2012-0827 Dereje AFH.pdf
City of Edmonds
(425) 771-0220
DATE: October 1, 2012
TO: Joe Jirak
Email: caddesign12@gmail.com
FROM: Leif Bjorback, Assistant Building Official
RE: Plan Check: 2012-0827
Project: Dereje Adult Family Home
Project Address: 21807 76 Pl W
During review of the plans for the above noted project, it was found that the following information,
clarifications or changes are needed. Please provide written responses as to where the changes can
be found on the plans, and submit revised plans/documents to a permit coordinator.
1.Indicate safety glazing at the window adjacent to the double doors, as well as the glazing
within the double doors.
2.On the energy worksheet the window U value is stated as 0.32 maximum. Please show this
on the plans.
3.If the Utility room is to be unconditioned, R15 insulation is required in the walls, not R13 as
shown. Also, the door to the hall will need to be weatherstripped.
4.Please note how heat will be provided to the new space.
5.Provide a complete description of the whole house ventilation system on the plans. It
appears that the option described in M1508.4 will be used.
a.For a continuously operating whole house fan, a minimum of 90 CFM is required.
See Table M1508.2
b.Whole house exhaust fans that operate intermittently are to be sized per the equation
in M1508.3.
c.Note the maximum sone rating for the whole house fan is 1.0. M1508.4.2
6.Provide minimum 100 square inches of makeup air to the Utility room. If the room is
unconditioned the air must come from outdoors. G2439.4
7.Show on the plans the designation of each sleeping room, whether S, NS1 or NS2 per
WABO checklist.
8.Provide details, or more thorough descriptions, for grab bars at the shower, tub and toilets to
show compliance with the standards listed on the WABO checklist.