2012-0790 Ardsley Homes SFR.pdf
City of Edmonds
(425) 771-0220
DATE: October 15, 2012
TO: Ardsley Homes, LLC
FROM: Chuck Miller, Plans Examiner
RE: Plan Check: 2012-0790
Project: Ardsley Homes SFR
Project Address: 21718 85 Place W
During a review of the plans for the above noted project, it was found that the following
information, clarifications or changes are needed. Please provide written responses as to where the
changes can be found on the plans, cloud all changes on the revised plans, and submit the revised
plans/documents to a Permit Coordinator. Thank you.
General Note:
The architectural and structural documents submitted represent a structure with the garage
on the south side, facing east. This is different than the site plan, where the garage is located on the
north side, facing east. It is anticipated that the structure will be constructed as oriented on the site
plan, with the flopped or reversed architectural/structural plans provided.
On page 3C:
1.Foundation Plan C/Main Floor Framing Plan C - Clarify the callouts for details 5/S1,
8/S-1, 9/S-1, and 12/S-3. Pages S1, S-1, and S-3 could not be found among the
construction documents submitted.
2.Provide the required isolated footing below Support 2 of Girder Truss 3 see also review
note 12.
On page 4C:
3.Main Floor Plan C Clarify the callouts for sections A/C1, B/C1, C/C1, D/C1,
E/C1, F/C1, and K/C2. Pages C1 and C2 could not be found among the
construction documents submitted.
4.Main Floor Plan C Stairway Change the code references as follows:
a.R311.5.3.2 to R311.7.4.2
b.R311.5.6 to R311.7.7
5.Main Floor Plan C Garage Change the code reference from R309.2 to R302.6.
6.Main Floor Plan C Clarify the callout for STHD14/14RJ holdowns at each end of the
SW-3 shear walls along braced wall line A at the Living Room. Per the manufacturer they
will not meet the tension load required per page 11 of the provided structural calculations.
7.Upper Floor Framing Plan C Clarify the callouts for details 4/S1, 1/S2, and 2/S2.
Pages S1 and S2 could not be found among the construction documents submitted.
8.Upper Floor Framing Plan C Provide a detail and a reference to it for the construction
required to complete the load path from the floor diaphragm to the SW2 shear wall below at
the back of the garage (floor framing perpendicular to the wall).
On page 5C:
9.Upper Floor Plan C Clarify the callouts for sections G/C2, H/C2, I/C2, and J/C2.
Page C2 could not be found among the construction documents submitted.
10.Upper Floor Plan C Identify the required braced wall panels along braced wall lines C,
1, and 3.
11.Upper Floor Plan C Clarify the difference between the location of the furnace indicated
and that shown on page E Upper Floor Electrical Plan C.
12.Upper Floor Plan C - Provide the required makeup air in the laundry room per
G2407.4/IMC 504.5. Louvered doors or openings/grilles into other spaces may be used to
meet the requirements. Other limitations may arise if a gas dryer is installed.
13.Upper Floor Plan C Stairway Change the code references as follows:
a.R311.7 to R312
b.R311.5.6 to R312
14.Upper Floor Plan C/Roof Framing Plan C Provide the required post below Support 2
at the east wall of the Master Bedroom Walk-In-Closet below Girder Truss 3 per page 21
of the provided beam/structural calculations for point loads also shown on the Main Floor
Plan C/Upper Floor Framing Plan C on page 4C.
15.Upper Floor Plan C/Roof Framing Plan C Provide the required post below Support 2
and Support 3 at the north and south walls of the Bedroom #4 below Hip-Master 4 per
page 23 of the provided beam/structural calculations for point loads.
16.Roof Framing Plan C - Clarify the callouts for details 1/S-1 and 2/S-1. Page S-1 could
not be found among the construction documents submitted.
On page E:
17.The 145-218 CFM whole house fan located in the laundry room meets the requirement (75
CFM) for continuous operation per Table M1508.2, and for intermittent operation per Table
M1508.3 if the operation time is 12 hours each day. If operated for less time, a larger fan
may be required.
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