED/E-MAILED 11/15/2010 PAGE 3 OF 4 7. All detention etc. systems must be shown on the Drainage Plan. Include all rim and invert elevations, pipe size material and length, catch basin type, and swale dimensions. 8. Show connection of tightline/roof drains to storm system from house to storm line in easement. A catch basin must be installed at point of connection. Provide rim and all invert elevations. 9. Show all utilities on plans (sewer, gas, power, water) from the connection at the property line or easement to the point of connection to the residence. 10. Show 4-6"side sewer clean out at house. 11. Label all pipe with length, material and size. Please resubmit 3 copies of the revised plans/documents to a Development Services Coordinator. Please contact me at 425-771-0220 if you have specific questions regarding these plan corrections. DATE FAXED/E-MAILED 11/15/2010 PAGE 4 OF 4 StormwaterBest Management Practices Simplified Sizing Tool -City of Edmonds Table 3, Infiltration BMP sizing factors. %percent Sizing factors developed to luuit the post -development 10 -year recurrence interval flaw to 0,25 cubic feet per second (afs) per acre of impervious surface area. b Sizing factors developed to limit recurrence interval flow rates to: 2yr=0.07 cislacre; Illy€=0.25 cfs/acre; and 100yr-0.45 cubic feet per second (cfs) per acre of impervious surface area. ° BMP area is calculated as a function of impervious area draining to it: BMP Area (square feet) � Impervious Area (square feet) x Sizing Factor (9/0)/100. d Sizing factors are for bioretention facility bottom area. Total footprint area may be calculated based on side slopes (3I3:IV), panding depth, and freeboard. Surface pool drawdown time exceeds 24 hours for 0.13 and 0.25 inch per hour infiltration rates. r SMP length is calculated as a function of impervious area draining to it: BM -P Length (feet) = Impervious Area. (square feet) x Sizing Factor (°1%)/100. it M6.04140.000 Sedh Wy brnpcould c Herrera Environmental Consultants 12 April 29, 2010 Sizing Factor Native Soil (% of contributing impervious Facility Design area) Category 1Category 2 Overflow Infiltration Rate BMP Depth (inches/hour) Standard' Standard b Sizing Equation 0.13 14.2% 153% 6 inch 0,25 9.7% 9.7% bonding depth 0.5 6.8% 6.8% Bioreten#ion Bottom Area Bioretenticn 2.0 3.6% 3.9% (square feet) = impervious Cell G'd Area (square feet) x Sizing 0.13 9.6% 9.6% I2 inch factor (%)1100 0.25 6.2/ 6.2/ Z., j t1 ponding depth ` 0.5 4.2% 4.2% 2.0 2.2% 2.3% 0.25 9,1% 9.1% 1.5 foot depth 0.5 6.2% 6.2% Infiltration Trench .Length Infiltration 2.0 2.3% 2.9% (feet) = Impervious Area Trench e (square feet) x Sizing Factor 0.25 5.4% 5,4% 3 foot (%)/100 depth 0.5 4.0%4.0°/P 2.0 1.8% 2.0% 0.25 3.7% 3.7% Gravel less Chamber Length Gravelles€ 0.5 2.7% 2 7°/P (feet) = Impervious Area Chamber (square feet) x Sizing Factor 2.0 1.3% IA% (%)1100 4 foot 0.5 6.2% 6.2% depth 2.0 3.0% 3.1% Drywell Area (square feet) _ Drywell P Impervious Area (square feet) 6 foot 0.5 4.7% 4.8% x Sizing Factor (°/u)/100 depth 2.0 2,4% 2.5% %percent Sizing factors developed to luuit the post -development 10 -year recurrence interval flaw to 0,25 cubic feet per second (afs) per acre of impervious surface area. b Sizing factors developed to limit recurrence interval flow rates to: 2yr=0.07 cislacre; Illy€=0.25 cfs/acre; and 100yr-0.45 cubic feet per second (cfs) per acre of impervious surface area. ° BMP area is calculated as a function of impervious area draining to it: BMP Area (square feet) � Impervious Area (square feet) x Sizing Factor (9/0)/100. d Sizing factors are for bioretention facility bottom area. Total footprint area may be calculated based on side slopes (3I3:IV), panding depth, and freeboard. Surface pool drawdown time exceeds 24 hours for 0.13 and 0.25 inch per hour infiltration rates. r SMP length is calculated as a function of impervious area draining to it: BM -P Length (feet) = Impervious Area. (square feet) x Sizing Factor (°1%)/100. it M6.04140.000 Sedh Wy brnpcould c Herrera Environmental Consultants 12 April 29, 2010 StormwaterSest Management Practices Simplified Sizing Tool—City of Edmonds Unlike the linear relationships for infiltration facilities, the y-axis intercept of the regression line is not zero. Because the relationship is linear and the y -intercept is an integer, the slope of the line ("Factor") and the y -intercept ("Intcger") can be used to calculate the pipe length as a function of the impervious surface area draining to it: Pipe Length (feet) = [Factor x Impervious Area (square feet)] + Integer As an example, for a project subject to the Category 2 site standards, the length of a 30 inch diameter pipe in feet would be calculated by multiplying the contributing impervious surface area (in square feet) by 0.0185 and then adding 13.6. The low flow orifice diameter required to meet standards varies by contributing area as shown in Tables 5 and 6 for Category 1 and Category 2 sites, respectively. For intermediate areas the orifice diameter should be rounded down to the next smallest area shown iii the table. For Category 2 sites this may result in a detention pipe that somewhat over -achieves the 2 -year standard and under -achieves the 10- and 100 -year flow control standards. Use of the simplified sizing tool is Iimited to sites with up to 10,000 square feet of impervious surface area. However, modeling was performed for Category 2 sites up to 0.5 acres, Sizing results for these larger contributing areas were included in the data set used to develop the sizing equations, and these equations can be used as rule of thumb sizing for City design review of submittals for larger sites. Table 5. .Detention pipe look -up table for Category 1 sites. Contributing ftnpervious Pipe Volume a Length of Pipe`' (ft) for Given Inside Diameter Surface Area (sf) (c f) Minch 24 -inch 30 -inch 36 -inch 2,000 73 41 22 15 11 2,500 89 49 30 18 12 3,000 109 61 33 23 L 16 3,500 122 38 24 17 41000 142 8I 45 : `: 29 20 41500 IGO .. 95 49 .: 32 ;" 23 5,000 181 56 ::., 35 ;.: 25;; sf-square feet; ef---cubic feet a Pipe volume is average required for all pipe diameters, which differ somewhat due to varying orifee size. u Detention pipe sized to aebieve Category 1 detention standard: 0.25 efs per acre of impervious surface area for the 10 -year recurrence interval flow. 0,5" orifice 0.625" orifice 0.75" orifice 0.875" orifice r V&- oil JO -WO elomn�n_tp r edsLh.�f-Id— April 29, 2Q9U 15 Herrera Environmental Consultants GENERAL NOTES 1. ALL MATERIALS AND WORK SHOWN ON THESE PLANS SHALL CONFORM TO THE CITY OF EDMONDS STANDARD PLANS AND DETAILS, THE FOLLOWING SPECIFICATIONS AND CODES, AND ALL OTHER APPLICABLE LOCAL MUNICIPAL, STATE, AND FEDERAL CODES, RULES AND REGULATIONS: - CURRENT INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE (IBC) - 2010 WSDOT/APWA STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROAD, BRIDGE AND MUNICIPAL CONSTRUCTION - WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY STORMWATER MANAGEMENT MANUAL FOR THE PUGET SOUND BASIN (CURRENT EDITION) 2. STANDARD PLAN AND TYPE NUMBERS INDICATED ON THESE DRAWINGS REFER TO CITY OF EDMONDS STANDARD DETAILS, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE 3. A COPY OF THESE APPROVED PLANS MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE WHENEVER CONSTRUCTION IS IN PROGRESS. 4. DEVIATIONS FROM THESE PLANS MUST BE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER OF RECORD AND THE LOCAL GOVERNING AUTHORITY. 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL RECORD ALL APPROVED DEVIATIONS FROM THESE PLANS ON A SET OF "AS -BUILT" DRAWINGS AND SHALL SUMMARIZE ALL AS - BUILT CONDITIONS ON ONE SET OF REPRODUCIBLE DRAWINGS FOR SUBMITTAL TO THE OWNER PRIOR PROJECT COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE. A SET OF AS - BUILT DRAWINGS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE CITY OF EDMONDS PRIOR TO FINAL APPROVAL OF THE BUILDING OCCUPANCY/FINAL PROJECT APPROVAL. 6. ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE IN FEET. SEE SURVEY FOR BENCHMARK INFORMATION. 7. THE LOCATIONS OF EXISTING UTILITIES AND SITE FEATURES SHOWN HEREON HAVE BEEN FURNISHED BY OTHERS BY FIELD SURVEY OR OBTAINED FROM AVAILABLE RECORDS AND SHOULD THEREFORE BE CONSIDERED APPROXIMATE ONLY AND NOT NECESSARILY COMPLETE. IT IS THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO INDEPENDENTLY VERIFY THE ACCURACY OF ALL UTILITY LOCATIONS SHOWN AND TO FURTHER DISCOVER AND PROTECT ANY OTHER UTILITIES NOT SHOWN HEREON WHICH MAY BE AFFECTED BY THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THIS PLAN. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY LOCATION, DEPTH, SIZE, TYPE AND CONDITION OF EXISTING UTILITY LINES AT CONNECTION OR CROSSING POINTS BEFORE TRENCHING FOR NEW UTILITIES. ENGINEER ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE COMPLETENESS OR ACCURACY OF THE EXISTING UTILITIES AND SITE FEATURES PRESENTED ON THESE DRAWINGS. ENGINEER SHALL BE NOTIFIED IMMEDIATELY OF CONFLICTS THAT ARISE. 8. CONTRACTOR SHALL LOCATE AND PROTECT ALL UTILITIES DURING CONSTRUCTION AND SHALL CONTACT THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES LOCATION SERVICE (1-800-424-5555) AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 9. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL CONDITIONS AND DIMENSIONS AT THE PROJECT SITE BEFORE STARTING WORK AND SHALL NOTIFY OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE OF ANY DISCREPANCIES. 10. PIPE LENGTHS WHERE SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE AND MAY CHANGE DUE TO FIELD CONDITIONS. 11. CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN A COPY OF THE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT (WHERE APPLICABLE) AND SHALL THOROUGHLY FAMILIARIZE HIMSELF WITH THE CONTENTS THEREOF. ALL SITE WORK SHALL BE PERFORMED IN STRICT COMPLIANCE WITH THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THIS REPORT. 12. STRUCTURAL FILL MATERIAL AND PLACEMENT SHALL CONFORM TO THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE PROJECT GEOTECHNICAL REPORT. 13. MANHOLES, CATCH BASINS, UTILITIES AND PAVEMENT SHALL BEAR ON MEDIUM DENSE TO VERY DENSE NATIVE SOIL OR COMPACTED STRUCTURAL FILL. IF SOIL IS DISTURBED, SOFT, LOOSE, WET OR IF ORGANIC MATERIAL IS PRESENT AT SUBGRADE ELEVATION, REMOVE AND REPLACE WITH COMPACTED STRUCTURAL FILL PER GEOTECHNICAL REPORT. 14. SEE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS FOR PERIMETER FOUNDATION DRAINS. FOUNDATION DRAINS SHALL BE INDEPENDENT OF OTHER SITE DRAIN LINES AND SHALL BE TIGHTLINED TO THE STORM DRAIN SYSTEM WHERE INDICATED ON THE PLANS. 15, ALL REQUIRED STORMWATER FACILITIES MUST BE CONSTRUCTED AND IN OPERATION PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF ANY PAVEMENT UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. 18. ALL ROOF DRAINS, PERIMETER FOUNDATION DRAINS, CATCH BASINS AND OTHER EXTERNAL DRAINS SHALL BE CONNECTED TO THE STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 19. CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN AND PAY FOR ALL PERMITS REQUIRED FOR INSTALLATION OF ALL SITE IMPROVEMENTS INDICATED ON THESE DRAWINGS. 20. AS A MINIMUM REQUIREMENT, ALL DISTURBED AREAS ON AND OFF SITE SHALL BE REPLACED WITH COMPOST AMENDED SOIL PER STORMWATER MANUAL DETAIL T5.13. 21. ALL DISTURBED SOIL AREAS SHALL BE SEEDED OR STABILIZED BY OTHER ACCEPTABLE METHODS FOR THE PREVENTION OF ON-SITE EROSION AFTER THE COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION. SEE EROSION CONTROL PLANS FOR SPECIFIC GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL REQUIREMENTS. 22, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL KEEP OFF-SITE STREETS CLEAN AT ALL TIMES BY SWEEPING. WASHING OF THESE STREETS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL. 23. SLOPE OF FINISHED GRADE SHALL BE CONSTANT BETWEEN FINISHED CONTOURS OR SPOT ELEVATIONS SHOWN. Zulauf, JoAnne From: Zulauf, JoAnne Sent: Monday, November 15, 2010 8:03 PIVI 10: 'tomberg58@yahoo.com' Subject: Clearwater Bld20100757 TIO bid2OtOO757-Clear2O1011t515243383 GENERAL water-l.doc (... Please find Engineering comments attached. 6.pdf (153 I(B).- NOTES.doc (38 KB) JoAnne ZulaLIf Engineering Technician City of Edmonds (425) 771-0220 x1324 zulauf@cEedrnonds,wa.us