20101207073650240.pdfC I
December 7, 2010
121 STEN AVENUE NORTH - EDMONDS, WA 98020 - 42:5-771-42'2U - FAX 425-771-0221
Websjtin: www.cl.edmonds.w a.us
Engineering Division
Deborah K. Lopresti
1011 Walnut St
Edmonds, WA 98020
Dear Ms. Lopresti,
I have performed a preliminary review of your Encroachment Permit application. In order to proceed with my
review the following is required:
1) The encroachment agreement must be signed and notarized. On the second floor, the front desk
receptionists are notaries so are able to witness your signature if you would like.
2) a completed fence permit application including a site plan (nothing complicated, just show the lot, the
fence location, height, and distance from property line into alley. Please caH the Building Division if you have
any questions.)
I have enclosed the fence application and the encroachment agreement for your convenience.
Once the documents are received by the City, Development Services will review the fence permit application and
I will continue my review of your encroachment permit application.
If you have any questions please call me at 425-771-0220, ext 1324.
Sincerelv, 1)
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425-771-0220 x- 24
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Sister City - Hekinan, Japan