20110131111215272.pdfCity of Edmonds 121 5"' AVENUE NORTH - EDMONDS, WA 98020 - (425) 771-0220 FAX(425) 771-0221 Website: 4", i lip PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Engineering Division 14 grefflum', =0 Plan Check #: BLD20 t00784-tZesub-1-0- Date: January 26, 2011 Project Name/Address: Cleat -water SFR 22808 96"' P! W (Lot 6) Contact Person/Addressfflax: Tom Berg tomberg58navahooxom Reviewer: - JoAnne Zulauf Division: E4 nginecrin During review of the subject submittal, it was found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications would need to be addressed. All Handouts and Standard Details referred to in these comments can be accessed at our website:. ..... ....... . by clicking City Government / City ... .. Department / Public Works / Engineering Division: Notc- INAVIh-Ig Uandouts, do not hu'lude,pq)daf,-e'd for all le.iigineexhig General: 1. 1/26/11 [)one. 2. 1126111 Done. 3. 1/26/11 Done, 1/26/11 Not [)one. Eaves are considered part of a structure, therefore eaves cannot hang over any City of Edmonds easement. Please provide copy of the easement along the east property line. 5. 1/26/11 Done. 6. 1/26/11 Done. 7. 1/26/11 Done. 8. 1/26/11 Done. 9. 1/26/11 [)one. 10.1/26/11 one, DATE FAXED/E-MAILED 1/26/2011 PAGE 1 OF 11.1/26/11 Done. Grading C: 1. 1/26/11 Done. 2. 1/26/11 Don(,-,% 3. '1/26/1'1 Done. 4. 103/11 Done, 5. '1/26/11 E4)11E,. 6. 1/26111 Done. Stormwater Ajj!jg9jffl: (smii(, coinnicills a s provi(led with [-,0C/) 1. 1/26/11 NotNeeded., 2. 1/26/1,1 Not Needed. 3. 1/26/11 Not Needed, 4. 1/26/11 Lot 6 rnay be conneck-,d to pW drainage systen-i r.�)er C',ity Storrnwater Engineer, Jerry ShUster. 5. 1/26/11 Not Needed. Drainm/Ulylly 1. '1/26/1,1 Not Done. Flow will the runoff from the driveway be connected to the stormwater system? Show on plans. 2. 1/26/11 Done. 3. 1/26/11 Done. 4. 1/26/11 Done. . 5. 1/26/11 Done. 6. 1/26/11 Add rim and invert elevations to storn"rr strrfl,). Show existing storm line on plans. The, plat map shows a storm line along the South property line with a stub out for connection. It also shows a storm line running an Lot 7 adjacet to the Lot 6 east property line. Show connection to the storm line. Include rim and invert elevations at all catch basins. 7. 1/26/1'1 Clot Needed. DATE FAXED/E-MATLED 1/26/2011 PAGE 2 OF 8. 1/26/11 [\Iot Done. Show connection of tightline/roof drains to storm system from house to storm line in easement. A catch basin must be installed at point of connection. Provide 1-irn and all invert- elevations. 9. 1/26/11 Show water line connection frorn meter to 11OLISe. Show all utilities on plans (sewer, gas, power, water) from the connection at the property line or easement to the point of connection to the residence. 10.1/26/11 Done. 11. '1/26/11 No I Done. Label all pipe with length, material and size. Please resubmit 3 copies of the revised plans/documents to a Development Services Coordinator. Please contact nie at 425-771-0220 if you have specific questions regarding these plan corrections. DATE FAXED/E-IWAILED 1/26/2011 - PAGE -33 -OF -3-