20110830105037479.pdfCity of Edmonds
121 5TH AVENUE NORTH - EDMONDS, WA 98020 - (425) 771-0220 FAX(425) 771-0221
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Engineering Division
Plan Cheek #: BLD20110404
Date: August 29. 2011
Project Name/Address: Stoikovie SFR 220 7"' Avenue
Contact Person/Address/Fax: Carolyn Bennett tplsgma@yahoo.com
Reviewer: JoAnne Zulauf Division: Engineering
During review of the subject submittal, it was found that the following information, corrections, or
clarifications would need to be addressed. All Handouts and Standard Details referred to in these
comments can be accessed at our website: wwwxLedirionds.iyal. is by clicking City Government / City
Department / Public Works / Engineering Division:
Not....e....- Btdldin1!, 11arldoills do not include Updated 111"noincering 1)ivision Itequirenlents. Refer to
............... Not.1.-
M lhuyfotfts l'or all, E1,11"'!1inee 'fig aIircnienfls.
x_. —1.1-1 - ___12- _ ___ _._
Gra Ian:
8/29/11 Not dotte. At j�rflnh-ntnn the existino fiotlsq,: to be delawlisiled should I)e shmvn oii-n thi's.
1[)Ian.`"Note: On this plan it may be easier to only show the foundation outlines of the house to be
demolished and the proposed house. The other details such as utilities, driveways etc are not necessarily
needed unless there will be significant grading to install them. On this plan we are looking at the grading
changes to the site and the location of the temporary erosion and sediment control (tese) measures that
will be installed before the work begins.
1. 8/29/11 Not dorte, Please includ" of each proposed erosion control measure thal
is consistent with City of Edmonds standard details. (Adding C of E details directly to the
plan set is fine).
2. 8/29/11 [)orie.
3. 8/29/11 i140', dorie, Show the construction entrance in full. A(1(1 dk-nens[ons,;.
4 8/29/11 IR'Me.
5. 8/29/11 Not done, Add bo�torft Of SW) Eflevadon, Provide bottom of footing (bof) elevation
for residence. If some footings will be at a higher or lower elevation, please outline those
areas and call out bottom of footing elevation. 8/29/11 Not done. Note square footage for
6. E3/29/11 Not done. Add actual elevations. l've aftached a MItOLff ff2j) fM
[eferenc,e, Please show existing and proposed elevation contours at two foot intervals.
Please label contour with elevation.
7, E3/29/11 Done.
8. EIV29/11 Done.
9. 8/29/11 Done. Second l2ggg,_pf l-172 wo�*sheet rmt inckidElld vvith subtyOssion.
Site Plan:
'1. 8/29/11 Done.
2. 8/29/11 Not done. lni�eirvi'OLJS surface calcula(ioruaZ, we not updated. Also if them will be a
slab under (he deck then it considered irripervious loo. Are there any sidewalks or patios
to be constructed? If so, show on plan and add to impervious surface calculations.
3, 8/29/11 Done,
4. 8/29/11 Not done, Show street frontage, label curbing, etc.
5; 8/29/11 DoF)E).
6. 8/29/11 My error, resklenka�l dr rveway width niaxirn urn is 24 11 It is possil:)Ie to wk1en
cMvway jr.jjst Kehte a pMperty line. Show edge of asphalt on alley. Driveway widths are
determined by garage stalls. The maximum driveway cut for a two garage is 24', for a
three car garage the maximum is 30'. Please revise plan accordingly. It is acceptable to
widen the driveway once on private property.
'7 8/29/11 Don(,-,-
& 8/219/11 [)one.
9. 8/29/11 Rease add a note on the plans. An assessment of the condition of the existing
curbing will be determined on site by the engineering inspector. Curb in poor condition
shall require replacement.
Stormwater Mit
Complete stormwater submission must be received for system to be reviewed.
1. 8/29/1`1 Notdone, Conectwork'sheet. "I'ier-eisrarer rer,)Ia(3E)impeiiviosr Sou Ff,3(.'.',(�),':(,'W this
pmject. Please su[)rrRthe bw:;k of worksheet as weH. Structures removed to bare ground
are not considered "replaced" when a new structure is constructed in the same area. Please
revise and resubmit the E72 worksheet to show all impervious surface as "new". All
impervious surface must be used in sizing calculations.
2. 8/29/11 Don(,11,1
3. 8/29/11 Not done, Detail of raire garden not comj.'flete. Show ail e�evaflons yarn the depfi.'n
oflayerse[c. ["eviewthe calculations for pond sizing and the rairgarden exarrif-fle In the 1-0
[1andout, A@so show and iabel plants to b(:n added, Show planfing and 31 slopes on drainage
pWi. Please review the information in the E72B LID Sizing Handout to determine pond sizing.
See Figure A-2 (Pg 12) for an example of a rain garden detail. Please revise submission to
include all information and a full detail of the rain garden design. The Western Washington
Raingarden Handbook is also a good source for design.
4. 8/29/11 Not done. Use acftmf Elievations. Please include elevations for the tightline
connection to the pond, bottom of pond, outflow and edge of pond.
Drainage/iJtility Plan:
"The utility locations are usually shown on the site plan but sometimes it helps to also show them on the
drainage plan so all of the details required such as pipe size, length etc can be shown there and not be
crowded on to the site plan. This is simply a suggestion, however, all the information can be shown on
the site plan.
� M
1. 8/29/11 Not done. Add the other inforrnation frorn the title bock, impervuous suil-face
Ent.(.. Please add an identification block on drainage plan including site address, tax id
number, description of work including the pipe along the east property line.
2, E,3/29/1 1 Pw tially Done, ["llease revispondumj size c,,,,ik�,ulafions aii n(J
3. 8/29/11 Done,
4, (1,3/29/1 "1 Done. l-Iowev(.-ir, propoSE)d ,;R draun us not shown on 1his p[an. Add and ;:;,how
to ystern or remove from oth(,1)r p�lans,
5. 8/29/11 Not done, Show existing storm main in the right of way on plans.
6. 8/29/11 VIot don(,',,,, Call out rim and invert elevation of existing catch basin where the
proposed piping will connect.
7. 8/29/11 Not done. 8" 1,',nipe mqwres catch basins for l,,)In ng at north j:)r(,:�bperty line.Call
out type of catch basins to be installed.
8. 8/29/11 Not done. ( Vse actuai e[eva6)ns. Call out rim and invert elevations for
connection to new catch basins.
9. 8/29/11 11,1ot doine, Will new catch basin connect to an existing storm system. Please
show on plans with details.
10. 8/219/ i I Not dou (-',,. klot ci(,,,eu, dirnensnons or 0evat6oris? Dimension rain garden. Call
out distance from property lines and residence.
11.111'25/11 Done, Show connection of tightline/roof drains to storm system from house to
storm line in easement. A catch basin must be installed at point of connection.
Provide rim and all invert elevations.
12.8/29/11 Not done. Added to p�ans bUt need to cornbine to CMEn �,iipe [)efore entering
flr)ond. Use actuaq eevations, The plan shows three tightlines coming from the
house to the pond. Please note invert elevations for each tightline at house and
elevation at entrance to pond.
13,8/29/11 DorlE),
14.8/29/11 D()ine.
15.1'3/29/11 Not don(,'. Use actual 0evations. Call out invert elevation for outfall pipe
connection at catch basin.
16.8/29/11 Not dorn Call out square footage of all impervious surface. Stairs, sidewalk
do not appear to be counted in the impervious surface totals. Note if area is pervious.
17.8/29/11 Not done, Please note any areas adding pavers, concrete slabs, gravel must
be shown on plans and must be included in the impervious surface calculation.
18.8/29/11�114, ot done, Please note on plans "Required separation of utilities shall be met
per City of Edmonds and industry standards." on plan.
19,8/29/11 Done.
20.8/29/11 Done,
21,8/29/11 Done.
22.8/29/11 Not one. Add invert elevations at both clean outs to verify that the minimum
slope of 2% is achieved.
23.8/29/11 Not done. Please show that the required 1 Oft separation between the water
and sewer lines can be met.
24.8/29/11 Not Please add both notes to plans:
"If re -using existing side sewer (from property line to house): Property owner must have
condition verified and provide a report to the Public, Works Department."
"If re -using existing sewer lateral (from property line to City main): Condition must be
verified by Public Works Department. Contact Edmond's Sewer Division at 425-771-
["1ew3e,,"Idd c(.)nnecfion to Vn�ain. Show rrmin on p1ansff new s[,mw
e1eva1.ions at connection. 11 exnstirqj, note as such,
25. 8/29/11 1\Jo1 done, Label sE,.",'wer Label all pipe with length, material and size.
26. 8/29/11 Not done. All utilities shall be underground. Please note that power will be
installed underground.
Please resubmit 3 copies of the revised plans/documents to a Development Services Coordinator. Please
contact me at 425-771-0220 if you have specific questions regarding these plan corrections.