20120605090359834.pdfTERRA ASSOCINFES,'Inc. Consultant,; in Geotechnical higineering), Geology and Environn-iental Earth Sciences June 4, 2012 Project No. T-840-11 Brian and Cindy Isaacson 9808 — 142nd Place SE, F-301 Bothell, Washington 98011 Subject: Final Letter Geoleclinical Engineering Construction Services Proposed Isaacson Residence Lot 2, Lorian Woods Edmonds, Washington City of Edmonds Pe-a-rilit 4 2009-0743 References: 1. Geoteclinical Report, Lorian Woods, Project No, T-840-10, prepared by Terra Associates, Inc., dated March 31, 2008 2, Supplemental Geotecl-inical Consultation, Project No. T-840-10, prepared by Terra Associates, Inc,, dated June 2, 2009 3. Supplemental Lettcr, Geolechnical Summary, Project No. T-840-10, prepared by "Terra Associates, Inc., datcd June 5, 2009 Dear Mr, and Mrs, Isaacson: As rcquested,Terra Associates, Inc. (Terra) has provided geotecluilcal engirieering services during construction of the subject project, We have provided consultation services during the planning, design, An(] permitting phases of this project, The referenced report and letters contain our recommendations and discussion of the project, The purpose of our work was to verify that the geoteclmical elements of the project design have been completed in accordance with reconuncridations outlined in our geotechnical report for the project. Our work was provided with periodic site visits coordinated with your contractor, Mr. Jim Arnold. We have previously submitted our field observations in memos that were sent to you, the contractor, and the City of Edmonds. 12525 Willows koad, SUiW 101, Kirkl ind, Washington 98034 Phone (425) 821-7777 @ Fax (4).5) 821-4334 Brian and Cindy Isaacson June 4, 2012 The city required the following elements in our observations services: 1. Soils (ERC 1704.7) The special inspections were conducted to verify compliance with the geotechnical recommendations in our referenced report and letters for the project that satisfy the requirements of IBC 1802 and the City of Edmonds requirements. 2. Soil Bearing Verification Terra made periodic site visits during construction. Representatives of Terra Associates verified adequate bearing for the foundations within the house footprint and for the upper catclunent wall prior to placement of concrete. Adequate bearing was observed in the footing excavations for an allowable bearing pressure of 1,500 pounds per square foot. 3. Structural Fill Placement and Compaction/Placement Ten -a observed the placement of structural fill within the footprint of the house, along the eastern margin of the house for the foundation of the catchment wall, and behind the catchment wall. The lower -level basement wall was backfilled with site material compacted in place. Compaction testing and obsetations during fill placement indicated that adequate compaction was achieved. The upper basement wall along the east margin of the house was backfilled with crushed rock chips that were compacted in place with a vibratory sled compactor. The upper catchment wall was backfilled with clean sand and compacted in place with a vibratory sled compactor. These upper two walls were backfilled using a conveyer belt boom truck to place material above the house footprint. The backfill for the two upper walls consisted of free draining soils. 4. Foundation and Site Draius/Footing Drains We observed that perforated footing drains and a separate tightline for roof downspout drains were placed. We also observed that the basement walls were provided with a drainage board manufactured by Delta. Based on our observations, the subsurface drains and downspout tightlines were placed in accordance with our recommendations and the project plans. We observed that the upper seepage zones were controlled during construction to reduce impacts on the area cleared for construction from the accumulated seepage. The permanent site drainage features include a swale along the top of the catchment wall with two yard drains to collect surface runoff, the upper drainage network, yard drains in the patio area behind the house, and tightlines for the downspouts. All elements of the drainage system will need to be maintained over time. This includes keeping gutters clear of debris. Project No. T-840-11 Page No. 2 Brian and Cindy Isaacson June 4, 2012 S. General Site'Nionitorinti During Wet Weather Construction We made periodic site visits during periods of time that site excavation or backfill operations were under way. We observed that site activities did not create any site stability or erosion issues. We observed that visqueen was used to prevent erosion from precipitation. During our site visit, we did not observe any off -site transport of sediments. 6. Temporary Erosion Control We made periodic site visits during periods of time that site excavation or backfill operations were under way. We observed that site activities did not create any erosion issues. Following our site visit on January 23, 2012 following a snow melt and rain event, erosion control observations were taken over by ivlr. Jini Arnold. No significant earthwork activities took place in the balance of the wet season. 7. Final Erosion Control Final erosion control will be complete with the final re -vegetation plans. We have observed that the areas cleared in the past work on -site prior to 2011 have been successfully re -vegetated. We have observed that the area disturbed for construction in 2011/2012 have had plants placed to reestablish erosion control, These plants will need to be maintained through the summer drought using hand irrigation. We do not recommend the installation of a dedicated irrigation system, We understand that you will place a permeable weed barrier fabric over the exposed soils to reduce the potential for erosion while the new ground cover is being established. 8. Site Retaining WaRIIRockery Construction No rockeries were constructed as part of this permit, We obseivcd that the site retaining walls were placed as planned, Due to a conflict between the architectural plans and the structural plans, the contractor deleted the footing for the catchment wall that wrapped around the south east margin of the house. The structural engineer approved the variance from the plans in his memo dated May 31, 2012, 9, Excavations/Grading/Site Preparation We made periodic site visits during each step of the project excavation and grading. The soils exposed in the excavation were consistent with the soils anticipated from our explorations and experience on the site. We observed the grading and site preparation was consistent with our recommendations for the project and the approved plans, 10. ]Final Letter This letter provides our fatal summary of the construction observations. All discussion in our prior reports remains applicable to this project, Project No. T-840-11 Page No, 3 Brian and Cindy Isaacson June 4, 2012 CONCLUSIONS Based on our observations during construction, it is our opinion that the gcolechnical aspects of the prqject havc 0 been completed in accordance with the recommendations contained in our referenced geotechnical report, the construction drawings, and specifications as approved by the City of Edmonds, The only variation was the south end of the catchnient wall as discussed Section 8 of this letter. We have attached the field memos that comment our site obsciwations. All discussions and recommendations in our referenced letters and report remain applicable to this site. We trust the inforniation presented is sufficient for your cori-cm needs. If you have any questions or require additional information, please call, Respectfully Submitted, TEIMA ASSOCIATES, INC. A Project Nf4'y to Principal T, Attachments: 11c,Rf �',A,,?mlsldated 7-6-11 through 6-3-12 Protect No,'T-840-1 I Page No. 4 Daily Field Melno TERRA SSInc. ,Projcct RMConsullanis No. T-$40-11 in Geotechnical Engineering, Geology And Ml emo No. 1 Environmental Earth Sciences Date 7-6-2011 Project: Isaacson Muse Subject: Pre Cote Edmonds Permit 2009-0743 Location: Lorian Woods Contractor: Jim Arnold Weather: Sunny Present at Site: Jim Arnold Jennifer Lambert and Patrick Lawler ---City of Edmonds ;4riCer met with the above on site at i pin for pre con. We reviewed the speci—al inspections regoir,ci on the City of Edmonds Special lnspkkc>ion and Test ng Agreement for the project. The List of special in5pect;icns is attached to this memo Chuck Lie Cily of Edmonds By; Copies to: Brian and Cindy Isaacson Jim Arnold Pacific Nortliwest Construxion Telephone No. (425) 821-7777 12525 Willows Road o Suite 101 4, Kirkland. Washington o 98034 oil CITY OF EDMONDS SPECIAL INSPEcrm AND TESTING AGREEME, NT Xr. 2Z�PERMIT# DATE: PROJF,CT SITE ADDRI(,SS: PROJECT NAME:. SPECIAL INSPECTION AGENCY_..__,, ....... *One form must be completed by each Special Inspection Agency or Inspector. SPECIAL INSPECTIONS RE QUMD: Special inspections are required for this project in accordance with HIC Chapter 17 or in accordance with IRC R109.2 as applicable. IBC Section 1704.1 requires tile owner or the registered design professional in charge to employ an independent testing/inspection agency/special inspector to perform required special inspections. The independent agency hired to perform the duties of special inspection is required to be a registered agency with WAI10 under the Special Inspection Registratioln Program (SHIP), The special inspector shall be a qualified person with competence for inspection of the particular type of construction or operation requiring special Inspection (SOQ inay be required by the Building Official). The owner, registered professional, contractor and special inspector/agency shall complete the attached form and subnut directly to the Building Division. WORK RE QURING SPECIAL INSPECTION.- Special inspections will be required for the following categories of work In accordance with IBC Chapter 17 and IRC R109.2., FOR SPECIFIC INFORMATION RE GARDING RE QUIRED SPECIAL INSPEMONS SEE THE STMCEMENT OF SPECL&LINSPECTION GATTACHED UAPPROVE D PLAN SIIF `I i BEFORE A PERMIT CAN BE ISSUED: The owner and contractor and special inspector shall complete this agreement and the attached Special Inspection Information Form, including the required Acknowledgements and return to the Building Division for approval prior to permit issuance. APPROVAL OF SPECIAL INSPECTORS: Each special inspector shall be approved by the Building -Official prior to performing any duties or inspections. The company performing inspections must be WABO certified as well as the individual completing inspections. When required by the Building Official, each special inspector shall submit Statement of Qualifications to the City for review. Special inspectors shall display identification when performing special inspections on the project site, Special inspection and testing shall meet the minimum requirements of IBC Chapter 17 and the following: A. Duties and Resuonsibilities of the Special Inspector 1. OBSERVE WORK The special inspector shall observe the site work for conformance with the approved (stamped) plans and specifications and applicable workmanship provisions of the IBC. Architect or r Engineer reviewed shop drawings may be used only as an aid to inspection. Special inspections are to be performed on a continuous basis —meaning that the special inspector is on site at all times observing the work requiring special inspection, Periodic inspections are permitted only as specifically noted in the approved project plans in accordance with IBC Chapter 17, and as approved by the Building Official. Continuous Inspection means the same inspector is on site day to day to observe the work requiring special inspection. Periodic Inspection means some inspections may be performed on a periodic basis to satisfy the requirements of continuous inspection, provided these periodic inspections are performed as outlined in the project plans and specifications, and approved by the Building Official, 2. REPORT NONCONFORMING ITEMS The special inspector shall bring non -conforming items to the immediate attention of the contractor and note all such items in the daily field report. Any item not resolved in a timely manner shall be immediate cause of the special inspector to notify the Building Official by telephone at (425-771-0220) or in person at City Hall, of the plan deviation, error, change or omission. It shall also be the duty of the special inspector to promptly notify the engineer or architect of record. 3. DAILY REPORTS KEPT ON SITE WITH CONTRACTOR Each special inspector shalt complete and sign a daily report for each day's inspections. The daily reports shall remain at the jobsite with the contractor for review by the City Building Inspector, 4. WEEKLY REPORTS TO CITY The special inspector or inspection agency shall furnish the City with weekly reports of tests and inspections. The project engineer or architect, and others as designated shall also be copied on reports. Weekly reports must include the following: ® Description and date of daily inspections and tests made with applicable locations ® List of all non -conforming items and locations ® Report on status of non -conforming items (how each was resolved or unresolved) ® Field changes authorized by the Architect, Engineer or City Inspector if not included in non-conformance items. L:\TEMP\BWLDING\FORMS\inspection�Special Inspection Agreement Soils.doc12109 5. FINAL CONSTRUCTION REPORT The special inspector or inspection agency shall submit a final signed report or Certificate of Compliance to the City stating that all items requiring special inspection and testing were fulfilled and reported. And, to the best of his/her knowledge the project is in conformance with the approved plans and specifications, approved change orders and the applicable workmanship provisions of the IBC. Items not in conformance, unresolved items or any discrepancies in inspection coverage (i.e., inissed inspections, periodic inspection when continuous inspections were required, etc.) shall be specifically addressed in this report. B. Contractor Responsibilities 1. NOTIFY THE SPECIAL INSPECTOR OF ALL REQUIRED SPECIAL 1NSPECTIONS It is the duty of the contractor to notify the special inspector when work is ready for special inspection. Note, the items listed on the attached Special Inspection Information Form and as noted on the approved plans and specifications are required to have special inspections. Adequate notice shall be provided by the contractor so that the special inspector has time to become familiar with the project. All work requiring special inspection must be approved prior to concealing or covering said work. Z. PROVIDE ACCESS TO APPROVED PLANS The contractor is responsible for providing the special inspeetor access to approved plans at the j obsite. 3. RETAIN SPECIAL INSPECTION RECORDS The contractor is responsible to retain at the jobsite all special inspection records submitted by the special inspector. These records are to be provided to the City building inspector upon request. C. City, of Edmonds Building Division Responsibilities 1. APPROVE SPECIAL INSPECTION The Building Division shall approve all Special Inspectors and special inspection requirements. 2. MONITOR SPECIAL INSPECTIONS AND APPROVE WEEKLY REPORTS Work requiring special inspection and the performance of special inspectors shall be monitored by the City Building Inspector. Building Inspector approval must be obtained prior to placement of concrete or other similar activities in addition to that of the special inspector. 3. ISSUE CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY The Building Official may issue a Certificate of Occupancy after all weekly special inspection reports including the final report have been submitted and accepted by the City. D. Owner Responsibilities { 1. The project owner or the engineer or architect of record acting as the owner's agent shall fund special inspection services. E. En2lueer or Architect of Record Responsibilities 1, Prepare Statement of Special Inspections in accordance with IBC Section 1705. 2. Review the special inspection reports and provide corrective action for work that may not conform to the approved plans. L:\TEMP\BUILDiNG\FORMSUmpection\3pecial Inspection Agreement Soils.doc12/09 ACKNOWLEDGEM-E NTS I have read and agree to emnptywith the terms and conditions ofthis agreemem. Owner name (please print or type) W= General Contractor Company/Owner name lim (please print or type) Sign a tur Date Special inspector/Agency name lease print, or type) Signature Date.. Architect/Engineer of Record narne (please print or type) Signature--- Date Return the original signed agreemmit to the Building Division City of Edmonds Building Division 121 St" Avenue North, City Ralf Second Moor Edmonds, WA 98020 ACCEPTED DY CITY OV EDMONDS BUILDING DIVISION: City Official Title: bmpmflon Agieeracul Soifiq,doc 12109 Daily Meld Memo TERRA ASSOCIATES,Inc. Project No. T-840-11 �" Consultants in Georechnical Encineering, Geology and Memo No. 2 Environmental Earth Sciences Date 7-21-2011 Project: Isaacson House Subject: Pre Con Edmonds Permit 2009-0743 Locution: Lorian Woods Contractor: Jiru Arnold Weather: Su1111v Present at Site: Jin1 Arnold Brett-PNWC triter met :pit}a the .'rove on ,site at '_1 .gym. The mass excavation for the house is proceediMn. 11he suh grade is `csei.na 1pct one to two feet above final grade. soils are being removed from, t'rjr, `1tee. `ihe soils consist --i iarily of silos ;with some pockets of Ilty sands. ` heru is same ,good debris withi-n the native soils. Cuts of up t-'�) feet have been a --de, no seepage was pre=Yrrt. Temporary cuts appear to brw stable up to four teet in heighit for the vertical segif'u-11t. Ile discussed tiiq need t0 make cut* char will be 111SHA comoiiant. At the .routhtast corner of U' hojLsp it may be need,-d to use rcc-levy blocks to support the tc�tfi,porary cur. E hlocY;s should be no higher than two high. The blocks can he dedicated to the backi.tll. The ?ere.page collections syster, on the, hill above the i�_ controlliriq rnc.--�t of th'e Seepage, Some light surface flows persist ibov� thr,: horise. It is OK to re- establish the surface Swale on the dozer trail immediately above the house. The surface runoff from the s;•rale needs to be directed -away from the house into suitable discharge arias, The TESL fencing along the l titer edge of the site is intact. A quarry sp.ail entrance has been est bl% shc-d. No off Site flow of water was ob-`_eived. TESC appear:; suitable for the existing conditions. The foundation forming is planned to start on ':-tednesday Aug 27'' The soils appear to be suitable for keyway construction. The foundation crew will need to exercise care to preserve the Peytvay during steel placement. P7ork should proceed in a timely basis. Chuck Lie City o1'Ednionds Copies to: Brian and Cindy Isaacson By. Jim Arnold Pacific Northwest Construxion Telephone No. (425) 821-7777 12525 Willows Road ® Suite 101 o Kirkland, Washington o 98034 pqTERRA ASSOCIATES, c® Consuhanls in Genlechnical En ineering, Geology and Environmental Earth Sciences Project: Isaacson House Subject: Pre Con Edmonds Permit 2009-0743 Location: Lorian V'Voods Weather: Sunny Daily Field Memo Project No, TT-840-11-11 Memo No. 3 Date 7-27-2011 Contractor: Jim Arnold Present at Site: Brett-PNWC Writer ntet with Brett on site at about noon. The mass excavation for the house is proceeding. I had postponed a routine weekly meeting with Jim Arnold at 10 ant for this date and we rescheduled it for the 28'h at 10 AM. Brett called at about I I and reported that he had encountered seepage in the stair area excavation. I visited the site to observe the seepage. I recommended that tite seepage be controlled with a sump and a pump to see if it is just a pocket of water. I also reviewed the exposed cut at the east side of the garage, It appears that there is sufficient room to cut it back to at least a I :1, a single high eblock wall can be placed at the toe of the cut to reduce the horizontal extent of the open cut. The eblocks can be left in place in the baekfill if they do not interfere with keyways or other construction elements. Brett and I discussed the use of native soils for baekfill, The sandy site soils would be suitable for use as wall baekfill as long as the walls have been provided with drainage panels such as mica drains, TESL measures appear to be suitable. No off site sediment or water flow observed, Chuck Lie City of Edmonds Copies to: Brian and Cindy Isaacson By: Jim Arnold Pacific Northwest Construxion Telephone No. (425) 821-7777 12525 Willows Road ® Suite 101 0 Kirkland, Washington 0 98034 Daily Field Memo TERRA ® Inc. " Consultants in Geolechnical Engineering, Geology Project No. T-840-11 ` and Memo No. 4 Environmental Earih Sciences Date 7-28-2011 Project: Isaacson House Subject: Pre Con Edmonds Permit 2009-0743 Location: Lorian Woods Contractor: Jim Arnold Weather: Swine Present at Site: Jim Arnold Brett-PNWC Nick Hoffman -Terra Associates Writer met with Breit and Jim on site to review project progress and discuss seepage at 10 am on site Jim proposed the use of a lateral trench to drain water from the excavation in lieu of the surnp, 1 recommended the use of the sump to see if it Xvas a pocket of water that once removed would not re occur during the construction period. If a trench is used, I recommended that the trench be back -filled with crushed rock such as the stockpile of pea gravel sized crushed rock that Brett had imported and stockpiled at the driveway area. No pipe would be needed in the trench. The trench should be as deep as possible to capture \vater from keyways. The same crushed rock could be placed at the base of ke},\vays, no pipes should be placed in the keyways, This crushed rock could also be used to provide a \vorking surface on the bearing surfaces of footings if needed. The stability of the sidewalls of the keyways are the important clement. Observation of the seepage conditions will need to continue to evaluate options for- keyway construction in the lower areas of the louver floor where seepage has been observed. Spoils from the excavation continue to be exported. A stockpile of soils is present for use in baekfill. TCSC measures appear to be suitable. No off site sediment or water flow observed. Chuck Lie City of Edmonds Copies to: Brian and Cindy Isaacson Jim Arnold Pacific Northwvest Construxion Telephone No. (425) 821-7777 12525 Willows Road o Suite 101 0 Kirkland, Washington 0 98034 ITRRA ASSOCIATES, Inc. Geotechnical Consultants 12525 Willows Road, Suite 101, Kirkland, Washington 98034 Phone (425) 821-7777 a Fax (425) 821-4334 FOOTING EXCAVA I ION EXAMINATION REPORT DATE FOOTINGS EXAMINED PROJECT NAME: CONTRACTOR: DESCRIPT(ON OF FOOTINGS COVERED BY THIS REPORT: PROJECT NO, PROJECT LOCATION! Uln REPRESENTATIVE: V N Our representaliva has examined only the fooling excavations listed above. The results of Ibis examination are only valid for a period of,18 hours, 11 any change in the subgrade Conditions 0MAHS, WO should be promptly notified. Any loosened soils observed in foundalion areas due to corLstruction activity or rainfall should be removed prior to cone to placement. COPY TO:\0 iGI4ArLIRE . . ..1, t r. . .... . TERRA ASSOCIATES REPRESENTATIVE ASSOCIATES,TERRA Inc. pq Consultants in Geotechnical Engineering, Geology and Environmental Earth Sciences Project: Isaacson House I Subject: Site Visit Edmonds Permit 2009-0743 Location: LQriari Woods , Weather: Sunny Daily Field Memo Project No. T-840-11 Merno No. 7 Date 9-8-11-2011 Contractor: Jim Arnold Present at Site: Jim Arnold Concrete Crew Writer met with hin on site at 1200 to observe footings in the upper area of the existing excavation. This is the crawlspace area that will be used for storage. Suitable bearing conditions were observed. Jim will have rebar stubbed out to the grade bearns that support the deck area. The deck foundations are covered by a stockpile of soils at this lime. The walls at the east side of the garage are having steel placed. Backfill for the east walls of the garage and storage area should be placed as soon as allowed by the structural engineer. The backfill will need to be placed in lifts and compacted as described in our report to provide support for the eastern perimeter footings. A sample of the stockpile south of the house was obtained for a sieve analysis to evaluate compatibility of the soils with the proposed Delta drainage board, The footing memo for today is attached, The footing is scheduled to be placed on Friday Sept 9. TESC measures appear to be suitable. No off site sediment or water flow observed. The weather conditions will change later this month, The stockpiles may need cover and the silt fence will need maintenance, Chuck Lie By: City of Edmonds Copies to: Brian and Cindy Isaacson Jim Arnold Pacific Northwest Construxion Telephone No. (425) 821-7777 12525 Willows Road ® Suite 101 a Kirkland. Washington o 98034 'IFF-RIZA ASSC)CIATES, Iric, Geole,chnical Consultants 12525 Willows Road, Suite 101, Kirkland, Washington 98034 Phone (425) 821-7777 a Fax (425) 82 1-4334 FOOTIN'G EXCAVATION EXAMINATION REPORT DATE FOOTINGS EXAMINED PROJECT NO, PROJECT NAME: PROJECT LOCATION: CONTRACTOR: REPRESENTATIVE: st" DESCRIPTION OF FOOTINGS COVERED BY THIS REPORT. Our rep(esentalivo has examined only the footing excavations listed above. The results of This exarninalion are only valid for a period of 48 hCUM 11 any change in the subgrade condriloni. occur-, we should be prornpily notified. Any loosened soils observed in foundation areas due to consiruclion acliviLy or rainfall should be removed prior to concrete placemonl. o".­­ COPY TO: k VVb N^ SIGNATURE rERRA ASSOCIATES REPRE r--N-rATivF ✓ Daily Field Memo TERRA ®Inc. P P Projeet No, T-840-11 Consultants in Geotechnica) Engineering, Geology and Memo No. 8 Environmental Earth Sciences Dale 9--19-2011 Project: Isaacson House Subject: Site Visit Edmonds Permit 2009-0743 Location: Lorian Woods Contractor: Jim Arnold Weather: Sunny Present at Site: Jim Arnold Brett Writer met with Jim on site at 1400 to review drainage facility placement. At the time of my visit, the drainage board had been placed and the perforated footing drain had been placed along the uphill side of the perimeter wall footing, A separate tight line was placed along the north outside perimeter of the foundation for the downspout tight lines. Brett reported that the pipes would be marked to prevent the hookup of downspouts and surface drains to the perforated pipe. Brett also reported that during washed rock placement, that the pipe would be checked for grade and alignment. The washed rock should overlap the drainage board by at least G inches. Drain placement appears to be suitable. All pipe is rigid pipe as recommended in the geotech report. OK to place rock and fabric and backfill. Terra will return to do compaction tests on backfill during placement. The onsite stockpile of soil from the mass excavation meets the specifications for the Delta Board backfill, We understand that a jwnping jack will be used. Following completion of backfill, the tipper hey way will be excavated and foundation forming will begin for eastern wall of house. Backfill and compaction is scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. TESC measures appear to be suitable. No off site sediment or water flow observed, Chuck Lie City of Edmonds Copies to: Brian and Cindy Isaacson Ain Arnold Pacific Northwest Consiruxion Telephone No. (425) 821-7777 12525 Willows Road 4 Suite 101 * Kirkland, Washington l, 98034 Daily Field Menio ASSOCIATES,TERRA Inc. `• • • ` • Project No. 840-1 I a •' ` Consultants in Geoiechnical Engineering, Geology and Mcnio No. 9 Environmental Earth Sciences Date 9/21/2011 Project; Isaacson SFR Subject: East Building Backtill Location: Edmonds, WA Contractor: Weather: Partly Cloudy Present at Site: As requested a Terra Associates, Inc. representative was onsite to observe earthwork activities from 10:45am to 11:15am. While onsite the following was observed: The contractor was placing fill along the east side of the basement wall. The contractor had placed approx. 3' of fill prior to arrival.. The fill was observed to over optimum moisture content and is pumping under foot. Density tests obtained on the backfill showed compaction of less than the required 95%. Chuck Lie of Terra Associates was informed of the till conditions and is working with the contractor to find a solution. Field Density Test Data Test No Test Location Depth (ft.) Soil Yl Type Moisture Content M) Dry Density (PCF) Relative Compaction (%) Remarks I Center of fill area ~ -4' A 19.7 105.4 90 Note. The above test results represent soil compaction at the specific locations and depths noted, and may not be representative of compaction at other locations or depths. By: Ricky Gag!!�L Copies to: 12525 Willows Road + Suite 101 ® Kirkland, Washington * 98034 * Telephone No. (425) 821-7777 Daily Field Memo TERRA ASSOCIATES, Inc. ` •' • Project No. 840-I1 •;• Consullatils in Geotechnlcal Engineering, GeolNy �• • • and J'Vlemo No, 10 Environmental Earth Sciences Date 9-23-20I1 Project: Issaeson SFR Sub'eet: Foundation Backffll Location: Edmonds, WA Contractor: PNWC Weather: Partly Cloudy Present at Site: Brett Arrival: 8.30 AIM; 12:00 PNI Departure: 9.45 AM; 12:30 P1.1 Terra representative arrived on site as requested to perform in -place density tests on recently placed foundation backfill. While on site we observed the following: Approximately 3' of on -site sand with silt had been placed and compacted along the east side of the eastern rooting wall. We previously documented fill in this area to be over optimum moisture conditions. The previous fill had been removed, amended with Portland cement, and then subsequently placed and compacted, The new fill appeared dense and unyielding (1/2" hand probe penetrations of less than'/", under the full weight of observer. Density tests performed on the fill were at or above 95% of lab maximum dry density according to AST1vi —D-698, A four —inch perforated PVC pipe bedded in clean one -inch rock and wrapped in filter fabric was in place at the base of the footing wall along the north and cast sides of the building. Wall drain panels were in place along the outside of the north and cast footing walls, 12-18" of fill near the SE corner of the building probed loose and will require further compaction. We will be available for further observation and testing at the request of the contractor. Field Density Data Test No Test Location Depth (ft.) Soil Cype ' Noisture Content o (!o) Dry Densit}' (PCF) Relative Compaction Remarks 2 6' north, 5' cast of 90 degree bend in cast foundation wall SG t A 16.5 1 t 1.4 95 3 15' north'of test 42 -1. SG A 16.4 111.7 95 I Note: The above test results represent soil compaction at the specific locations and depths noted, and may not be representative of compaction at other locations or depths, By: Nicolas Hoffman Copies to: Email Litt 12525 Willows Road # Suite 101 # Kirkland, Washington # 98034 + Telephone No, (425) 821-7777 MRTERRA. ASSOCIATES, Inc. Consultants in Geolechnicai Engineering, Geology anid Environmental Earth Sciences Project: Isaacson House Subject. Site Visit Edmonds Permit 2009-0743 Location: Lorian Woods Weather: Sunny Daily Field Memo Project No. T-840-11 Menlo No, 11 Date 9--27-2011 Contractor: Jim Arnold Present at Site: Jim Arnold Writer nict with Jim on site to review the backfill of the eastern garage/storage area wall. The bearing surface appears suitable for the placement of forms and steel. Terra to be on site prior to concrete placement to observe final bearing conditions. Some sloughing had occurred in the northern end of the keyway. Jlm will have the crew hand excavate the sloughing out. We discussed TESC briefly. Jim plans on using visqueen to over the exposed soils for the next several weeks. TESC measures appear to be suitable. No off site sediment or water flow observed. Chuck Lie By: City of Edmonds Copies to: Brian and Cindy Isaacson Jim Arnold Pacific Northwest Construxion Telephone No. (425) 821-7777 12525 Willows Road 0 Suite 101 * Kirkland, Washington o 98034 Daily Field Memo TERRA gg ATES, Inc. go Project Na. 7`-840-1] ConStlltanl5 in Geotechnical Engineering, Geology and ;Memo No. 12 Environmental Earth Sciences Date 9--30-2011 Project: Isaacson House Subject: Site Visit Edmonds Permit 2009-0743 Location: Lorian Woods Contractor: Jim Arnold Weather- Sunny Present at Site: Jim Arnold Brett Me Donald Writer met with Jitn on site to review final bearing conditions of the eastern perimeter house footings. The bearing surface appears suitable for the placement of concrete. The sloughed material iu the keyway had been removed. The sloughing was on the eastern side of the keyway. A hand written footing memo was 1e11 on site and is attached to this memo. We discussed TESC briefly. Jim plats on using yisqueen to over the exposed soils fbr the next several weeks. TESC measures appear to be suitable. No offsite water flow observed, The seepage from tire upper portion of the site remains under control and in the tight line placed hvo years ago. Jim was going to sweep the street to address some soil that had been tracked off site. Bret reported that he had crushed rock being delivered to freshen the rock pad entrance to the site. The existing and proposed measures are acceptable. Chuck Lie City of Edmonds By: Copies to: Brian and Cindy Isaacson .lirn Arnold Pacific Northwest Construxion Telephone No. (425) 821-7777 12525 Willows Road a Suite 101 * Kirkland, Washington * 98034 TERRA, ASSOCIATES, lirl"C. Geotechnical Consultants 12525 Willows Road, Suite 101, Kirkland, Washington 98034 Phone (425) 82-1-7777 - Fax (425) 821-4334 FOOTING EXCAVAT ION EXAM INA1101\1 REPORT' DATE FOOTINGS EXAMINED �"R(')JECT NO� PROJECT NAME: PROJECT I,OCATION: CONTRACTOR: DESCRIPTION OF FOOTINGS COVERED BY THIS REPORT: REPRESENTATIVE: Our representative has examined only the feeling excavations listed above. The results of this examination are only Valid (or a period of 48 hours, 11 any change In the subgrade conditions occurs, we should be promptly notified. Any loosened soils observed in foundation areas due to construction activity of rainfall should be removed prior to concrete placement. COPYTO: SIGNATURE vy, ok! Daily Field Memo TERRA ASSOCIATES, c® pq Projeet No. T-R40-i1 Consultants in Geolechnical Cngineering, Geology and Memo No. 12 Environmental Earth Sciences Date 10-4-2011 Project: ]saacsou house Subject: Site Visit Edmonds Permit 2009-0743 Location: Loriau Woods Contractor: Jim Arnold Weather: Sunny Present at Site: concrete crew members TESL measures appear to be suitable. No off site water flow observed. The seepage from the upper potlion of the site remains under control and in the tight line placed two years ago. The rock pad entrance had been freshened and the silt fences appear to be adequate. The slopes above and around the house have been covered with visqueen. Sand bags and other weights have been placed to keep the visqueen in place_ The existing and proposed measures are acceptable. The visqueen will need to be monitored and maintained. Chuck Lie By: City of Edmonds Copies to: Brian and Cindy Isaacson Jim Arnold Pacific Northwest Construxion Telephone No. (425) 821-7777 12525 Willows Road 0 Suite 101 0 Kirkland, Washington o 99034 Daily Field Memo T c®,Project PP.Consultants No. 84p-11 in Geotechnicdl Engineering, Geology dull Memo No. 14 Environmental Eanh Sciences Date 10-17-2011 Project: Issacson SFR Subject: East Retaining hall Drainage Location: Edmonds, WA Contractor: PN'WC Wealher: Partly Cloudv _ _ Present at Site: Jim Arnold Arrival: 8:00 AM _ Departure, 8:15 AM Terra representative arrived on site as requested to observe the recently constructed footing drain on the east side of the eastern retaining wall. While on site we observed the following: A four inch perforated pve drain pipe was in place on the east side of the eastern retaining wall approximately at the top of the footing base. The pipe had been wrapped in filter fabric. A minor amount of mud and water had accumulated underneath the pipe. Jim indicated that washed rock would be placed under the pipe prior to covering it. A representative of Terra Inc. will return to the site in the afternoon to observe that the pipe is bedded in washed rock and verify that the crushed rock backfill is being compacted in lifts as it is being placed. By; Nicolas Hoffman Copies to: Email Um 12525 Willows Road o Suite 101 0 Kirkland, Washington 0 98034 o Telephone No, (425) 821-7777 Daily Field Memo ASSOCIATES,TERRA Inc. pr ProjectNo. T-840-I1 Consultants in Geolechnical Engineering, Geology and Memo No. 15 Ertvironmenia) Earth Sciences Date 10-17-2011 Project: Isaacson House Subject: Site \risit Edmonds Permit 2009-0743 Location: Lorian Woods Conh•actor: Jim Arnold Weather: Sunny Present at Site: Jim anti 2 crew members 1 Writer was on site at 230 pm to observe backfill of eastern house perimeter wall. 518 inch chips had been conveyored in to the northeast and southeast corners. The rock was being moved by hand and wheel barrow to the center of the wall backfill area. A vibrating sled compactor was on site to rattle the crushed rock into place, Progress appeared to be satisfactory. TESC measures appear to be suitable. No off site water flow observed. The seepage from the upper portion of the site remains under control and in the tight line placed two years ago. The rock pad entrance had been freshened and the silt fences appear to be adequate. The slopes above and around the house have been covered xvith visqueen. Sand bags and other weights have been placed to keep the visqueen in place. The existing and proposed measures are acceptable. The visqueen will need to be monitored and maintained. Chuck Lie City of Edmonds Copies to: Brian and Cindy Isaacson Jim Arnold Pacific Northwest Construxion Telephone No. (425) 821-7777 12525 Willows Road s Suite 101 o Kirkland. Washington ® 98034 Daily Field Meino g® TERRA ASSOCIATES, Consultants in Geolechnicid Engineering, Geology Project No. 7'-840-11 and Memo No. 16 Environmental Earth Sciences Date 10-27-2011 Project: Isaacson House Subject: Site Visit Edmonds Permit 2009-0743 Location: Loriau Woods Contractor: Jim Arnold Weather: Sunny -cool Present at Site: Writer was on site at1030 am to observe excavation progress. PNWC has been replaced with a new excavating contractor, A mini track hoe was present on the bench for the patio/catchment wall. The excavation was nearly complete. Jim had reported that the width was about done and that some over excavation had occurred along the northern end to remove wet soils. It will be OK to replace the over excavated soils with the crushed rock on site. Progress appeared to be satisfactory. Jim reported that the plan is to form the upper wall next week, No one was on site at the time of my visit. TESC measures appear to be suitable. No off site water flow/sediment transport observed. The seepage from the upper portion of the site remains under control and in the tight line placed two years ago. The slopes above and around the house have been covered with visqueen. Sand bags and other weights have been placed to keep the visqueen in place, The existing measures are acceptable. The visqueen will need to be monitored and maintained, Chuck Lie City of Edmonds By: Copies to; Brian and Cindy Isaacson Jim Arnold Telephone No. (425) 821-7777 12525 Willows Road * Suite 101 o Kirkland, Washington o 98034 Daily Field Menio TERRA ASSOCIATESc® I mm t�l'OJCCti'VrO. 1-ilat)-I1 Consullam(s in eoledinical Engineering, Geology and Memo No. 17 Environmenial Eanh Sciences Date 11-2-2011 Project: Isaacson House Subject: Site Visit Edmonds Permit 2009-0743 Location: Larian Woods �y Contractor: aim Arnold Weather: Overcast Present at Site; Paul Seaton Writer was on site at mid day to observe excavation progress, The northern half of the keyway has been excavated and is caving. I advised Paul and Jim to shore the area. The use of wood shoring was discussed for temporary use. The eastern cut would need to be laid back to reduce the side wall sloughing. I stressed the need to keep all temporary cuts safe for workers. This will be an important element of the eastern lemporary cut. Writer to return to see progress prior to concrete placement. TESC measures appear to be suitable. No off site water flow/sediment transport observed. The seepage from the upper portion of the site remains under control and in the tight line placed two years ago. The slopes above and around the house have been covered with visqueen. Sand bags and other weights have been placed to keep the visqueen in place. The existing measures are acceptable. The visqueen will need to be monitored and maintained. Chuck Lie City of Edmonds By: Copies to: Brian and Cindy Isaacson Jim Arnold Telephone No. (425) 821-7777 12525 Willows Road' o Suite 101 o Kirkland, Washington 0 98034 Daily Field Memo TERRA ®c® pr P p r 84 I i�0�eit 1\r�. �l -d-11 CQI1s4IiIBnls In Ceotecllnicai Ei)ginec-ritig, Leolo-,V and Memo No. 18 Environmental Eanh Sciences Date 11-3-2011 Project; Isaacson House Subject: Site Visit Edmonds Permit 2009-0743 Location: Lorian Woods Contractor: Jim Arnaki Weather: Overcast Present at Site: Brian Isaacson and excavating crew Writer was on site at mid day to observe excavation progress, The northern half of the keyway has been excavated and has been both sloped back and provided with temporary shoring consisting of wood panels. The excavation is being pumped with a sump pump. The wood panels do not provide safe working space for crew but will help maintain the shape of the keyway. The structural engineer advised Brian and Jim that extra concrete can be placed in the keyway area to till caved areas, Provided no further caving occurs, the notthern half can be filled as is once the steel gets placed. The southern half of the key had not been excavated yet, Brian reported that the concrete crew would be on site at 9 am to set steel and pour concrete. Chuck Lie City of Edmonds Copies to: Brian and Cindy Isaacson By: Jim Arnold Telephone No. (425) 821-7777 12525 Willows Road 0 Suite 101 * Kirkland, Washington o 98034 TERRA ASSOCIATES, Inc. rp Consultants in Geotechnical Engineering, Geology and Environmental Eorili Sciences Project: Isaacson Ilouse Subject: Site Visit Edmonds Permit 2009-0743 Location: Lorian Woods Weather: Overcast Daily Field Memo Project No. T-840-11 Memo No. 19 Date 11-4-2011 Contractor: Jim Arnold Present at Site: Brian Isaacson and excavating crew, Jim Arnold and concrete crew Writer was on site at 845 to observe excavation progress. The northern half of the keyway has been excavated and has been both sloped back and provided with temporary shoring consisting of wood panels, The excavation is being pumped with a sump pump. The southern key was being excavated and was starting to cave, I advised the excavator to speak with Jim before proceed to far with the keyway with no concrete crew on site. 1 spoke with Jim as I left the site he reported that the concrete was scheduled for about I pm.. Writer returned at 1200. Jim and Brian were on site. The concrete crew was arriving as I was on site. The southern half of the key way was being excavated while I was on site. Some light caving occurred and was removed while I was present. The soils exposed between the key way and the compacted crushed rock backfill for the house appear suitable for the support of the patio/footing as planned. Jim asked dif lie could do two pours on the patio slab thickness, the possible cold join in the patio would need to be discussed with the structural engineer. Brian and I walked up the slope. There is a tree that has fallen on the slope from tree cutting, I advised Brian to remove the tree and keep the slope accessible and visible for observations throughout the time he lives in his house. We discussed the need for the surface swale along the back of the catchment wall. This is on the plans and will need to be maintained over time. The catchment wall heights as planned appear to be OK. There will be a need to do sorne trimming of the slope immediately above the catchment hall to establish grade and the surface swale. Jim will shoot the area prior to forming the wall. Working safbty is important. Final temporary slopes will need to be triuinied to provide a safe work area for the wall crew. OK to place concrete in the keyway. Jim is planning on pulling the temporary wood shoring as the concrete is being placed. If heavy caving occurs prior to placement of concrete, caved soils are to be removed from the keyway area and keyway backfill area. Concrete is scheduled for today. Telephone No. (425) 821-7777 12525 Willows Road 0 Suite 101 o Kirkland, Washington o 98034 Terra to return to verify bearing for the catchment wall footing/patio, for catchment wall drainage and catchment wall backtill. Supplemental site observations may be needed later. 'Terra to do TESC visits after significant rains, Jim Arnold to do routine TESC observations following the completion of earth moving/excavation. TESL measures appear to be suitable. No off site water flow/sediment transport observed. The seepage from the upper portion of the site remains under control and in the tight line placed two years ago. The slopes above and around the house have been covered with visqueen. Sand bags and other weights have been placed to keep the visqueen in place. The existing measures are acceptable, The exposed soils will need to be covered with visqueen at the end of the shift today. The visqueen will need to be monitored and maintained. Chuck Lie City of Edmonds Copies to; Brian and Cindy Isaacson By: Arn Arnold Telephone No. (425) 821-7777 12525 Willows Road o Suite 101 ® Kirkland. Washington o 98014 Daily Field Memo TERRA ®Inc. RM Project No. T-840-11 Consultants in Ceotechnical Engineering, Ceolot,y and i♦letno No. 20 Environtnent,)l Earth Sciences Date 11-8-2011 Project: Isaacson House subject: Site Visit Edmonds Permit 2009-0743 Location: Lorian Woods Contractor: Jim Anjold Weather: Partly sujujy Present at Site: Jim Arnold Writer was on site at 1430 to observe the patio/catchment wall footing area. The area is formed up to the projection of the south wall of the house. Steel has been placed for about half of the patio/footing area and for the catchment wall. There is adequate bearing for the area that has been formed. Concrete is scheduled for Thursday or Friday of this week. Terra to return to verify bearing for the southern end of the catchment wall footing, for catchment wall drainage and catchment wall baekfill as well as deck footing along west side of house. Supplemental site observations May be needed later. Terra to do TESC visits after significant rains. Jim Arnold to do routine TESC observations following the completion of earth moving/excavation. Contractor to make all temporary cuts comply with WISHA prior to entry to baekfill zone of catchment wali. TESC measures appear to be suitable. No off site water flow/sediment transport observed. The seepage from the upper portion of the site remains under control and in the tight line placed two years ago. The slopes above and around the house.have been covered with visqueen. Sand bags and other weights have been placed to keep the visqueen in place. The existing measures are acceptable. The exposed soils will need to be covered with visqueen at the end of the shift today. The visqueen, silt fence, and rock entrance will need to be monitored and maintained. Chuck Lie City of Edmonds Copies to: Brian and Cindy Isaacson By: Jim Arnold Telephone No. (425) 821-7777 12525 Willows Road * Suite 101 ® Kirkland, Washington ® 98034 P TERRA ASSOCIATES, Inc. Co sullanls in Geotechnical tngineermg, Geology and Environmental Earth Sciences Project: Isaacson House I Subject: Site Visit Edmonds Permit 2009-0743 Location: Lorian Woods Weather: Rain Daily Field Memo Project No. T-840-11 W etno No, Date 11-21-2011 Contractor: Jim Arnold Present at Site: Jim Arnold and backfill erew Writer was on site at 0830 to 0930 to observe the drainage and backfill of the catchment wall. A perforated pipe wrapped in fabric is present at footing grade behind the wall. A conveyor truck is being used to tremie the backfill up over the house to the catchment wall. The plastic that covered the exposed soil above the catchment wall was removed. The sand backfill consisted of washed concrete sand. The first truck arrived at about 900 and was placed starting at the north end of the wall. A vibratory plate compactor is on site to compact the backfill to 90%. Terra will return to test the backfill compaction later in the day. Terra to do TESC visits after significant rains. Jim Arnold to do routine TESC observations following the completion of earth moving/excavation. TESC measures appear to be suitable, No off site water flow/sediment transport observed. The seepage from the upper portion of the site remains under control and in the tight line placed two years ago. The upper collection tubs need to be cleaned to keep the drainage system operating. The slopes above and around the house have been covered with visqueen. Sand bags and other weights have been placed to keep the visqueen in place. The existing measures are acceptable. The exposed soils will need to be covered with visqueen at the end of the shift today, The visqueen, silt fence, and rock entrance will need to be monitored and maintained. Chuck Lie IN City of Ednionds Copies to: Brian and Cindy Isaacson Jim Arnold Telephone No. (425) 821-7777 12525 Willows Road + Suite 101 o Kirkland, Washington 0 98034 RMTERRA ASSOCIATES, Inc. • Consultants in Geotechnical Engineering, Geology and EnVITOnnlenral Earth Sciences Project: Isaacson House Subject: Site Visit Edmonds Permit 2009-0743 Location: Dorian Woods Weather: Rain Daily Field Menio Project No. T-340-11 Merno No, 22 Date 11-21-2011 Contractor: Jim Arnold Present at Site: Jim Arnold and backfill crew Terra representative was on site from 12:40 to 1:10 to observe and test the backfill oft lie catchment wall. A conveyor truck is being used to tremie the backfill up over the house to the catchment wall. The sand backfill consisted of Nvashed concrete sand, The backfill was being compacted in lifts with a walk -behind vibratory plate compactor. The fill appeared relatively dense and unyielding. Density tests performed during our visit will be recorded at a later date once results of the proctor sampled during our visit return from laboratory analysis. Terra to do TESC visits after significant rains. Jim Arnold to do routine TESL observations following the completion of earth moving/excavation. TESC measures appear to be suitable. No off site water flow/sediment transport observed. The seepage from the upper portion of the site retrains under control and in the light litre placed two years ago. The slopes above and around the house have been covered with visqueen, Sand bags and other weights have been placed to keep the visqueen in place. The existing measures are acceptable. The exposed soils will need to be covered with visqueen at the end of the shift today. The visqueen. silt fence. and rock entrance will need to be monitored and maintained. By: Nicolas Hoffman Copies to: City of Edmonds Brian and Cindy Isaacson Jim Arnold Telephone No. (425) 821-7777 12525 Willows Road o Suite 101 o Kirkland. Washington o 98034 Daily Field Memo TERRA ASSOCIATES, Inc. TM Co soItant. in Ceolechtical Bginceng, geology Project No. T-840-11 a»d Memo No. 23 Environmental Earth Scicnc_es Date 11-22-2011 Project: Isaacson House Subject: Site Visit Edmonds Permit 2009-0743 �a Location: Lorian Woods Contractor: Jim Arnold Weather; Rain Present at Site: Framing crew Terra representative was on site from 12:10 to 2:40 to observe and test the backfill ol'the catchment wall and TESL. No new fill had taken place since our previous visit. During our visit we walked the site to observe TESC performance. In general, TESC measures appear to be suitable. No off site water flow/sediment transport observed. Runoff from visqueen appears to be infiltrating utility trenches with granular fills. Tile seepage from the upper portion of the site remains under control and in the tight line placed two years ago, The slopes above and around the house have been covered with visqueen. Sand bags and other weights have been placed to keep the visqueen in place. All exposed soils related to construction were covered in visqueen. The plastic basins upslope of the house are beginning to accumulate sediment and need to be cleaned. The sill fence down slope of the house has been damaged from construction activities and needs to be repaired. Copies to: City of Edmonds By: Nicolas Hoffman Brian and Cindy Isaacson Jim Arnold Telephone No. (425) 321-7777 12525 Willows Road ® Suite 101 ® Kirkland, Washington ® 98034 Daily Meld Menio SS S, c.Con pq Projeet No. T-Sao-il sam suls illGeatEchnical Engineering, Geology and Metno No. 24 Environmental Earth Sciences Date 11-29-2011 Project: Isaacson House Snbject: Site Visit TESC Edmonds Permit 2009-0743 Location: Loran Woods Contractor: Jim Arnold i Weather: Overcast Present at Site: Framing crew Terra representative was on site from 08:00 to 08:30 to observe TESC. No new fill had taken place since our previous visit. During our visit we walked the site to observe TESC performance subsequent to heavy rainfall over the weekend. In general, TESC measures appear to be suitable. No oft'site water flow/sediment transport observed, Runoff from visqueen appears to be infiltrating utility trenches with granular fills. The seepage from the upper portion of the site remains under control and in the tight line placed two years ago. The slopes above and around the house have been covered with visqueen. Sand bags and other weights have been placed to keep the visqueen in place. All exposed soils related to construction were covered in visqueen. The plastic basins upslope of the house still need to be cleaned. The silt fence down slope of the house had been repaired since our previous visit. Copies to: City of Edmonds By: Nicolas Hoffman Brian and Cindy Isaacson Jim Arnold Telephone No. (425) .821-7777 12525 Willows Road o Suite 101 0 Kirkland, Washington 0 98014 Daily Field Memo ASSOCIATES,TERRA Inc. RM Consullanls in Geolechnical Engineering, Geology Project No. 1-840-11 and Memo No. 25 Environmental Earth Sciences Date 12-23-2011 Project: Isaacson House Subject: Site Visit Deck and Entry Footings Edmonds Permit 2009-0743 Location: Lorian Woods Weather: Overcast Contractor: Jim Arnold,.Urian and Cindy Present at Site: Framing crew Terra representative was on site this afternoon to observe deck and entry way footings. The footing excavations had not reached bearing ground. Further excavation is needed to reach bearing ground. Jim to have the excavations covered by visqueen for the holiday weekend. In general, TESC measures appear to be suitable. No off site water flow/sediment transport observed. Runoff, From visqueen appears to be infiltrating utility trenches with granular tills, The seepage from the upper portion of the site remains under control. The slopes above and around the house have been covered with visqueen. Sand bags and other weights have been placed to keep the visqueen in place. All exposed soils related to construction were covered in visqueen, The plastic basins upslope of the house need to be cleaned on a regular basis, The silt fence down slope of the house had been repaired since our previous visit. Copies to: City of Edmonds By: Charles R Lie Brian and Cindy Isaacson Jim Arnold Telephone No. (425) 821-7777 12525 Willows Road 0 Suite 101 4, Kirkland, Washington o 98034 Daily Field MVlema Inc.TERRA ASSOCIATES, '•° • Project No. T-840-11 Consultants in Geotechnical Engineering, Geology and Memo No. 26 Environmental Earth Sciences Dale 12-27-2011 Project: Isaacson House Subject: Site Visit Deck and Entry Footings Edmonds Permit 2009-0743 Location: Lorian Woods Contractor. Jim Arnold Weather: Overcast Present at Site: Framing crew Tema representative was on site this afternoon to observer deck and entry way footings. The footing excavations had reached bearing ground. Further excavation is needed to reach bearing ground. Jim to have the excavations covered by visqueen until they have been poured and backfilled In general, TESC measures appear to be suitable. No off site water flow/sediment transport observed, Runoff from visqueen appears to be infiltrating utility trenches with granular fills. The seepage from the upper portion of the site remains under control. The slopes above and around the house have been covered with visqueen. Sand bags and other weights have been placed to keep the visqueen in place. All exposed soils related to construction were covered in visqueen. "rhe plastic basins upslope of the house need to be cleaned on a regular basis, 'rhe silt fence down slope of the house had been repaired since our previous visit. By: Charles R Lie Copies to: City of Edmonds Brian and Cindy Isaacson Jim Arnold Telephone No. (425) 821-7777 12525 Willows Road o Suite 101 o Kirkland, Washington o 98034 Daily Field Memo TERRA ASSOCIATES,Inc. Project No. T-840-11 ConsuNanls in GNotechnic:al Engineering, Geology and Memo No. 27 Environntenl aI Erih Sciences Date 1-23-2012 Project: Isaacson House Subject: TESC site visit. Edmonds Permit 2009-0743 Location: Lorian Woods \'Veather: Partly Cloudy Contractor: Jim Arnold Present at Site: Framing cretin TetTa representative was on site from 5:00 to 8:30 AM to observe TESL measures, In general, TESC measure, - appear to be suitable. No off site water flow/sediment transport observed. Runoff from visqueen appears to be infiltrating utility trenches with granular fills, The seepage from the upper portion of the site remains under control. The slopes above and around the house have been covered with visqueen with the exception of two areas. The two areas were located adjacent to the south and northwest sections of the house. The areas should be covered with visqueen as soon as possible to prevent possible turbid run-off from projected upcoming rainfall. Sand bags and other weights have been placed to keep the existing visqueen in place. The plastic basins upslope of the house need to be cleaned on a regular basis. The lower basin appeared to have been cleaned recently but was beginning to fill with sediment again. The silt fence down slope of the house was in fair condition, By: Nicolas R. Hoffman Copies to: City of Edmonds Brian and Cindy Isaacson Jim Arnold Telephone No. (425) 821-7777 12525 Willows Road 0 Suite 101 0 Kirkland, Washinglon o 98034 Daily Field Menlo ASSOCIATES,TERRA Inc. ConSUllanl5 in Geolechnical Engineering, Geology PM Project No. T-840-11 and Memo No. 28 Environmental Earlh Sciences Date May 11, 2012 Project: Isaacson House Subject: site visit. Edmonds Permit 2009-0743 Location: Lorian Woods Contractor: Jim Arnold Weatber: Pirtly Cloudy Present at Site: W Terra representative was on site at 9 am AM to observe project progress. I. Provide upper terminations for the drainage board that is exposed on the uphill side of the catchment wall and along the north foundation wall of the house. This can be done by cutting the drainage board close to or slightly below grade and placing a piece of Flashing over the top of the drainage board, The flashing can be nailed to the concrete and glued with construction -lue to the outside of the drainage board. This is to keep rocks and dirt from getting behind the drainage material. 2. Verify that there is 3 vertical feet of clear wall on the uphill side of the catchment wall, The drainage from the seepage above the wall should be directed into the yard drains through surface swales. It is ok for the drainage to infiltrate for the time being but for the long term it needs to go to the yard drains. 3, 1 would like to verify that the downspouts are connected to the tight line, This can be done by lowering a sewer camera down the downspouts to verify that the pipe is not perforated. It would be a good idea to camera all of the pipes now as well, 4. 1 need to talk with Brian about final landscaping. One of our tasks is the final erosion control review, that usually occurs after the landscaping is put in, S. I will need the memo from Wendell that modifies the foundation plan for the catchment will. Copies to: City of Edmonds By: Charles R. Lie Brian and Cindy Isaacson Jim Arnold Telephone No, (425) 821-7777 12525 Willows Road * Suite 101 + Kirkland, Washington * 98034 Daily Field Memo TERRA ASS CIAT�ES, Ins. M Project No.840-I1Coiisuliants in Geoteclinical Engineering, Geology and Memo No. Environmental Earth Sciences Date 5-23-2012 Project: Issacson Residence Sub'ec1: TV of roof drain lines/ tese _ _ _ Location: Edmonds, WA Contractor: Weather: Overcast � Present at Site: Brian Issacson, Jim Arnold _ Arrival: 8,00 AI44 Departure: 9:00 AM Terra representative was on -site to observe TV of roof drain lines and erosion control measures. While on -site we observed the following: ® We observed the inside of each roof drain downspout with a TV/camera. All of the downspouts were tied into tight line pipe directed to the storm drain system. The tight line pipe was partially crushed on near the entrance on the west side of the house. The plumber located the crushed section and indicated it was approximately two feet below current grade. Jim Arnold indicated the pipe would be Fixed in the next day or two. We walked the site with Mr. Issacson to observe final erosion control measures still needing to be addressed, Permanent ground cover needs to be put in place on the north, south, and west sides of the residence. These areas were staked for ornamental landscaping at the time of our visit. Mr, Issacson indicated that the landscaping was scheduled to take place tomorrow and topsoil and/or mulch was to be placed over any remaining exposed native soils. We recommended sloping topsoil away from the residence and any hardscaped areas (eg. sidewalks). We recommended rerouting water flowing from the tight line pvc pipe on the slope east of the house. The pipe can either be tight lined to the existing storm structure off the NE corner of the house upon approval of the city, or shortened to flow into the existing swale routing water to the south end of the site. ® Growth on the slope covering the majority of the east side of the property is well established. The two lower tub basins were partially to mostly full of sediment. The sediment was removed from the basins during our visit, The basins should be maintained on a weekly basis. The upper tub basins were free of sediment. Bv: Nicolas Hofinian Copies io: Email List 12525 Willows Road a Suite 101 4, Kirkland. Washington 0 98034 * Telephone No. (425) 821-7777 Daily Field Memo SS ®' c®Project q No. T-$=f0-].]Consultants in Geoiedmical Engin(.-eriq, Geology and Memo No. 30 Envlronmenlal Earth Sciences Date May 30.2012 Project: Isaacson House Subject: site visit. Edmonds Permit 2009-0743 Location: Lorian Woods � Contractor: Weather: Partly Cloudy Present at Site: "Terra representative was on site at about noon to observe final erosion control measures. The drainage mat along the north elevation of the house has been provided with flashing. Now plants have been placed around the perimeter of the house. The weed barrier has not been placed yet.. By: Charles R. Lie Copies to: Cite of Edmonds Brian and Cindy Isaacson Jim Arnold Telephone No. (425) 821-7777 12525 Willows Road o Suite 101 o Kirkland, Washington o 98034 Daily Field Memo TERRA ASSOCIATES, Inc. mr Project No. T-840-11 C onSL)Itank in Geotechnical Engineering, Geology and Memo No. 31 Environmental Earth Sciences Date June 3 2012 Project: Isaacson House Subject: site visit. Edmonds Permit 2009-0743 Location: Lorian Woods Contractor: — --- Weather: Partly Cloudy Present at Site: Terra representative was on site at about ten AM to observe final erosion control measures. The loose soils along the edge of the pavement have been removed and replaced with crushed rock, The weed barrier has not been placed yet.. Copies to: City of Edmonds By: Charles R. Lie Brian and Cindy Isaacson Jim Arnold Telephone No. (425) 821-7777 12525 Willows Road + Suite 101 * Kirkland. Washington ® 98014 PMTERRA ASSOCIATES, Inc. Consultants in Geotechnical Engineering, Geology and Environmental Earth Sciences Project: Isaacson House I Subject- Site Visit Edmonds Permit 2009-0743 Location: Lorian Woods Weather: Sunny Daily Field Memo Project No. T-840-11 Memo No. 5 Date 8-25-2011 Contractor: Jim Arnolxl Present at Site: Jinn Arnold Gordon, Shane-PNWC Writer met with Gordon and Jim on site to review site progress. At the time of tite niceling, the keyway for the wall at the cast side of the garage was beings excavated. Fleavy seepage was present. The soils exposed in the excavation will provide adequate bearing for the proposed footings. The keyways need to be protected. The upper keyway north of the garage has no caving of the side Nvalis or seepage. Tile dewatering sump placed earlier is dry. The water in the garage area keyway is a pocket of water associated with a buried stump immediately south of the south end of the kcynvay. The stump remains green and is not decomposed. The stump is not exposed at footing grade. A clean sand has been imported from Cadman for use as cap break material. The cap break material must be protected during forming to maintain its drainage characteristics, The sieve provided by Cadman is attached to this memo. Forming is planned to start on Friday. A stockpile of soils is present for use in backtill. The materials may be used for backtill provided drainage is provided with drainage panels against the Nvalls. Terra to review the use of the material within the building footprint. TESL treasures appear to be suitable. No ot'f site sediment or water flow observed. Chuck Lie Cite of Edmonds Copies to: Brian and Cindy Isaacson By: Jim Arnold Pacific Northwest Construxion Telephone No. (425) 821-7777 12525 Willows Road 0 Suite: 101 o Kirkland, Washington ® 98034 �uvr3JoovL FNCX INC PAGE 01/01 f 42 r— PZ- r. MEMO Z/31,