20120413104932939.pdfCity of Edmonds 121 5TH AVENUE NORTH • EDMONDS, PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Engineering Division WA 98020 - (425) 771-0220 FAX(425) 771-0221 Website: www.dedinondsmams Plan Cheek#: BLD20110669 3rd 11evi.eyy, Date: March 12, 2012 Project Name/Address: Trieu SFR 7109 Lake Ballinger Way Contact Person/Address/Fax: Brian Thaete 206-240-9459 brianthaete@hotmail.com Reviewer: JoAnne Zulauf Division: Engineering During review of the subject submittal, it was found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications would need to be addressed. All Handouts and Standard Details referred to in these comments can be accessed at our website: www.ci.e(hnqndswa.US by clicking City Government / City Department / Public Works / Engineering Division: Please Note: Building1landwits do not include updatedEngineering Division Requirements. Refer to Engneeri lgiiantL ts I'm, all En i i tdrements. Pnw e... A ....'____leaseotencornmebased Feruar2sunfta_L ICT-TrITT". 12/7/12 Done 2. 13/7/12 Done. 3. 3/7/12 See drainage Ipllain comments. 2/14/12 Revise to reflElIc' new calWkTUWIS, You can add inn a line that statesdie 1991 s[,)MIS WWI Ihas as stonnMl[er waiver with the date of the waiver. The impervious surface calculation box from the Stormwater Management Handout #E72 Worksheet must be included on this plan. 4. 3/7/12 Done. 5. NEW Comment: Please label -the shaded area located °to the northeast side of the house and label sports court. 1 . 3/7/12 Done, DATE FAXED/E-MAILED 3/12/2012 PAGE 1 OF 2. 3/7/12 Not done. Please consider straw or cornpost waddles. I've attached a detail for thern. 2/14/12 An irtercep'(or svvaRe care not be constructed wrffiiin a \A/eUand or weflardd bii..iffer area, i`Iease replace Mb an alternate erosion control rneaUire. All erosion and sediment control measures shall be shown on the plan. Details of each type of measure used shall be included with the plan. 3, 3/7/12 Done, 4. 3/7/12 Done. 5, 3/7/12 Done. 6. 3/7/12 Done Stormwater/Utillily Plan: NEW Storn°iwater Comments 3/7/12 impervious Surface calculations do not agree with architectural measurernents. Please see attached calculations based on sheet 2 of the architectural plans. 3/7/12 Ml Il lans, reports and other staternents of limpervious surface calculations rntmt be revised. 3/7/12 100 sf of concrete retnoved is noted as a credit against the total regulated Iii nipervious. Renioval of ii regulated impervious surface cari not be credited against regulated impervious surface., Please remove creditfrorn calCUkatiOrIS. 3/7/12 Proposed west sidewalk is not included in impervious surface cakn,flations. 3/7/12 Please revise drainage systern sizing based on revised impervious surface aind subirviR in ew plans. 3/7112 Upon receipt in the February 231rd SUbmittal oftheflood lhazard assessiment prepared by Ed Mt.Carthy, P.E., PS, the current location of the drainage systern lis in the 100 year storm event flood zoino. rhe simplified sizing detention systerns are only designed for 10 year storm everits. Please relocate the systeni outside of the flood zone.: The new City handOU't detention details, (in Flandout E72a Inch,ided in your dralinage report) do not specify the minknurn separation of 10 ftfrorn a structure. AfthOUgh ffmt distance is ideal, it is not mandatory. With that said, it may be advantageous for you to relocate the system in the driveway area. 3/7/12 Standard detail copied on the Drainage plan is snot the detail found in the [°Erig handout E72 A (inckided in your drainage ireport). Fllease replace. 3/7/12 No ruri(Af front the existing impervious surface areas roan eriter-the detention system. Areas that will rernain and replaced shall It sloped to direct runoff sonwwkieire other'Rian rnainhole. Please note rein plairis. DATE FAXED/E -MAILED 3/12/2012 PAGE 2 OF 3/7/12 Handout E72A (included iiri your drainage repoirt) sizing states that the OUMOW pipe for a system midgating 2000 to 4000 s'r of irinpervious surface rnust be 8" minimurn. This applies to the riser pipe only. Please revise plan details. 3/7/12 Drainage Report: 1.11ease note that a drainage report is not requirt(I if you use the sirnplified sizing rnethod, Once corrected with "to rneet requirements of this set of cornmerits, it will be reviewed by the Stonier Engineer if you choose to SUbIllit it. If YOU choose to suboxift it please make the following corrections prior to resubmittal. a) I he drainage detail elevations are different than the detail sl'iown on the drainage plan. b) Handout E-72A (included in your drainage report) sizing states that thc) witflow pipe for a systern niffigating 2000 to 4000 sf of irnperviot,is surface must bet" Miffll-(Mm. This applies to the riser pipe only. "this detail also slwws the ouffall pipe as 4" when detail on plan shows 6", Please revise report detention detail. c) Revise all impervious Surface calculations. The 100 sf of [irnpervious removed is non regulated surface so can not be credited to regulated suirface. d) Page 8 information has Ibeeen addressed in previous comments and tile i info, irrnatio ri shown has no re Ievaince to the CUrrent (plans, Please Update or rernove. 3/7'/12 Resolved wetland issue. 3/7112 Revise plans and report. 2/7/12: The submitted plan does not seem to be in agreement with the calculations for the storm system requirements. If the following is true then the new impervious surface is sf and is not regulated by the storm water code. 7. The stormwater system shall be sized in one of two ways: a. The simplified sizing chart located in the Stormwater Handout E72A. If you choose to use the simplified sizing chart, please review the section Design and Construction Requirements. A system detail shall be provided consistent with the example shown in handout. 2/14/12 L)se the detail in the E72 A Flandotd to add alll rim and iinvert eilevafions and other s0rig, Uf siinplifiied sizing iS Used, a stormwater report, is riot required. b. 3/17112, Not Done. As previously stated, the design must reinain as shown in the handout detail if you choose to use tlie simplified sizirig method. That means it needs a catch basin at both ends. "rhe submitted report does riot calculate sizing and relies on'the inforniation provided by the handout. See the Storm Water Supplenien't (available on our website) -to find the reqUiretnents for other rnethods of sizing. If you choose to use a detention size not listed on the chart 2/14/12 (e.g. a different size catch basiuor rnan[mle, on�y DATE FAXED/E-MAILED 3/12/2012 PAGE 3 OF one aiainhole, e�,c), the system must be designed by a Civil Engineer. Calculations and a detail of the system are required. 8. 3/7/12 Not consistent between plans and report. Please revise. All stormwater catch basins, yard drains etc. shall be noted with rim and invert elevations. 9. 3/7/12 Not Done. How will new concrete pad runoff be collected? All "regulated" impervious surface must be connected to the detention system. See Stormwater Management Handout Worksheet (# E72)to determined the regulated impervious surface on the property. 10. 3/7/12 Please revise all calciflations and confinn'they are corisistant throug[iout project. 2/141,12 F%ase revise. Impervious surface calculations from worksheet are required on this plan. 11.3/7/12 Parflafly done. Add rnaterial and length to water line, add length to all stretches of sewer line. 2/14/12 Not done. All pipe, storm arid other ufiRies, shall be noted with size, length and material. 12.3/7/12 [)one. 13.3/7/12 Martially done. Add Cleannut at house. 2/14112 Not done. Sewer shall have a 4" cleanout at house and a 6" cleanout at property or easement line. 14. Through 20. 3/7/12 Done. DATE FAXED/E-MAILED- 3/12/2012 PAGE -4- OF -4-