20110919170126826.pdfNVV, `15 y61,lYti)) 1145 6AU ANIMAL) ILL�LUb'40 `4M Y. UUl SENT BY i 0-22-5> ;10!10AM CITY OF E NOS" 205 441 2910; 2 MEMORANDUM Date: November 24, 1998 To: Members of the City Council From: Gary Grayson, Chair Edmonds Planning Board Via-, Mayer Barbara S. Fahey Subject: PLANNING BOARD RECOMMENDATION ON AN APPLICATION 13Y EASTERN kT'INESTMENT9 CORPORATION TO REZONE APPRO MMATELY 2..9 ACRES LOCATED AT APPROXIMATRLV SINT AVENUE WEST AND 140' ST'PXET 8OUTJJWWr FROM "AM -3.0" TO "RM -1.5" E KO. R-98�81j, In accordtutcc with thr. Council's dolcgation pursuant to RCW 35A63 MO the Planning Board held a public hearing on October 28, 1998. a request by Eanei-A Inveatmenta Corporation to rezone the approximately 2.9 acres located at approximately 81" Avenue West and 240"' Street Southwest from "RTS -5.0" to 'IRM -1.511 . Official Natiec of'thjiv hoariiRg was previously published in accordarim with ECDC 10.90.010 and a&ranced copies of the proposal "vert made available through the City Clerk and Planning Division. Eleven (11) poople testified at the hearing. Their names, the atm report vrith attachments, and all CxMbita cntored into the Planning Board record are in the official file W have also been submitted to the City Clerk. The audio recording of their testimony was also deposited with the City Clerk. EXPLANATION OF THE PROPOSED REZONE the applicant is mquasting a non -project specific rezono for the subject property from the current RM -3.0 - Multifknily Rmidential (I unit fbr each 9,000 square feet of lot area) designation to a bigher mul0l hmilly designation ofRM-1,5 (I unit for cath 1,.500 square feet of lot area), Fixidin , Conclusionw, and Staff' Recommvetdatiom wore subraittcd by Planning Supervisor Jeff Wilson. R's analysis is attached, Mr, Wilson stated that it is the Planning Division's anon- nidation to decry the requested ruone. PUBLIC COMMENTS Tho applicant made a presentation during the public hearbig to support his requesred rezone. During his presentation, he discussed the history of the slit and the adiarznt commercial property to the wast, which is also under the same o`:vncrship, City Of Edmonds eQ PIarming Eosrd NOV. -25' 98(WED) 11:40 BAU ANIMALS 'I'LL ?UU-V291U Y. uv� SENT BY: 0-22--5> ;10',20AM ; CITY Of E ,NDS- 205 "1 2510 tt 3 Ten (10) purple spoke in opposition to the proposed note -project rezone citing their oonaem with traffic resulting from an increase in density on the subject property, as well as tlicir conecm with the potential for an tncrease in crime that might be maociated with a large multifamily devciopment, Additionally, they expressed concern with the po=tial ,for an increase in Storm water runoff', especially in fight of sumo of the problems experienced by some of the downhill neighbors, PLANNING BOARD DISCUSSION The Board discussed the merits of the proposed non -project rozono, with a majority concluding that the proposed rewnc is not comiatent with the adopted rezone criteria and that the proposed rwont. would be detriinmtal to the public health, safety and welfare. After consideration of the request, the Board determined that the present zoning designation provides a transitional zoning buffer bstwsbn the Intone camtxrarcial zoning to the west and the single-t'amily zoning to the east of the subject property and that this transitional zoning is conalstantly used in areas north of the subject property. The Board spePifIcally cited the following a@ the basis of their denial of the requested rezone. 1, 7ha �pplicaation is not in kBeping with the goals and policies of rhe Compteekensiw Ph2a. 2. lire proposal ds star in keepink w?;h the intent ethe zoning ardfnancs as to projecting the aistP;g uses, 3_ dere has not been any real changes in the area to justiry doubling tate dellsily. 4. Thera hes been no change in the area or city polity ro JuErtfy the rp-zone, S. The cuTreni toning allows for adeguatie developmew Of the site and current condirtons protect the netghborhoeds, 5. There is no gain to the public health, safety and vaeare and the ptibihcfactories in the area cannot tuppon the additional demands created by this applicatton, 4 3914 ►rfe Based upon public testimony, written infotrwi�o, and gta#f` analysis, flte Plarming l Garai voted unanimously to recon=cnd, denial of the requested rezone to the City Council. Submitted on behalf -of the Board by, Gars+ O syson, Planning Berard Chair Attachments, Pluming Division Stel'i Advisory Report dated October 22, 1998 Additional Exhibits submitted to the Flare ing Hoard Cictober 28, 1990, Planning Beard M=ttrg Minutes pa; Filo No, R-98-81 Planning Board Rob Ohave, AICD, Plannii g Manager Jeffrey S. Wilson, AMP, Planning Sijperyisor Pafle 2 of 2 Pq,gt.ccc