2011-0190 Revelations Yogurt.pdf
City of Edmonds
(425) 771-0220
DATE: April 4, 2011
TO: Randy Munson
Email: randy.munson@comcast.net
FROM: Leif Bjorback, Assistant Building Official
RE: Plan Check: 2011-0190
Project: Revelation Yogurt
Project Address: 527 Main St.
During review of the plans for the above noted project, it was found that the following information,
clarifications or changes are needed. Please provide written responses as to where the changes can
be found on the plans, and submit revised plans/documents to Theresa Umbaugh, Senior Permit
Coordinator. Thank you.
1.On sheet A-1 there is information missing in the Lighting Budget. Please fill in the missing
wattage values, or provide a completed Interior Lighting Summary form.
2.Please recalculate the occupant load using the square footage factors from IBC Table
1004.1.1 for each portion of the space. Use 200 sf/person for the kitchen, 15 sf for the
dining area, 100 sf for office, 300 sf for storage. My preliminary calculation gives a total
occupant load of 28.
3.On sheet A-1 it is indicated to include a new HVAC system within the scope of work. Either
list HVAC as a separate permit, or provide sufficient information for a review of the system.
See Handout B52.
4.On sheet A-1 it is indicated to include plumbing within the scope of work. Either list
plumbing as a separate permit, or provide sufficient information for a review of the system.
See Handout B55.
5.Engineer of Record, please provide an explanation of how shear forces are transferred from
the shearwalls through the slab into the foundation.
6.EOR, the reference used in the calculations (2001 NDS T11E) assumes an anchor
embedment of 6 inches, however detail 3/A-5 indicates an embedment of only 1½ inches.
Please justify the use of anchor proposed.
7.EOR, please explain how overturning is resisted at the ends of the narrow shearwalls within
the south wall.
8.Are the north shearwalls constructed and connected similarly to those at the south? If not,
please provide details to show construction.
9.By a site visit I did not observe the 4x12 said to be existing and bolted to the brick at the top
of the shear walls as drawn in detail 2/A-5. Please verify that the drawings match existing
conditions, and make adjustments as needed.
10.Please reconcile the conflicting information contained in details 3/A-3 and 3/A-5. It appears
that the relationship of the wall to the foundation is shown differently in the two details.
11.EOR, please stamp and sign the structural page(s) of the plans.
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