20120607083418448.pdfj CITY OF EDMONDS c ca SHORT SUBDIVISION APPLICATION OWNER'S NAME ELEPHONE NUMBER VICTOR A. AND ALEX A. BOSCHOK STREET ADDRESS ITY STATE ZIP 20115 -81st AVENUE W. EDMONDS, WA. 98020 AGENT'S NAME ELEPHONE NUMBER GERALD W. LOVELL 775-1594 STREET ADDRESS ITY STATE ZIP 23106 - 100th AVENUE W. EDMONDS, WA. 1 98020 ADDRESS OF PROPERTY TO BE SUBDIVIDED: NUMBER OF LOTS 20115 - 81st AVENUE W._ PROPOSED: 2 APPLICANT REQUESTS THAT THE FOLLOWING VARIANCE OF REQUIREMENTS BE CONSIDERED: NONE REQUIRED CERTIFICATION: I certify that I own the above described property, and further, that all adjacent property which I own, which has not received a previous subdivision approval, is shown on the preliminary plat. I further certify that the attached list contains the names, addresses and zip codes of all owners of property within 80 feet of the proposed subdivision as recorded with the County Assessor, and that all of the attached requirements have been met. I understand that street dedications may be required in conformance with the. Official Street Plan of the City of Edmonds. L �, j Signa re of Property Owner THIS SECTION IS FOR THE USE OF THE EDMONDS PLANNING DEPARTMENT Date i3��� F' e # �' Fee $ D� Receipt Zone Designati n Sid Env. Sensitive Area? APO's Title Report Legals 1/ t/ Existing May row posed p y Future Development Plan Env. Assessment V" Env. Checklist Grading Plan Park Dedication Prop. _ Drainage Plan In -lieu Fee $ Receipt # T NAME BOSCHOK SHORT SUBDIVISION CITY 0 PR{O,�,EC r -�CUMONDS �� ENV IRONMEf� 1�r�L DA-nE"`SUBMITTED JULY 12, 1979 p _ASSESSMENT uestioncasothorroughly action The information on this form will be used lo determine each the Please answer each N as possible. environment of the City of Edmonds. SUPPORT OF ALDERWOOD NONE, FOR 1. LANDBUILDINGS & DRIVES. GRAVELLY LOAM ns Limitations 0.91 ACRE Soils Type Area topography (% slope)UNDULATED TERRAIN WITH MAXIMUM SLOPES OF APPROXIMATELY Description of NOTE: If grading or filling will 7 PERCENT _ exceed 500 cubic yards a grading Grading: Estimated cubic yards 100 CY'S (INC.EXCAV.) and filling plan must be sub- Filling: Estimated cubic yards 100 CY'S (INC.SPOIL)`' mitted with the application. FEET a ; 3000 SQ. Estimated area to be paved (including buildings) - Oe80 ACRE Estimated area in open space (pervious surface) 2. WATER Stream - Estimated flow (cubic feet per second) NOEXISTING N/A Will stream be altered? N/A if yes, to what degree? ____... NO s Other water bodies? MINIMAL Method of handling runoff ONSITE RETENTION_ Impact on storm drainage BY USE 01+ DRYWELL SYSTEMS Adjacent to shorelines zone? NO O _Within 200 feet of MHHW? NO — o 3. VEGETATION" approximate number of trees A SPARCE MIXING OF DECIDUOUS AND CONIFEROUS TREES i Type and @ 40 PERCENT EVERGREEN AND 60 PERCENT ALDER AND SOME FRUITING TREES. {: Minimum diameter of trees to remain 8 INCHES % of trees to be removed 201. E Ground cover BRUSH, WILD GRASSES & FOREST LITTER• % to be removed 4 if LAWN &CULTURED SHRUBS WILL BE PLANTED BY HOME OWNER t Proposed landscaping, any PURSUANT TO CONSTRUCTION. 4."EXISTING LAND USE WITHIN 300 FEET RADIUS OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: Single Multi - Family Commercial Other Vacant Family North South East' West 5. CIRCULATION trips daily 1 DU 5 ATD'S = 5 ATD'S Estimated increase in auto I MUN T PER AREA SCHEDULE Availability of public transportation 6. AREA OF IMPACT NONE MINIMAL City-wide INSIGNIFICANT Regional Neighborhood 7. EFFECT ON AIR QUALITY NONE ' MINIMAL, IN ACCORDANCE WITH TYPICAL SINGLE FAMILY B. GRANGES IN NO"ISE GENERATION RESIDENTIAL USE. NOTE: Your Edmonds application Planning will be reviewed when all of the follwoing required information is filed with the Department. r pplicant Complete or N/A a1. The names and addresses of owners of property within 80 feet of the proposed short subdivision.F IFor U2, �D A title report. 3. Accurate legal descriptions of existing propoerty, and legal descriptions of each proposed lot. The legal descriptions must be prepared, stamped and signed by a registered professional surveyor or certified by a title insurance company doing ; business in Snohomish County. 4. A map, prepared, stamped and signed by a registered professional surveyor showing: ' ❑a. _ the date, scale, north point, quarter seetion, section, township and range number; F-1 b. boundary lines, accurate and to scale, of the tract to be subdivided, and each. lot in the subdivision; �+ c. location and names of all existing or proposed streets or easements within or adjacent to the proposed short subdivision, and the location of pavement; . I_I FH -40 d. boundaries of all 1 a d reserved in the deed for common use of the property n owners of the short subdivision; Ft/1 e location of existing structures; e. the approximate 9 N� f. the location and width of proposed access drives and easements with existing and proposed ownership clearly indicated; t �e �- li ❑. ❑ �q ® �p Zenough (-/ g, any existing or proposed restrictions on the use of the land; h. the location of any streams; the location of an trees more than eight inches in diameter. i . y 5. Future development plans if the proposed short subdivision has any lots targe to allow further subdivision. 6.1 The completed environmental assessment form. jxd .. r- . �( �! DN� 7. The completed environmental checklist, if applicable. t F-1 ❑ %p Mt P/ 8. A grading plan, if required. 9. A drainage plan. 10. A proposal for dedication of parkland instead of "in -lieu" fees if desired byi+� the applicant. 11. The signed and certified application form. , ALEX'A. BOSCHAK"AND yVICTOR yA. BOSCHAK,vPRESUMPTIVELY. 'SUBJECT: r TO.. -THE COMMUNITY'INTEREST OF THEIR 0ESPECTIVE:SPOUSES IF BETWEEN ,MARRIED , JUNE 8, 1971 AND APRIL 10, 1972. F t AND:THAT THE.FOLLOWING ARE CONSIDERED ADDITIONAL PARTIES','.,7 'NECESSARY TO EXECUTE THE PROPOSED PLAT: 206 259 4111 South Area 206 743 3621 CONTRACT PURCHASERS: NONE Zw N0 SEARCH MADE:AS TO TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS, << ."FOR RESERVATION, SEE EXHIBIT B,.AS;.ATTACHEO ' 1, THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT PURPORT 'TO REFLECT. A FULL '-REPORT ON CONDITIONS OF TITLE AND SHALLI HAVE' NO FORCE. OR f EFFECT EXCEPT AS A, BASI$ FOR THE CERTIFICATf`,AI!P>=IED f=DRtf�n { PIONEER NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE 4�I. ,''� SNOHOMISH COUNTY OF.F...ICE .�J AUTHORIZED SIGNATORY. a> DH/MB` SNOHOMISH COUNTY OFFICE Pioneer National Title Insurance Company S.E. Comer Colby and Pacific P.O Box 7m Everett; Waahinpton�9206' 206 259 4111 South Area 206 743 3621 ' ATICORCOMPANY i ;. F-225553 EXHIBIT B s' 1. RESERVATIONS CONTAINED IN DEED EXECUTED BY CLIFFORD TULLOCH COMPANY, INCORPORATED i RECORDED —. JANUARY 11; 1951 AUDITOR'S NO. 978831 AS FOLLOWS THE GRANTORS HEREBY RESERVE TO THEMSELVES";AND :. TO THEIR HEIRS AND ASSIGNS+AN UNDIVIDED OIVE HALF INTEREST IN AND TO ALL OF THE OIL, GAS AND MINERALS IN,.,OWO'UNDER. THE -SURFACE OF SAID LANDS, AND ALL THE RIGHTS OF .OWNERSHIP THEREIN . "END OF EXHIBIT B" r� r_ J ; J x t4 f y t t � is i ¢ N s t+ ti l 5nr�r u 4 t J` I 11 ). .. ., ,. ..:.� Edmonds Planning Department Civic Center 250 - 5th Ave. N. Edmonds, WA 98020 Re: Victor A. & Alex A. Boschok Short Subdivision The names and addresses of the persons owning property adjacent to or within eighty feet of the subject short subdivision are as follows: I, V. Ralph Stevens Kenneth Derango 20124 - 81st Ave. W. % United Savings & Loan Edmonds, WA 98020 601 Jackson St.': Se�Attle, WA 98104 P. F. Buchanan 20112 - 81st Ave. W. Kenneth Robung Edmonds, WA 98020 20209 - 80th W. Edmonds WA 98020 R. P. Falcone 20104 - 81st Ave. W. Phillip C.,Tulluck Edmonds, WA` 98020 20129 - 81st Ave. W. ,. i Edmonds, WA 98020 James F. Barnett 20031 - 81st Ave. W. Richard Wade Edmonds, WA 98020 9626 - 242nd P1. SW> Edmonds, WA 98020 �o Charles Morrison % Seattle Trust & Savings Bank Edward J. Behrens. 804 - 2nd Ave. 20107 - 80th Ave. W. Seattle, WA 98104 Edmonds, WA 98020 Clarence L. Myer f, % Advance Mortgage (Tax Dept.?' P. 0. Box 146 ' Detroit, MI 48232 Aurn#erl�and 23106. 100TH W. EDMONDS, WASH. 98020 PHONE 775.1693 j r t It ={yy,, y� ac'».+Y"f77 fSY}�.i� { {'� i1 {1,} ;xl1� t 4�w tO.,TM1) iy.....u. ,...«y...x ... on, .xzrr,,..r:.:x .. . i....r.. ,� ,., _.,.ii,�.u,�as>.nar,:nx.:.>•a•1„n;r a, ...,.w. ..,.., ..-,. ... . ,.. �!. See Tullock S-62-78. n, Enr,incer.in(i 1tc9uir.ements f r "l.ats and SuI)divisi 11 FILE NO. S-38-79� 'NAME:BOSCHOK _ T HEARING DATE: August 30, 1979 P.m' D RIEn' D PRIOR TO t9j I3LDG. 1zCY.ID VICINITY: 20115 81st Place West RECORDI.Nrl P1 RPITT POSTED co-MPLETED ;! 1. Right -of -Way Dedication required 1, on 80th Avenue West for public X turnaround 2. Pavinq and Curbs in Public 2. y X right-of-way:ft-Tsire . . 3. Turn Around: Required on Lot 2 3. X 4. Sidewalk. & Planting Strin: 4. None Required X 5. Access Easements: 5• X None Required 6. Water Mains: Connection To City 6.� required. 7. Fire Hydrants: (Per Fire Code) 7.” 8. Sewers or"Septic Tanks: 8. Connection to sanitary sewer required ( X 9. Drainage • X\.. a. submit.for approval plans and 9. install public'storm facilities. b. Submit and obtain approval'°� of site drainage plan per Ord. 1921 10. Utility Easements and Access 10. X -:Two theretoinay require for sanitary and watpr 4 P'GJPY 1 11. Underground IIi.ring: To be providuc ,,,t in accordance with Ordinance 41387 X Street Lighting shall also be pro- vided with the necessary street liallt on- standars and underaround wiring con- i t 5. nection.J' nection.street light required at southeast corner of property on 80th Ave W. a N A r F to vt rl i �" y' '�N5RlK4V9Mh1h ru' lilt, I I u� 11.1-.1.1•lia` TIS i�'Ul: L'L,A'1'::; AND SUBDIVISIONS III! It)I TZI CO??DINc" PERMIT PnSTED COMPLETED s 1.2. Excavation and c;r,adinq: E::Cci- vati.on and Gradi.ncT shall conform to the requirements outlined in x Chapter 70 of the Uniform Building Code. 13. Public Improvements Bond (see 13. page three) letter required'by j September 20, 1979 21 days after hearing 14. Monuments (Per Section 12.10.120) None 14. u .` required 15. As-Bui lts : Re uired at comP leti6fi • public improvements Y of all 16. 2.2% Inspection fee 16. X ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS & COMMENTS:. a. Approved legals for each lot a. required b. Approved Plat required shooing b. lots, easements, section, town- ship & range, etc. /�„�yJg0 C. C. d. d.• e. e • �- adsALUP-ust �29 , 1979 Tl _,NGINELR`F, } PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT, ENGINEERING DIVISION The Engineering requirements have been completed and the subdivision can be recorded. Authroized for recording by: Date' ` !�'1 Y �t 3 )!. T r 1 Y) ¢ . r, ,> r r : 4 t J•l,s� a y✓ .H i , i, E rti i� CITY OF EOM" ]NOS VARVE H. HARRISONMR S, Y YOR CIVIC CENTER • FDMONDS, WASHINGTON 98021 • (206) 775.252'; a DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS "? I'I i September 11, 1979 Ali s i Mr. Ron Harper, Manager Snohomish County P.U.D. Dist. 1 21018 Highway 99 South 1, Lynnwood, Wa. 98036 j Dear Ron: SUBJECT: CITY OF EDMONDS STREET LIGHTING( -38-79) a The City of Edmonds authorizes the installation of a 175 -watt street light type II in accordance with the attached sketch` adjacent to 20115 81st Ave. NTS The City of Edmonds accepts financial.responsibilitv.. .for monthly billing. If there should be any questions, please call Mr. Bill Nims, Engineering Division, at 775-2525, ext. 220. Yours very truly, WFED F HERZBERG, P.E. Director of Public Works vlw Enclosure -� ,f CC: Accounting I — t. ams i at r ie t. j1 .s 9 sy {TMS aw�f u� fix i'�" e �, f �.� �;� ✓ a � 3a ' 1 ou ; r � / - r� 4i . . _: `L r :.� 1 S � ^' � ,.—��t.."'.."%".�.T� ,. .. . ^� wnemvmus+xca'it�u �'crtt°.�e,.^vt• '�°A ; 7: ,.oOEPALO W. LOVELL, P.L.S, JURfiEH P. SAUEHLANO, P.L.S. `., ;,'"•"`` LOUIS F. OAVIEZEL, P.E. L Lovell-Sauerle,nd & Associates, Inc. Mrshm o • Swv"on • Dovdopu nl Coualtltwts • Plausen r c January 17, 1980 File No. 79-438 If t MAIC 101980 Dir. Of Public Works x Storm Drainage Calculation for a BOSCHOK SHORT SUBDIVISION J c eel 11' S-38-79 r , { LOT 2 Impervious Surface: Roofs - 2,000 s.f. Paving- -1,620 s,f. l 331 0 s.f. Percolation Rate: 2.2 minutes per inch (field observation) Lineal Feet of Trench Required (as per King Co. chart attached):� 69 feet Install 2 24 -inch wide trenches, each 40 feet in length. Install 1 24 -inch wide trench, 40 feet in length within. Lot 2 for off-site drainage. CITY OF EDMONDS ENGINEE ING DEPT.. Examined by Date Remarks An_ �.• 1 �`; r`® ;f I. HA1N4C rtd�+[Q L �ro�g oW,aRiS' �. Ca, Il 23105 • 100TH W. EDMONDS, WASH. 98020 PHONE 775.1593 A I O O cc_ O 6.5. M!N V 0 O ly !4 (T] III ..� �i 0U� i1 it m c, + it ni 4+ `a\ 0 41 I `"\\ MIN si •m � � n � o COVER C "'ul _ l M �O p z Z ! J -vjA ._ {p 2 fij Z N 0 I.bJ 1 N n� o � • Ste. 111 O r•�L'i :m rn l-- D� !• 65� rnt 6.5. M!N V 0 O ly !4 (T] III ..� �i 0U� A it m c, + it ni 4+ MIN si •m � � n � o COVER C "'ul _ l M �O p z Z ! J -vjA ._ {p 2 fij Z N ri I.bJ 1 L0.5'MIN J O :m rn l-- 1 r ni rr 1 fit A z c, ni 4+ . z ._ N ? s r P I.bJ 1 L0.5'MIN J 'GERALD W. LOVELL, P.L.S. JURGEN P. SAUERLAND, P.L.S.t. LOUIS F. GAVIEZEL, P.E. Lovell-Sauerland Associates, Inc. Engineers • Surveyors • Dcrel0raent Consultants • Planners i January 17, 1980 ' I File No. 79-438 I , I � Storm Drainage Calculation for BOSCHOK SHORT SUBDIVISION \ i 5-38-79 E LOT 2` Impervious Surface: Roofs 2,000 s.f. Paving- 1,620 s.f. J 3,620 s.f. Percolation Rate: 2.2 minutes per inch (field observation) !�}. 1- tt Lineal Feet of Trench Required (as per King Co. chart attached): If 69 feet Install 2 - 24-inch wide trehches, each 40 feet in length. 1 WWI �. C4kj ANAL �pG 23106 • 100TH W. EDMONDS, WASH. 98020 PHONE 7751593 LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS FOR VICTOR BOSCHOK SHORT SUBDIVISION Iy ENTIRE PARCEL �, "s j Lot 20, East Edmonds Acres, Division No. 2, according to plat thereof recorded in Volume 12 of Plats, page 66, records of Snohomish -! County, Washington. , 6 I PARCEL NO. 1 L b v The West 152.00 feet of Lot 20, East Edmonds Acres, Division No. 2, according to plat thereof recorded in Volume 12 of Plats, page 66, r records of Snohomish County, Washington. �` SUBJECT to an easement for the construction, operation and maintenance of a sanitary sewer line over, under, across, through and upon the South 10.00 feet thereof. PARCEL NO. 2 r Lot 20, East Edmonds Acres, Division No. 2, according to plat tJ' d ?" thereof recorded in Volume 12 of Plats, page 66, records of Snohomish County, Washington,'• EXCEPT the West 152.00 feet thereof. TOGETHER with an easement for the construction, operation and maintenance 1 3r 1 i of a sanitary sewer line over, under, across, through and upon the ! South 10.00 feet of the West 152.00 feet of Lot 20, East Edmonds Acres, Division No. 2, according to plat thereof recorded in Volume 1.2 of Plats, page 66, records of Snohomish County, Washington. E s CITY OF EDMONDS �, i' ttd3RiZED E DEPT. ENGINEERING DIV. ,-41 XAMINcD/ a�-.�p G I'GR BY '� DATE//�'4'^%Dsr 7c�__Z?r� i i?iNG REMAF.Y.S,, .� iJ y 4.%• ,'t)',40 ND �.t S Ty f9&0 MAY -g PN i 49 i VOL 1668 PAGE 2448 Li i iN�Hr W,1! i + .,jM1 f y Y. j :ok"u< 1 A SUbL)jVlaiuN FOR J �µ = VICT'O'.0'°!!! BOSCHOK ..1 TRACE T 20, EAST EOMONOS ACRES N0. 2 20115 81*T AVENUE W. EDMON05, WA. DIVISION OF THIS PROPERTY SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THE CITY OF EDMONDS RECORD OF SHORT SUBDIVISION FILE S-38-79, I I SCALE'11 50' NNW RA LPH STEVEN P.F. BUCHANAN I RIP FALCONE I R 81sT AVENUE W �� 11 1.t It - - SITE DRAINAGE SHALL BE INSTALLED PER APPRO 1 SUBDIVISION DRAINAGE tY PLAN AND SHALL BE SHO Wzf ON DRAWINGS SUBMITTED G}! FOR BUILDING PERMIT Nf 19,165Q APPLICATION. &I r�iwP PouU—]-c Y L . S✓bd r1•� T�cc uC.0 Is a 2 130.00 JAMES F. BARNETT CLAeFNCE CHARLES L. MYER M0012150N $ 80Tw AVEN UE W PUBLIC ROAD EASEMENT AF's 1393680 YGNNETN I I ROBUNG I KENNETH ( EDWARD J. pERANC3O BENRENS P. g N. W, UI:P CHL, tG DIV. iCXA L11;d: U � AUTSiC1Rl%EDcy 06.F B005060-147'. I 7 CITY OF ED MONDS HARVE H. HARRISON CIVIC CENTER • EDMONOS, WASHINGTON 98040 • (206) 775.2525 MAYOR DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS February 8, 1980 LI Lovell, Sauerland & Associates 4 ; s 23106 100th Avenue West Edmonds, Washington 98020 Attention: Jeff Treiber Gentlemen: SUBJECT: DRAINAGE PLAN FOR BOSCHOK S-38'-79 DATED 1-17-80 ;. The subject drainage plan needs to deal more explicitly with runoff directed toward the site from the area east of the site. Please provide: 1. Depiction of the drainage area on a topographic map and indicate acreage. 2. Computation of runoff from this drainage area. 3. Proposed method of handling this drainage, showing E. The method of handling the runoff shown in the calcu- 7 CITY OF ED MONDS HARVE H. HARRISON CIVIC CENTER • EDMONOS, WASHINGTON 98040 • (206) 775.2525 MAYOR DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS February 8, 1980 LI Lovell, Sauerland & Associates 23106 100th Avenue West Edmonds, Washington 98020 Attention: Jeff Treiber Gentlemen: SUBJECT: DRAINAGE PLAN FOR BOSCHOK S-38'-79 DATED 1-17-80 ;. The subject drainage plan needs to deal more explicitly with runoff directed toward the site from the area east of the site. Please provide: 1. Depiction of the drainage area on a topographic map and indicate acreage. 2. Computation of runoff from this drainage area. 3. Proposed method of handling this drainage, showing plans and details. The method of handling the runoff shown in the calcu- lations submitted is acceptable. If you have questions, please aontact Bob Franklin, 775-2525, extension 220. t `> Very truly yours,'• J S ADAMS, P.E. City Engineer, BF: jak i C C r CITY OF EDMONDS 1 1980 i RECORD OF SHORT SUBDIVISION This is to certify that the properties as shown on the attached map (Exhibit "A") and described as follows: See Exhibit "B" have been divided under the provisions of the Edmonds Subdivision Ordinance (Sec.12.10) File No. S-38-79 subject to the following conditions and requirements: 1. Exhibit "C" Hold Harmless Agreement 2. Turnaround required on Lot 2 with Building Permit application. 3. Connection to City Water and Sanitary seweage systems required with any new units. O 4. Excavation and grading to conform to Chapter 70 of the Uniform Building Code. 5. $300.00 In -lieu Park Lands fee required prior to recording. l 6. Site drainage shall be installed per approved subdivision drainage plan and shall be shown on drawings submitted for Building Permit application ALL REQUIREMENTS MUST BE MET AND IMPROVEMENTS MUST BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMITS. I/we certify that I/we are the legal owner(s) of the property described above. /we warrant that all representations are true and correct and understand that in the event of any misrepresentation or failure to comply with the conditions and regulations set forth herein, the City of Edmonds shall have the right to declare the subdivision void and record a statement to that effect in the Grantor -Grantee's Index in the office of i! the Snohomish Cpueityl4pcj15-2p 1' (D R SIGNED: CITY C:i ;;L? rTUNiOS By __14L pige Of DATED this day of <<;1J 4.._!J 19 yc') I. STATE OF WASHINGTON Y COUNTY OF SNOHOMISH ss: J On this day personally appeared before me L.ae� cand -f�L /� ,� 4 �� �- , to me known to be the individuals described in and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that"_ - Ed the same as ci_. 'e f.free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purp(olses gretin''mentioned. QQ :alr,, 'lrei4b} my hand and official seal this S day of L, cel ct�, 'A If Q oto Public i and for the State of 4Iashingtoi 'o,'•i; Z 5 'yc' ': residing at 446 `rr 8� 060197,VOL 166 - f � r . FILE NO. `S-38-79 p; EXHIBIT,, "C" , Owners, and all persons having any present or subsequent ownership interest in these lands, and the successors and assigns of owners or other parties having any said interest, hereby agree that the City of Edmonds shall be held harmless in all respects from any and all claims for damages for in- 4 junctive relief which may be occasioned now or in the future ' to adjacent land or improvements by reason of the construction, �. operation and maintenance of the drainage system and hereby` waive and release the City of Edmonds from any and all claims `. for damages, excluding damage caused solely by an act or s, omission of said City and injunctive relief which the owners, s or their successors or assigns, may themselves have now or in the future by reason of the construction, maintenance and operation of said drainage system.; j AUTHORIZED F OR. ` �E r t�CC p 'j) J1,TG C{ E 1AONDS f Ii i ��� k G Page �Of — i FILE COPY Pry - lee r, d CITY OF E ®M ®NDS HARVE H. HARRISON MAYOR ,M„R,sF 200 DAYTON ST. • EDMONDS, WASHINGTON 98020 • (206) 7752525 7. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS j November 10, 1980 Ms. Deena Jamison Realty World - The Real Estators G 7411 - 196th S.W. Lynnwood, Washington 98036' jDear Ms. Jamison: REFERENCE: LOT 2 BOSCHOK SUBDIVISION S-38-79 i The following are responses to your four questions regarding the above mentioned lot: c 1. Can one house be built while a property is being k ,. subdivided? ! Yes, one house can be built, but you should assure that there are sufficient setbacks from your proposed new lot lines. `. 2. What are the side yard setbacks? This property is zoned RS -8. The required setbacks are: Front yard - 25 feet Side yard - 7k feet Rear yard - 15 feet .4. On corner lots there can be two front yard setbacks;'. required. You should check with the Planning Division for determination of what constitues a front yard. 3. What is the size and location of water main? There is a 4 -inch water main on the west side of 81st Avenue West. Service to this property is through an easement on the property to the west. 4. Can this property be subdivided into two lots? I. Our records indicate there are 19,788 square feet in , this lot. The zoning requires 8,000 square feet per 6 lot. Therefore, it appears that there should be no f iq problem in dividing this lot into two lots. r a' r� x: Ms. Deena Jamison Page 2 n° November 10, 1980 m If you have any further questions, please call either our Planning Division at 775-2525, extension 227, or me at 775-2525, extension 220. Sincerely, �,P City Engineer { JEA/amm s I. I i- is �. A, f �' INTE,'°`-�,OFFICE COMMUNICATI"S t1 DATE re/ 19_ j TO ��� �i� FRDM .oma..., �—.—a epi For a good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby Q acknowledged, the Grantor, VICTOR A. BOSCHOK, a single man, owner of the following described property, situated in the County of Snohomish, State of Washington, to wit: The West 152.00 feet of Lot 20, East Edmonds Acres Division No. 2, according to plat thereof recorded in Volume 12 of Plats, page 66, records of Snohomish County, Washington. does hereby grant and convey unto HOFTO HOMES, INC., a Washington corporation, its heirs, successors, and assigns, owners of the following described pro- perty, situated in the County of Snohomish, State of Washington, to wit: Lot 20, East Edmonds Acres Division No. 2, according to plat thereof recorded in Volume 12 of Plats, page 66, records of Snohomish County, Washington. EXCEPT the West 152.00 feet thereof. a permanent easement for the installation, operation, and maintenance of a across, through and upon the following sanitary sewer pipeline, over, under, described property, situated in the County of Snohomish, State of Washington, to wit: The north 10 feet of the west 152 feet of Lot 20, East Edmonds Acres Division No. 2, according to the plat thereof recorded in i Volume 12 of Plats, on page 66, records of Snohomish County, Washington. When necessary to maintain, repair, clean or re -install the sanitary sewer pipeline, the beneficiaries of this easement shall have the right of entry for such purposes, provided that, when such entry is necessary, any such activity shall be performed in a workmanlike manner with all reasonable haste, and the premises shall be restored to its previous condition as soon as is reasonably possible, with all costs of such activity and/or restor- ation being borne by said beneficiaries. This easement shall.be a covenant running with the lands above described and shall be binding upon the parties hereto, their heirs, successors and assigns forever. In witness whereof we hereunto set our signatures and seals this 17 r day of 4f�e2JL , 1981, A.D. /7 f' V OR . OS STATE OF WASHINGTON) aqb��S �l ) SS. COUNTY OF -31"S) On this day personally appeared before me VICTOR A. BOSCHOK to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the within and foregoing instru- ment, and acknowledged that he signed the same as his free and voluntary act ed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. . T µ1981. u pr my hand and official seal this 17 day of Fkt L , Notary Pu is in and for a State of Washington, residing A I A-4 C) I 11 IR9 0 ori I I --I rri D z m n O D m Lill ;o 20 n nt zll r t