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Bjorbaick, Leif
From: Phil Frisk[phil.frisk@pwfarchitecture.com]
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2012 2:47 PM
To: Bjorback, Leif
Cc: JDAllison7@msn.com; 'John Hatton'; 'John Hatton'
Subject: Waterfront Park 307
Hi Leif -
Thanks for calling today and visiting the space. As we discussed, please mark on the
approved plans that we will reverse the swing of the door that leads to the exterior door at
the southeast corner of the Studio space. The door will be hinged on the south side of the
opening and swing into the Studio. And if you're able to reiterate to Engineering that there
are no structural changes or modifications to the exterior of the building then hopefully their
review will also be completed soon. Feel free to call or e-mail when I can pick up the permit.
Thanks for your help.
Phil Frisk
PWF Arch it tur
144 Railroad Avenue, Suite 307
Edmonds, Washington 98020
(206) 264.0770